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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Was Longhorn actually Migs....Oh well that explains the irrationality ...Guess I need to hone up on posters who are a little light in the loafers...Got to turn my computer viral detection up and filter the likes of him out. So long Longhorn
  2. And your manager has all of the insight regarding your flooded out stadium....LOL...If it wasn't newsworthy nobody would have reported it....See the smoke...I bet there's fire...heh heh....Really doesn't matter the extent of the damage in any event...I can recall all of the hoopla in Saskabush when we had a water problem.....sometimes karma's a bit%h...Looks good on ya
  3. Let's see....40.68% of forum fans believe Hall should have been eased out of the door by now????hmmmmm....Guess O'Shea doesn't see it the way we do...What is he seeing in Hall and Hurl that we don't?...Is he that blinded by loyalty that he can't make a decision regarding these guys...Maybe someone else will have to...Hello Wade....None of our defensive fa's re-signed...Don't like the looks of that.
  4. 15 k....what a load of bull$hit....Of course you have to minimize it and paper it over....Cripes the dressing room carpet alone is a hulluva lot more than that...But continue on in your little world of make believe...Methinks you're full of it.
  5. Well well...(I know deep subject)...the big mouths over there in riderland have cold water all over their face on this one...It's going to be a big fix-up after this pipe let go....Funny how their dream stadium has hit a nightmare curve...Looks good on them after all of the disparaging remarks about our digs...Rider fans remind of the little skunk who peed into the wind , then said when he got a face full,..'it all comes back to me now'
  6. Well if they're not Richardson's words....they're somebody's and that person better give their head a shake.
  7. Trent better look up the meaning of 'dominating'....lol...Is he trying to pass off Andrew's stats as his...cuz that was dominating ....Richardson's....not so much...
  8. Good to hear....It sure would be easier and great for us though if he was at home and doing his thing
  9. .......You have to wonder when Gray's education will figure in where he plays....That continuation is most likely here at the U.of M....I remember reading an article he wants to pursue it and makes it a priority...He could easily play at home and further his career after football BUT I know it's hard to pass on the money he can make in the states right now...I think we'll have to wait on him for a fair bit yet.
  10. Understandings and signed contracts are horses of a dif. colour...you know that Bluto...It appears to be a done deal,I'll agree but this is the CFL and strange things occur...Never count a horse until you have him in the barn...We did that one time with a guy by the name of Kari Kari years ago and a signed faxed contract that went sideways...I know Franklin is no hairy Kari but until the signed contract is registered there's still a lot in play...I would say Franklin will 'most likely' be an Argo with, let's say , an asterisk beside the name
  11. Good to see Franklin heading east IF he signs with the Argo's...I definitely approve of him in double blue than in green and white....Collaros will be the new 'talk of the clown' in riderland now, as their 2 year talk for obtaining Franklin has crashed and burned...lol... They must just hate Popp and company....I luv it.
  12. Nasty little guy in the middle who is very experienced....Was injured all of last year but should have recovered completely by now..Sounds good unless we can make a deal for Solo in B.C.lol
  13. Is he still here................................................................................
  14. Yup....go out a winner Rick....I think you've taken enough pounding over the years and like Henry I think you know it's time.
  15. Why are some disappointed in a guy like Claybrooks advancing.....It's the same for players heading down south...it's a bloody advancement and with more pay...Upset cuz he might move on...lol...If you think about it he would be going to a dumpster fire in Mont. AND weakening a top flight rival...He does put together one heck of a defence that would leave Cal. in a binder....What the hell do we care if they can't replace him...unless of course you're a stumps fan.
  16. So it's 'sounds' like we could be/are satisfied with the current dc....Not the feeling I get from a lot of my friends and other fans....BUT we'll wait and see....have no other choice really until we hear from Walters or O'Shea...I believe a one and done team in the playoffs won't be leaving us complacent and I expect change...Will that occur at the defensive coordinator's position.....that is the million dollar question
  17. Oh????...I think there very much is dissatisfaction with Halls results the past 2 years...Your second line is truly benign....How do you know there's nobody better than Hall at this time...we haven't even made an attempt tp look, as far as I know....which brings me to once again ask... which direction are we headed in this regard.
  18. Why would he leave????because he's tired of taking a good D to the Cup and failing...lol...How the hell should I know why coaches choose to move on...Money....better shot at a Cup or advancement....probably a few of the reasons...Things are going to change in Cal. ...maybe he wants to be part of the movement....Anyway....You didn't give a good reason why Hall should be retained which would be the other side of the argument....unless you clearly see that a change is not warranted
  19. I know a lot of fans aren't sold on Thorpe....and I don't want to bring someone in here just for the sake of change....he has to be better than what we have currently...Is Thorpe better?....seems to me he's more forward thinking than Ritchie's style of bend but don't break baloney, that broke more than bent...In fact I think we can do better than Hall...definitely... As a 'way out there move',wave some coin in front of Claybrook's nose with an added handle...try something.
  20. So coaching positions and a management job in B.C. / Mont./Ottawa are being discussed, action taken, and in B.C. 's case already settled ,while we appear to be dithering once again...Why is it that we seem to be slow off the mark in a lot of cases...Seems odd UNLESS the defensive coordinator's job is not up for discussion by the Bomber brain trust and there'll be no need for change....AND if that's the case we'll most likely see the same bull$hit we put up with this year....Sorry...that ain't good enough and until we hear or at least a suggestion that Hall's tenure here is done, I guess we remain status quo....Maybe it's a little early but you would think we would have heard some murmurs that a move was being made ...??? I along with others would like to know what our situation will be for 18'
  21. Demski is up for grabs....I think he would be a nice fit here but it might be at the expense of JFG or Coates who I really like....Going to be some tough decisions for Kyle and I think it eventually will come down to dollars like it usually does..
  22. Do I have any empathy for the stumps....NONE....They have been on the top rung in the west division for far too long...They are a well oiled...well coached and managed team that manages to steal defeat from the jaws of victory....Blaming field conditions on their latest Cup failure is a laugher...BOTH teams had to play in that weather and you can't use it as an excuse.. Blowing it on their final offensive play falls to who called that play and their all star quarterback...Did the Argos' get that famous 'bounce'?...For sure on a couple of occasions but like the ol saying...sometimes you make your own breaks...I see the stamps making a couple of major changes for 18' and they will definitely be falling back in the pack...It's going to be a dog fight in our division next year AND IF we can secure the right pieces...I'm predicting right now we'll be vying for that top rung and could possibly be top dog in the west ...and it's about time
  23. And or making a trade to better ourselves...Very reluctant we are....We might have to look at it IF we can't get a middle linebacker in here who is worth a salt...It sure makes me drool when I see guys like Solly in B.C. or even that little guy in Edm., Sherritt play the position the way it's supposed to be played...I don't like giving up assets BUT IF we could land a stud for the middle our D line becomes one of ,if not best in the league with the talent we already have.
  24. Here's a little reminder for you blue gold 44 Dumb logic..... if you're referring to my intelligence level....I'll take you on in an IQ test any day Shitty perspective.....My perspective is not any less than your take and I'm totally entitled to mine Flapping your proverbial gums.....sounds like you've been doing a lot of jaw flapping yourself I could go on a verbal rant and dump all over you but that would be playing your game and I don't roll that way And if calling you out on your insulting diatribe is viewed as 'not having a thick skin'...then you're way off base..I don't take insults from anyone...get it Look ...we're both Bomber fans ...You have your view I have mine.....All a moot point cuz Muamba isn't an fa...Time to move on
  25. Checked the Sask. website on fa's....Muamba is not on it....Did some crap disturber con us into a b.s. argument...lol It's all moot, and we've been had... Now regarding MULUMBA....IF we make him a solid offer, I don't see any reason...other than retirement, that he wouldn't accept...I hope we go after him hard and make a pretty decent defensive line that much better..(Hurl excluded)...Get it done Kyle.
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