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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Whoah......now that's a look....Bighill saying...stick with me guys...win this next one and I'll have you guys fartin' through velvet in a BIG way........what a character
  2. Through his bitter tears....Wonder he could get anything out after that collapse and praying to the turf gawds
  3. How do we know what Jefferson said when he bent over Faj.....maybe it went something like this...'Geez..maybe you should get your stadium people to move those posts to the back of the end zone...seeya/'............................After Faj insulted Collaros...I hope that's what Jeff said
  4. Winning fixes a lot of things....We will have to beat a pretty good team to finish where this team hasn't done for 29 yrs....Hate to bring up the drought thing but it's a fact....longest one in the league...So can we get it done....I say yes sir....Every player on this club will elevate their game, like they have, since starting the post season...If we're touted as being the under dawgs...I like that because it drives players all the harder and we need to do that...The prize awaits for our guys...this drought is gonna end...and we're going to hoist that Earl GREY CUP...BIN A LOOOOONG TIME coming for the patient faithful fans of this club ...Hows that for positivity
  5. Played Calgary in Cal. in the cold to advance....I don't know how Evans plays in that type of weather but if he plays the same as Bo did when we won the semi.....hmmmmmmm...I hope it's very cooooold...The weather in Calgary could play an important part...
  6. We definitely don't get any respect from some of the refs. in this league...Obvious bias bull$hit in that game for sure...I don't know why that is other than they're considered 'rider faves' in their own barn particularly...It happened a couple of times in the Labour Day game as well...even to the point one ref. was just beside himself announcing a first down for them with the voice of a rider fan....The league better look into this crap..They're not untouchable at Mosaic...or is it some refs look at them as the 'bread and butter' team of the league...That better end
  7. The supposed muscle strain in his back forced that ball squarely into the upright...Couldn't have ended in a better way...That goal post deserves the chain ....Faj...the goat horns....
  8. Zach is giving it a 110 percent..I can't get over the fact about how the team has accepted him right off the bat...I think usually most teams would have a little trouble with a player coming in that late in the season not to mention him being unfamiliar with the way we do things...He fits right in like he's been playing here since day 1....Going to be a tough call about keeping him around....especially if we win the Cup
  9. For sure....BUT where the hell was that phony chain...one of them must have choked on it behind the rider bench
  10. The refs. need a talking to....How the hell does a db get to smack Darvin in the face ...not once but twice right in front of him....Riders seem to get a lot of leniency ..especially in their own barn but that was just crap...AND I still think Fatardo was over the line of scrimmage when he threw that ball to Roosevelt.... It was challenged but another b.s. call in their favour ...In the end I guess it all panned out, and the football gods made sure the goal post was in the way on that last chuck...Guess Faj didn't pray hard enough...Right team won...and now one more to take care of...Man...could this really happen for us....
  11. on the win....YA DAMN RIGHT...finally this team has found itself and the CUP is looking like a very good possibility...KUDOS to the whole club....especially the D when it mattered most
  12. Grew up with this guy in West Kildonan...school kids...and those blowing winter days will linger forever in my mind...They grow us tough in Wpg...a school walk in minus 40 can do that to ya...Good song by Randy...GOBIGBLUE...END THIS BLOODY DROUGHT
  13. ........BOOOM.....AND if you want you sit on my lawn bring your own chair....kidding aside...the print thing sure gets to be a bugger when the ol peepers start to dim...appreciate the lift
  14. To avoid Great White shark attack.........move to Regina, Saskatchewan.....only real positive I can come up with...That city looks real good in the rear view mirror of your car
  15. Don't believe anything coming out of saskabush....Prepare for all three and we have it covered
  16. were these the guys that were working on the Arc
  17. In my day as a db...the coach said 'stickem...AND STICKEM HARD.....
  18. Are you Danny Gallivan.............lol lol
  19. Seems too long to give this guy credit....He was one helluva ballplayer in his day....He had that Streveler determination and drive...You never wanted to arm tackle Reed...if you did you might have had to wear a sling for awhile
  20. couldn't tell if he was over protecting the ball when he ran ..In any case he didn't cough it up so his paw must be alright....not great ...but alright
  21. NEVER...never underestimate your opponent.....We have to file this win AGAINST cAL Pulled muscles in your back can be a real bugger....You think that you can do what you usually do...you baby the area...but when you ask the back to perform a little out of the ordinary...sometimes just a bit ...it can double you over...Fajardo is in a binder... IF they're not putting us all on they are in a deep pile of doo doo
  22. Just look at the guy on the field...He is the embodiment of a determined winner...'Put me in coach and I'll get it done' kind of guy....Streveler brings that intangible also that every team is looking for...worth his weight in gold to a team...He'll go to the wall for his team mates and they for him....It's just too bad he is nic'd right now but deep down I think that drives the guy to take his game even higher...I don't know of one team in this league that has the kind of drive he has (okay maybe Reilly on the left coast)..Lucky to have him.....having both of those guys....UNSTOPPABLE
  23. And that is why we will take a serious look at another qb. in fa. and run a tandem...be it Collaros,Masoli, or Arbuckle...I can't see Nichols as part of the equation next year...he'll likely go east
  24. AND IF he takes us all the way and wins a Cup....Going to be hard to say adios....see ya... and just give him a glad hand for his service...This is when gm's earn their dough
  25. From the little I've seen of McGuire...I tend to agree and he has impressed....We kept him over Bennett for a reason... We don't even know for sure what we have here...Masoli will most likely want to stay east...Arbuckle will go where the money is....How much are we willing to spend once we re-up Streveler??
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