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Posts posted by Shanks

  1. Ok. So after reading these posts I have two questions.


    Some say a preseason is like watching practice. Well, I live 900 miles away from practice so even though practice may be boring to some I, me, I want to see as much of the Bombers as I can see.


    Secondly, for the life of me I can't find who in hell has the broadcast rights to the CFL this year and the calendar with the game dates, times and who is broadcasting.


    And finally yes I will be listening to Bob Irving on 'OB. I always sync the TV and Irving's play by play.


    If someone could answer these questions I'd appreciate it. Thanks




    Taman doesn't need to draft Sask guys, they come back as soon as their first contract is done. Richards said the same things Labatte said when we signed him. Disagree with drafting anyone from that province regardless of ability. 50/50 he is here beyond his first contract.

    Got to broaden his horizons a bit.  We'll just introduce him to the concept of dating girls that you're not related to.  Sure, there's that awkward "getting to know them" stage that you don't have with cousins, but on the plus side, if you decide to have kids, there no "What in the world...?" from the doctor during delivery.  


    I highly doubt Taman dates.  By the looks of his appearance in recent interviews, he's pretty much given up on life outside of the Riders.


    He *was* dating the Bombers head cheer leader at one point


  3. If I asked my friend (who is a fellow 12-year season ticket holder with me) who our DC is... he would likely say "no idea".... If I asked him who the DC was last year, again, he would probably have no idea... I agree the percentage of Bomber fans that actually really care about this announcement is somewhere along the lines of about 1-2%...

    I kind of think who the Bomber DC was crossed the minds of a whole **** load of people every time Walters and Cornish ripped off 20-30 yards against us last year.

  4. I'd pass on Picard only because i don't think he's as good as he once was and i doubt he accept  what i'd offer him. What would i offer him? No signing bonus but a chance to win the job at training camp, one would assume he wouldn't accept that. If he would be willing to take a lesser deal and prove himself in camp vs the likes or Morley and Goossen, then sure i'd sign him but... not for as much money as he would want.


    I see him signing elsewhere, not sure where tho, maybe he goes back to Toronto or maybe Hamilton even. Honestly, looking around the league i don't see many spots open for a guy who really can only play center. 

    North of $190k. Lotta folks here will be lining up to take turns to jump off the Provencher.


    Edit: I should have added "after reading the first four pages".

  5. Wow and it only took them a month and a half to do it.  Things still moving at the speed of light in Winnipeg.


    I think there's a rule either spoken or unspoken that no firings, hirings or other team business is to be done until after the GC. That would be why nothing happened before then regarding Etch and Bellfieulle.

  6. I'm not against hiring more coaches but I wanted a more experienced OVERALL coaching staff. This has turned into a tirade on junior football & that's my fault as it shouldn't have been. I will admit I did paint all junior coaches with one single brush & that was wrong. There are some very good junior coaches out there that have bright futures but the majority of those guys are high school level guys & will never progress any higher. Some were promoted to coordinator positions on teams throughout the PJFC & the results were disastrous. I believe that the Bombers need more experience at the assistant coaching level to be successful. Even at quality control. I guess as the season rolls along we'll see how this coaching staff evolves as a unit.

    I may be wrong about this but the company I worked for thought they would try to put all their "super stars" on a job site. There was some physical labor involved but we were all IT types who installed and tested software. The result was a disaster. All that happned was there were 6 "experienced" guys who didn't want to move their butts other then to move from the equipment back to their laptop.

    I learned a lesson. You need a mixture of experienced and inexperienced people with good charcater. The Bombers have that this year. they got rid of the "expereinced" players also. Too much experience without quality character.


    The 80s bombers had experience and character. Been looking for that ever since 1990. (2001 was an anomoly)

  7. One would think that a CFL player who is trying to get into The Big Show for huge dollars and all that comes with it would be on his best behaviour until at least it was a done deal. Besides, they have urine testing down there and THC stays in your system for a long time. He was playing Russian Roulette.

    16 days with a piss test and up 90 days with a hair follicle test. And if he gets any less than 1 year's probation I'm going to be upp somebody's ass about the inequity of who gets what sentence depending on who you are.

  8. If chiu does land here, we really could have something very cool.and groundbreaking in the mix here with all these "natural" cfl groomed coaches.. If it turns out we are successful it would really show that canadian trained and raised products are just as important to out league..

    And then what will happen? We'll start making CIS QBs our starting QBs and we'll start winning GCs. It will be one big mess. Canadian QBs as starters? Winning GCs. We'll ruin the CFL. :o

  9. Which scenario would most fans prefer?  Drew Willy at 4 - 12 or Kevin Glenn at 9 - 9?


    Let's face it, Glenn would make this team better.  He has a quick release and runs a good short yardage game, which fits well with a subpar OL.


    If Willy is the better QB, he'll play.  I dare say Walters knows they can't afford another season of QB development.All

    All last year we heard that to bring the fans back to the park, and these were comments by season ticket holders too, the BB had to win games. As much as I think Willy..... WILL be able to get it done, I think Glenn needs to be in Wpg to bring those ppl back. Wpg needs to use him like Huff did the last 2 years. If Willy or Hall or Brougm (?) can't get it done as #2 bring Glenn into the game. If Glenn gets it done he's #1 until one of the others can prove they are capable. Glenn has enough confidence in himself to know he can be #1.


    The biggest problem is Desjardins. The blockhead will probably hold on to Glenn until mid season where establishing himself on another club will almost be too late for this year.







    When it comes to this team's draft record, Taman and Kelly also bear some responsibility, not just Mack. Horrible, horrible drafting (as far as o-line). Some guys like Henoc and even Watson were no brainers IMO ...

    I love how people discredit every good selection made by Mack. There were tons of people that wanted guys like Sisco and Scott Mitchell picked over Watson and Henoc.




    The problem is those were the only two good selections.  


    well I don't believe that's correct but whatever. 


    I suspect if you looked at macks draft record it would be on par with other gms in the league. I feel Mack's biggest flaw was inhuman patience. He was acting as if he had 10 years to build a competitive team. Too many projects, too many guys who had to return to school, etc.

    The most damning fact of Mack's reign was Chris Kowalczuk staying here as long as he did. Here's a guy who's 29 years old who hasn't progressed beyond being the 7th(?) O lineman in his time here and yet he's still on the team. Eventually you have to cut these guys loose and get some new blood in there.



    I just don't think the NI or drafting was something that is a valid criticism. He liked his athletes that's for sure, the problem was they never developed which to me is a coaching problem and that was Macks biggest flaw. Didn't hire the coaches who could develop his projects for him. 


    Mack had multiple failings: poor quarterbacks, poor O-line, poor drafting, poor coach selections, and the team getting worse year by year. And that's only the start.


    Plus his reported snubbing of the other CFL GMs in the league. ie: a second round pick for Glenn. Might have made a difference for us last year. OTH it probably may have extended his stay in Wpg.



    Walters is a canadian talent guru.. If there is value to be had with those picks, he will find it.. Diamonds in the rough..


    Is he? We simply don't have enough of a background on him to say whether he is or isn't. 


    He was well hidden by the egomaniac Mack. I've read numerous comments about Walters wanting to pick someone but being overridden by Mack (Poblah, Ettienne). Walters had a place in the BB org and Mack made sure Walters knew where it was.




    Wally did coach a lousy Calgary team in 2002, even the greats have off years.

    Wally completely turned over the team that won the GC in 1998 & lost to the Ti Cats in 99. if there were 6 players left from that 98 team in 2002 I'd be surprised. That was his decision to do that. Even thought the Stamps won the GC in 2001, he continued to cut or let his players go to FA because he just didn't want to pay. That craptacular 2002 Stampeder team was all his doing. His philosophy of 'younger & cheaper" finally caught up with him that year. What happened with the Lions this off season we saw in Calgary every year he was GM in the 90's & early 2000's. He used to shrug off the players he released saying he could find someone as good or better for a cheaper price. 



    Where did those players go though?  Most of them were basically done.


    The big thing was that they lost all their QB's to the NFL, Garcia and Dickenson, lost Burris to Saskatchewan because he wasn't going to play with Dickenson entrenched in 2000, then he left for the NFL too.


    Remember this was an ongoing saga every off season. Very few free agents re-signed in Calgary under Wally. There was free agency back then like today & a lot of them went & played elsewhere. I remember over 10 years ago, I sat down & counted the number of players that were on the team beginning in 1999 & gone by the start of the 2001 season & it was somewhere between 22-26 players. And it just continued into the 2002 season where finally the team just tanked. Older players were released yes, but there also players who were starters in their primes but in their late 20's that were also let go when their contracts were up. I remember an all star defensive back left Calgary very upset, signed in Saskatchewan & played there for years after at an all star level. He was upset that Wally wouldn't match Saskatchewan's offer that was $5,000 more per season. A couple of ex players ripped Wally publicly over the way he treated them & other players. back then. There was no social media in 2001 so for them to comment on it publicly was a big deal. Similar to the so called Glenn tweet on Tuesday calling the RedBlacks snakes. 


    And because Wally was Wally he wouldn't pay Doug Brown a few thousand more when he came back from the NFL we were the lucky benefactors. He does have a plan but I wonder if that plan includes the "new" athlete who will play for less to be closer to home.

    Dunno but I don't think wally is smiling too much tonight. Especially if he loses Keron Williams as well. It would be interesting to know what Andrew Harris would do if he was an FA this year.

  13. Shawn Gore

    @ryan_4real21 feel like we been robbed, and then the thieves came back the very next day


    Ryan Phillips

    @SGore85 man bro it's been a tough two days seeing guys just bounce to other locations. Man what can you do? Just wish 4 the best I guess


    Rob S

    @SGore85 @FarhanLaljiTSN @ryan_4real21 you have been! This is a sad week for the #Lions fans


    Shawn Gore

    @ryan_4real21 yah, I guess... @24Banks stop all that retweeting. Just rubbing that dirt in, lol


    Shawn Gore

    @E_Arceneaux16 @ryan_4real21 @24Banks I'm about to go hit the facility, some free lockers just opened up.


    Ryan Phillips

    Sometimes you gotta sit back and reflect and think wtf just happened?


    Do think his Plan A was to go into the season with Kevin Glenn? Or maybe his real plan was to screw Glenn over by taking (and overpaying ) Burris and dumping Glenn.


    I think his Plan A was to improve his football team.


    His "real plan?"  What is this, Scooby-doo?  Do you think Marcel Desjardins has some kind of personal grudge against Glenn?  Do you think the entire Ottawa team is an elaborate scheme that is solely designed to hurt Kevin Glenn's feelings?  Do you think Kevin Glenn shouldn't have to face competition for his job?


    It's football. It's a shitty business.


    If you read my post I said that Desjardins is someone that I wouldn't want to do business with and I'm sure Glenn feels the same way. He did screw Glenn over. Scooby-doo? Sorry I don't watch kiddy shows so I don't get the corelation.

    Why in hell would Desjardins go out and pay over 450k for Burris when he had Glenn? Burris will not win him any more games than Glenn would have. Did he honestly think that Glenn would understand and leave with a smile on his face?

    And yes it is a shitty business and in Ottawa's case run by a shitty GM who hasn't had a good start out of the gate.

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