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Everything posted by USABomberfan

  1. I wonder how much of that comes out of Rod Black's salary?
  2. I figured people would probably just pick TO to spite SSK even if it meant throwing a pick away. But I just can't fool myself. Can the double blue learn how to tackle in just 9 days? They'd better hope so, or William Powell will run all over them and get 300 plus all purpose yards.
  3. Well if he's matched up on Darvin, or even better a returned Chris Matthews, I expect Lapo/Nichols to test him. But first, gotta get the run and play action going.
  4. This, a fan culture always predates the arrival of players, coaches and GMs. Just that it's more visible when their team is winning, or at least the arrogance factor that is.
  5. Well, at least I know who one of the three crazy gamblers in Rich's pickem thread was
  6. What a stinky week this last week was. Anyway ... Iooks like this week the general consensus will be that all the home teams win.
  7. Here's a few more thoughts coming into this game. It's a long season I know, and as always you have to get hot at the right time, and we got a ton of football to go before anything is decided. BUT .... 1. I really feel like this game is potentially our platform game to make a run for the west title. We win this game, we'll be one up already on the Esks who so far seem like the only contender in the West, although I suppose I can't ever count the Stamps out. But still ... the cards certainly appear to be stacking that way. 2. We need to take it cuz the boat men have zero ... zilch ... nada chance of winning in Regina 3. If we can do it, I like the way our schedule is setup heading into August, which will be when the race for the West heats up 100 degrees hotter. We don't play another West team until Aug 8 against the Stamps. Next few games will be the RedBlacks twice, Argos twice and TiCats once. The RedBlacks' luck is going to run out, oh yes it's going run out and I'm willing to bet the house it will happen in either TD Place or IGF. Either way, their first loss will come against us, book it. No reason why we shouldn't sweep Toronto. Only game that has me worried is July 26 in THF. That one I'd probably have to pencil in as an L just given our recent struggles with the black and gold. But I say, let's get this win Thursday so that we'll be 6-1, or 5-2 minimum once the West War gets cranked up in August. That ... Is where the real fun begins.
  8. https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/06/23/im-ready-go-back-full-speed-matthews-itching-game-time/
  9. OK you plagiarist, not a bad start but I'm going to one up it and hit the jackpot 1. Us Bomber fans don't give props to the Riders, nor our we in the business of giving them pointers. But I'll tip my hat to Fajardo, not bad. The defense we heard so much about ... Not so much. 2. Dominique Davis says screw numbers. All that matters are W's and L's, which at the moment are 2 and 0 3. Not how you start, but how you finish says T. Harris in Edmonton. And a clean pocket for the QB matters. 4. Devon Claybrooks ... You got some learning to do. Rookie coaches make mistakes, but here's a few pointers. Might want to mention something about run plays, screens, draws, RPOs, misdirections, end arounds or a little something something to your boy Jairius, I mean, gotta look out for MR700k now. 5. No Tasker, no problem in Steel town. But Masoli had better like challenges because they are coming. 6. Toronto ... We have a problem ... No make that catastrophic chaos to end all chaos in the league. Franklin the ultimate successor to Ray .... Not so much, and Captain excuse making Corey must be thrown overboard off the ship as the players have sent the message they give him no effort and hate his guts for dividing the house against each other, and he is 100℅ at fault for all the **** on the field and has blamed everyone but himself. Disgraceful!!
  10. The lion's share of the blame definitely goes to the coaches, very stupid people they are. But unfortunately, Franklin can't be absolved of his portion of the blame either. Seems to get a bit too rattled lately even to a point of missing routine throws. He's certainly not in the best of situations, but as the chosen one in FA signings last year, that's part of your job is to turn a lower level less competitive team into a contender. Thus far, I just haven't seen that from Franklin.
  11. Nichols style is usually either getting rid of the ball quick or ... As mentioned earlier using Harris in the draw play to get the heat off him. Some QBs know how to do it without being super mobile, just like AC and Ray in their primes weren't mobile.
  12. Unless that means Jim Barker comes back
  13. Oh it definitely is more embarrassing and disgraceful to have happened in BMO on the day Rick Ray was honored. But just suddenly thought of that though and was like oh wow, lol.
  14. Ironically enough it was the TiCats who had this done to them just two years ago. The 55-1 drubbing in Calgary
  15. No, he is ****ing on the TV screens of CFL viewers around the world. Sorry, but I call a spade a spade
  16. I wonder if any HC has ever been fired after game 1 of the regular season?
  17. Chamblin too though. He rode Durant's coattails to his GC win as a coach but has been garbage since. He should be fired along with Chapdeleine immediately. This isn't just bad, it's ridiculous on another level.
  18. That was a new one for me. How anyone could defend these Argo coaches after seeing that would be beyond me. They have lost their mind. I feel bad for Franklin.
  19. Nope, Chamblin is still the loser he was when he got booted from Regina.
  20. 2nd half and his defense got shredded again. As Mark said ... Horrible tackling. Hell no I ain't gonna give Chamblin a break.
  21. Going back to my first post, this result is why I didn't like the Chamblin hire in Toronto. Players may have a few growing pains on offense, but this team as a whole just seems to have no fight right now period. Either way you dice it up, it's damning on the HC.
  22. This Franklin to Walker combo that TSN discussed is non-existent. Course not like he's entirely getting it in to scan the field. But man ... I mean, I get it that you try and be patient with young QBs, but this can't keep up. Sorry but ... looking more and more like he's not quite the replacement for Ray that Jim Popp thought he'd be.
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