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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. How could Matt Damon think that movie was a good idea. These Bell commercials are getting disturbing especially sine they not even here yet right?
  2. Should make him coach. Ehlers still leading team in embellishment penalties?
  3. Wheeler trying. So is Copp and....maybe Armia/Matthias. Then Little pots one. Dubnyk is human.
  4. Its 3-0, they'll pull Pav then Helle can give up the other 5. No pull?
  5. Minn a killer team this year. I thought tonights game be 8-0 based on Wheelers speech.
  6. Sean Spicer's WHOIS data is public for everyone to see. http://mashable.com/2017/02/07/sean-spicer-who-is
  7. So if Batman was in the Marvel U he'd be Iron Fist?
  8. Appealing to the cottage people ended a long time ago when they discovered people actually like going to a Saturday night game and I for one(non- cottage owner) appreciated it. Death to the Czar's!
  9. Whats that injury clause people keep bringing up?
  10. PaMa said Myers out 6-8 weeks following surgery yesterday. So that begs the question did he have surgery after he got injured or SHOULD HE have had surgery when he got injured. Sounds like the latter.
  11. I heard a Blake Wheeler quote this morning. Really good if you can find it. Sounds like the Jets will try really hard tonight. There fore Wild blowout.
  12. http://viralpedia.net/artricles/photo-of-towel-rack-goes-viral-after-viewers-notice-shadow-with-hilariously-familiar-resemblance/
  13. Only 76. Missing Adnan Al-Kaissie and the High Flyers. AWA Saturdays at 6? Was not one of the High Flyers in the Oly's? I guess it was Brad Rheingans.
  14. Bishop the only one i would want but I doubt Jets go after goalie. It's not their style unlike VAN, CAL, TOR....
  15. Yeah 12 years. Hopefully this was a test cast for a possible murder trial which I think they would win based on the snippets I heard the judge say.
  16. Too little of the Bakken in Manitoba to make a diff.
  17. Cheer up Atlanta, at least you can still riot.
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