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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. Defintely an anti-Mo feeling on TSN yesterday but people like Lawless willing to give him a pass too,
  2. kelownabomberfan hoping for a Syrian?
  3. I missed this story about a Walking Dead actor on the show. https://us.yahoo.com/style/why-tiny-detail-convinced-major-203346339.html
  4. Thought both 1st movies were about equal. The difference is Raimi's 2nd was great and Garfields was bad.
  5. Still do. 62 yard fg? ****** ****** ******!
  6. Horrible casting IMHO other then Spacey but then they ruined spacey but having comedy sidekick fem like 78 Superman. Handing the keys to the director of 300 and The Watchmen did not seem so bad at the time and I liked MoS.
  7. I'd flip Copp/Matthias. Laine has said he prefers LW.
  8. Dont remember it being brought up here but Lightning assistant coach Rick Bowness now owns the record of most games as coach/ass't coach in the NHL and it all started here in Winnipeg in the 80s.
  9. http://www.sbnation.com/nhl/2017/2/12/14593898/burrows-falk-sabres-hit-canucks-lehner-goalie?yptr=yahoo
  10. “Mo Must Go” chants were heard towards the end of a brutal 2-1 loss to the Jets on Friday.
  11. Thought he was younger but he's gonna be 27 in a couple of weeks.
  12. Any one watching Hutch this season realizes he is our 3rd best goalie. He'll be lucky to play one more game this year. Now that's a stat!
  13. The only support he got in the peg from was from drug dealers, bartenders, Stuart & Schief. Fool me once... Afaic he owes us a free one. Besides we already have a guy with the same totals...Perreault.
  14. Is there a part of the team that is not a problem? Are we not leading the league in players with 40+ points? Remember when we thought it was crazy EDM traded an offensive forward for a defensive dman?
  15. http://www.tmz.com/2017/02/12/al-jarreau-dead-at-76/
  16. If you got the grades you go NCAA/scholarship. If you got the money but not the talent you go CIS. If you dont need the learnin you go CHL. The union is coming CHL now how they gonna handle it. Have to wait for the courts decision. Opening the books should be fun as hell.
  17. I choose to blame it all on the uncertainty of the expansion draft and Pav being sent down. 2020 Hockey News prediction is not gone yet.
  18. Well he's out a week they said so earliest would be next Sat? What would be funny was if they played him in Pitts.
  19. I almost choked when i heard the tv colour guy talk about how great Charlie Huddy for the Jets and i believe this was after they showed the fx that we've given up the most goals in the league. Peten, Perreault on the powerplay is questionable.
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