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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. If the PI that was called last night after Mil through the challenge flag, then it should have been called against Kelly. I was thinking at the time, and I think others said the same, that OSH should have tossed the challenge flag for that one. The ref's need to be more consistent. I couldn't believe he didn't throw it for that play. From here on out if I'm a hc and there's an incomplete pass downfield with any sort of contact I'm throwing the flag. Might as well. You know this utter non-sense is going to come to an end by next season. If that's the standard for calling P.I. on that play than it means that a DB has to defend against the pass without touching the receiver at all. Virtually impossible.
  2. Give credit where credit is due, Ray and the Argos played well.
  3. Don't know if it was my PC or what but did that broadcast lose connection 47 times?
  4. I'll be stunned, shocked and pissed if the BB don't come up with a much improved running game against the Argos. Hope Marcel had his thinking cap on this week.
  5. IMO, Montreal will be a way bigger problem for the league than Toronto in the next few years. There's actually some will to keep and house the Argos, in Montreal it will depend entirely on Wetenhall. Wetenhall has a son who's involved with the Als, so they're good for another 30 years as long as their money doesn't run out.
  6. Methinks he's afraid to get hurt by over-extending or exposing himself so he goes kerplunk instead of fighting for extra yards.
  7. Mike, Nobody's picking on ya here, just having some fun.
  8. The dilemma is that Grigsby has become a great weapon sneaking out of the backfield on passing plays. I believe this is the main reason they're reluctant to replace him. If they could get him out there at the same time as Cotton or another RB to handle most of the running I think it would be a workable solution. Problem with that plan is that it means one of Kelly, Moore, Denmark would have to come off the field at the same time which is undesirable.
  9. We should start using the designation of B.M. (before Mike) and A.M. (after Mike) just to avoid confusion. Pretty sure I had a B.M. B.M today
  10. I think we should call Grigsby Kerplunk.
  11. Can they both be on the field at the same time?
  12. Still could happen if Grisby falters throughout the game. Grigsby has been full of falter the last 3 games and the coaches haven't reacted.
  13. Woods had his best game of the season against the RR, so I sure hope they're not sitting him without injury. As I said in an earlier thread his playing style of trying to run over tacklers is unnecessary and conducive to sustaining injuries. Much like Watson and Sears I believe Woods needs to adjust his playing style to keep himself off of the injury list and preserve his job. If somebody else steps up with good returns and ball security I could easily see him in the same boat as Suber.
  14. Word is Garcia has a stall with his name on it in the locker rm., no equipment yet, but a stall nonetheless. Why would the QB coach need a stall?
  15. The only action that is going to get us some good Natl. O-lineman at this time is a band of pirates and a well organized kidnapping.
  16. Good article in today's Freep. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/opinion/columnists/walters-prowling-nfl-camps-for-help-270711441.html Some of Walter's pertinent quotes. "Mike (O'Shea) and I had a lengthy talk about the run game on the phone after I watched it on the computer. I think Drew did a great job, but if you are continually in second and eight or second and 10 you're going to get bit in the ass and that's what happened to us," said Walters late Sunday afternoon. "When the weather gets worse around here in the fall it's not realistic to think we're going to step back and throw the ball 40 times a game. Especially in poor weather. We're trying to tinker with the offensive line. Bob (offensive line coach Wylie) is working his tail off and Marcel (offensive co-ordinator Marcel Bellefeuille) is working his tail off too. It's difficult to make dramatic changes right now. But our scouting department will come together later in August for about 10 days and we'll prepare for practice-roster expansion and see what we can come up with." Willy has just over 10 career starts as a pro and while watching him push the Bombers to an early 5-2 record, it simply isn't sustainable. He needs support, better pass protection and a run game to lean on. That's Walters' next big task. CFL practice rosters are currently limited to 10 players but on Oct. 1 they can be expanded to 15. Walters has spent the last eight days touring NFL training camps and members of his staff spread out to take in workouts of all 32 teams. "It's not a quick process. A lot of this work will pay dividends in two or three years time from now. We're compiling lists and putting names into our database. These players don't immediately come up to the CFL," said Walters. "But our scouts are experienced and have been collecting names of players for years," said Walters. "We'll see what comes available and if there are players that can help us, we'll bring them in."
  17. Don't underestimate the Argos running backs, they're both good but they don't get much chance to show it in that offencive scheme. Wouldn't mind seeing either Steele or Slaton in the BB backfield.
  18. We should start using the designation of B.M. (before Mike) and A.M. (after Mike) just to avoid confusion.
  19. little bit early to say Dinwiddie hasn't had success coaching isn't it? Not even half a year into his first gig, never mind that he was only brought in to be a QB coach initially anyway. The best players don't always wind up being the best coaches. Scott Milanovich wasn't anything exciting at qb and he seems to be doing fine coaching, Whereas Matt Dunigan was a great qb and not much of a coach. As far as being coaches go neither one of them has proven anything and how good a player was has very little to do with how good a coach they wind up being. Matt could have been a great coach but he wasn't willing to pay his dues. He never was a qb coach, starting on the bottom & working his way up. He accepted a dual position of GM & HC of the Stamps with zero experience so you kinda knew it was bound to fail. Especially with the dysfunctional owner the team had at the time. Had he coached qbs, then became an OC maybe now he'd be a successful HC in the CFL or somewhere else. He never went back to coaching after he was fired. I think this is going to be the case with Calvillo as well. He would be wise to begin his coaching career as a QB coach instead of jumping straight into the OC gig. In my mind I think he is making a mistake by not getting involved with the Als. right now instead of enjoying an extended holiday away from the game. By the time he comes knocking opportunity may have already walked.
  20. Whatsamatter with Leggett? If both Sears and Leggett are out who would/could play safety?
  21. just as important how has the Argos. injury situation changed in the last two weeks? If Durie and Owens are back Ray will have something to work with. Durie doesn't come off the 6 game IR until August 22 and Owens comes off on August 31. Those are max. times, if they're ready to go before then they can play, just like Lulay in BC.
  22. i guess the aversion to the lateral is that if mishandled it becomes a live ball as it is considered a backwards pass. Also works best if RB is standing still and not already on the move.
  23. At this point difficult to make changes to the RB's or the O-line so I hope Marcel can quickly come up with a different plan of action for the Argo game. If we see more of the same play calling ineptitude I'm going to lose it. Is the lateral dead and forgotten? Run outside, that is the only place that Ford finds success and it's going to be the same for for either Grigsby or Cotton with this O-line.
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