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Everything posted by USABomberfan

  1. Montreal's defense must be bad on another level because this Edmonton offense is just putrid tonight. Bellefeuille level putrid. Yes we will whoop them if they keep stinking it up.
  2. Jason Maas will not last after this season if this keeps up. No control over the animal house.
  3. Well if they commit penalties like that, very well could be. But we may not need to if Harris keeps sucking with his throws.
  4. Man, I know T. Harris can be wildly inconsistent at times, but damn, being a bigger stinko than Fajardo thus far tonight.
  5. I was kind of wondering if he shouldn't have been made to come out for a play to get checked for a concussion. Dangerous stuff there. Plus, the way the Esks are coming for him tonight, that won't be the only one.
  6. Wonder if the RedBlacks offensive starters are going to be the most expensive next week?
  7. So they broke the bank on Duron for nothing you're saying?
  8. So then EDM's defense is royally screwed then
  9. He came down with a few where Marshall was right in his hip pocket though. Hence Craig Dickenson getting a little befuddled.
  10. Perhaps also a byproduct of playing under Richie Hall
  11. Will this be another 40-point range shootout tonight like last night? Could have the makings of it unless Claybrooks tightens the screws on Harris. What I need tonight is ... A Lions win to get back in the leader board in pickems and ... Kenny Stafford to score a TD for Edmonton to keep me from getting 2 strikes in the Lock of the Week contest
  12. This, at least the man doesn't try to bend or break the rules with the roster ratio the way his predecessor did, and he certainly is much less toxic in his attitude towards the players. But I don't think he has quite the IT factor that O'Shea has or the scheming ingenuity that his brother in Calgary does. As to feeling like we won the Grey Cup ... Well I'm not ever going to get that feeling until the job's done. Too much football left to play. BUT ... If there was a year where the path looked just right to get it, this would be it.
  13. I also think the Ottawa DBs coach is doing something wrong cuz I was watching the replay and saw several series where it looked like Randle was very off the page between him and his safety.
  14. Well, can definitely say nobody saw a shootout coming in this one. Even bigger news, Dominique Davis 17-22 for 229 yds and 3 TDs. Where did he suddenly learn how to QB at?
  15. Unless that receiver is Ryan quit route Lankford
  16. IPUgh, little frustrating to already be on bye at only week 2, but here we go. It will be Fajardo starting tonight they say, albeit if Dickenson has subscribed to his old boss Chris Jones's way of doing things, Harker will be on the field if he doesn't get enough consistency going. Hard to say who's got the bigger test of fire in this one. For SSK, question could be whether or not they're better or worse off not having Collaros run the offense given some of his dwindling level of play. Gonna have a better idea of what their current backups look like tonight. For Ottawa, well yes they did what they had to do last week to get the win, but can't help but feel they got a lot of luck from CGY beating themselves as well. Gonna have a bigger challenge against the SSK defense tonight for sure. Gonna be a revealer of which team is who we thought they were
  17. This. If Montreal picks the right guy, that guy will realize that the Als firing of head coaches must stop if they're going to become top in the East again, and if Khari shows well such as winning 7 games or more, he'll take a don't fix what ain't broke way. But even if they don't win 7 or more, he should still be kept.
  18. Well, bad is bad period, and only thing looking back on those days whether it was Reinbold, Daley, Kelly or Burke is make me happy someone finally wised up, brought in Wade Miller and set the rest of the change in motion. I know nobody likes rebuilds that take longer than overnight, but if seeing them through means we can expect to be a winning team every subsequent year, then I'll do it every time. On that note, man I sure hope Montreal is taking notes. They have absolutely gotta kick Kavis and keep Khari. Mr Reed may have given Khari his HC job, but I don't trust that conniving back stabber. Give Khari a real GM who will load his arsenal up and he will actually be able to get Montreal back to greatness.
  19. I already got one strike against me, but I'll go head and give it a shot for this week. WR Kenny Stafford
  20. Well, I could be heading for 0-3 this week, but just got a gut feeling I made the right picks. Got SSK over OTT because I just can't trust the guy who throws 4 picks in a game Edmonton and BC is a real tossup that could go either way, but I just feel Reilly's going to spoil the party here I'm really taking a reach here, but I'm going to call the Argos over the TiCats. Time for Franklin to show the money or go home.
  21. So long as Lapolice keeps calling the play action like he did Saturday night and doesn't get in the way of this.
  22. Well, more like it's just what I like to call a balanced attack, plus Lapolice likes working those draw plays in to sort of function like a short pass.
  23. Tell that to the Tiger Cat fans. As I said, most of us condemned SL and even Jeffcoat (to some extent) last year.
  24. The one Pipkin took where he got both horse collared and facemasked was kinda flagrant. I don't know if I'd call it as bad as SL's or if you tack a fine for that one though. The one on Nichols I think it was possibly could have drawn a flag for the defender pile driving or putting a bit too much weight on him. But it certainly wasn't a suspension or fineable offense in my books. But all that to say we definitely are better than TiCats fans because nobody on this forum defended Jackson Jeffcoat when he roughed up Brandon Bridge the way he did.
  25. While I don't know about 6 games, I think one or two games susp plus a fine is fair enough. But your continually bringing up Collaros's injury history in an attempt to minimize Lawrence's actions is way off base. A cheap shot is a cheap shot either way you dice it up. I mean, I don't always agree with the league's definition of a high hit or flags that get thrown on QB sacks. But there's a reason why those flags are thrown regardless of what size the QB is or the impact of the hit. If you want to debate whether or when the league should tell a player to hang it up because they've had too many concussions, fine. I think that's legitimate. But the rules are clearly defined as to which hits are legal and which are not, and Lawrence's was illegal. /Of debate.
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