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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. http://www.ibtimes.com/uranus-opens-closes-every-day-let-out-planets-solar-wind-study-finds-2558234
  2. Let's see how long the marriage lasts for now.
  3. Okay, it's Bruce Willis and we all know know Bruce only does crap now but Eli Roth is directing so it should be gloriously bad.
  4. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20170801-the-ghostly-radio-station-that-no-one-claims-to-run
  5. http://ew.com/tv/2017/08/03/jason-isaacs-star-trek-catchphrase/
  6. Blame GDT for reboot. As for Bond, you'd think it would continue with the Spectre storyline some how.
  7. In the future all MBB users will have access to the Do-Or-Die Knowledgebase.
  8. Here's what will happen...the New Order(?) will be defeated. It's like ep6, we know how its going to end.
  9. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/olympic-stadium-houses-asylum-seekers-1.4231808?cmp=rss http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2017/08/02/moderate-heavy-drinking-dementia-mental-health-study/
  10. Well they hired J. World director in a panic. Disclosure I have not seen JW but i dont remember it getting glowing reviews.
  11. Yeah pretty much giving them away. Not much infrastructure needed for either city i'd imagine.
  12. Not many cities can afford it anymore. The LAMC lives to see another one 44 years later.
  13. Pizza & Pasta Della Piazza? Can't beat a Supreme large from the Hut on a Thursday for $11.3 all in.
  14. Sam was well respected for not much work.
  15. Can the background image on the twitter links, which is the same as the website background be removed. makes it overly busy. Also if the web page is totally removed is this the background image?
  16. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/hockey/nhl/newsalert-former-quebec-nordiques-gm-maurice-filion-dies-at-85---437377193.html
  17. I thought i saw the ball touched by an MTL player as he was going out of bounds. He was in the air so technically not out of bounds until he landed.
  18. Lost in it all...part 2 Medlock not have good game and we still won.
  19. http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/news/a27511/russia-drone-thermite-grenade-ukraine-ammo/ Ukraine in NATO are they not?
  20. Strange i thought he was skinnier in TDKR. ScarJo was preggers in Avengers 2 but had double/cgi. Superman with stache sounds cool, isn't he a villian in JL?
  21. There is no i in team but there is in goalie. Pretty sure he led league in being pulled. Problem or not?
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