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  2. It’s just marketing. lol. cuz honestly I have no idea. No idea what O’Shea actually does either
  3. you sir are headed for the diplomatic dept.......
  4. Short answer. No. would I as a fan liked to see Zach and the 1’s for a series or 2 ? Sure. But pre season isn’t about winning. It’s about the rooks getting a chance. The rookie D did damn fine against Calgary starters. Our rookie o didn’t do so well against the Calgary starters and backups. The oline they put out meant no Zach. And after watching Wilson being Given 2 seconds to throw the ball and get smacked, this fan is glad we didn’t play the 1’s.
  5. It’s a hot turd. What does FIFO even mean? Willie Jefferson is one of the biggest trash talkers in the world. Kenny Lawler loves to celebrate 3 yard catches and drink behind the steering wheel. Are they also not allowed in this club? Is Myron Mitchell not allowed because of the colour of his shoes? What if the reason he gives is because he’s financially responsible and didn’t want to buy blue shoes until he made the team? Does that allow him back in the club?
  6. Love the FIFO and love Mike's complaining... They are both right and both enjoyable.
  7. for sure like the 'Don' Quixote and his pals (wait a minute ....this ain't football)
  8. ...the ol squeaky wheel trick.....someone noticed😉
  9. What kind of take is this? god I hate the FIFO movement
  10. Mitchell don’t come across as FIFO tho. Mr bright shoes number zero yapping after 2 yd gains. But maybe that’s what they like. I mean for the 5th receiver, don’t think you need the next dalton Schoen either tho. Maybe Mitchell is a grade A blocker like sheed was.
  11. He seems like he’s a smart QB. Like he gets the CFL. In pre season 1 it looked like it slowed down for him. In 2. Not so much but not lots of help either. Not sure these guys were actually put in the best position to succeed honestly.
  12. I don't know how to do percentages. But I'm pretty good at word problems. If we divide our pizza into ten slices, four slices are on the team, one slice is on the practice roster, one is on the suspended list, and four slices were eaten by your friends.
  13. To get to Stoddard standard , he's going to have to turn himself into Mr. Dependable.....big shoes
  14. Hopefully wheatfal can be half the receiver 88 Jamie Stoddard was.
  15. yeah.... to be fair you really can't judge his game properly until he's behind max protection....Certainly looks like he's got talent
  16. And 1 back to school right. The long snapper. also who the **** is Michael Griffin.
  17. 4 - OL Gabe Wallace, WR Kevens Clercius, RB/FB Michael Chris-Ike, DL Kyle Samson. That's all four second round picks. DE Owen Hubert made the practice roster. He was our 8th round pick . They also put Ian Leroux on the suspended list as he is going back to school. He is probably our next long snapper after Benson retires.
  18. He was playing behind a pretty bad Oline and wasn’t getting much time. I like what Wilson brings as a QB. Would have liked to see him behind the starting Oline for a series or 2 tho. For a guy new to the cfl playing behind cuts, he stood in there and took what was given to him. Don’t think he had time to throw the ball more than 10 yards tho.
  19. Our season-ticket holders and other fans would actually like to see some battles going on and a certain amount of competitiveness. They're the ones who pay the money. I don't buy that you just throw out all the vets and let the rookies stand there in their underwear. To evaluate a player you need some degree of game -like conditions and we had none. We might as well have watched them do drills; that would have been more fun. We should've at least tried to put out enough skilled players to give us a distant open of winning. Anything less is fan abuse. It's totally selfish with disdain for the paying customer. It's also a team spirit killer. If were going to do this kind of thing in a preseason game, we would be better off to kill the entire preseason and do something else instead. I can think of lots of ideas. We have a president and the general manager that are capable of thinking and enjoyment. What we did Friday night prevented any notion of personality evaluation. You can evaluate nothing when you are shooting fish in a barrel. There is no sense of harmony or team. You cannot see the subtleties of what real talent can do in a noncompetitive situation. Don't you think?
  20. yup.....Wilson to Wilson and the Wilson that was throwing thought our receivers were disguised as turf on more than one occasion.....I hope he fixes that and grounds himself properly
  21. Ya funny that...we only have been to what 4 straight Grey Cups?
  22. How many of this years draft picks made the club?
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