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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. This is scarily similar to something you might see parodied on the Simpsons.
  2. The skating rink in front of Toronto City Hall is artificially refrigerated ice.
  3. Bombers signed somebody named Ricky Collins 3 weeks ago. How much excitement can your heart handle? Yahoooowahhhhhaaaahahaahaaaaaaaazzzz.....
  4. I'm really hoping that Jones does his thing and moves on within 2-3 years leaving Riderville completely unfulfilled.
  5. The reality is that a healthy Drew Willy will make almost any receiver look good, I would rather the Bombers put most of their F.A. spending into positions that will keep Willy healthy and positions that will endanger the health of opposing QB's.
  6. As it should be, I bet Jones and Murphy spent less than 10 seconds making that decision. Finding a good Intl. receiver with size shouldn't be as hard as finding the Arc of the Covenant.
  7. Dressler will be 31 in June, Smith is 24 and will come cheaper, he has many years of football left to prove himself, Dressler has may be two. Seriously if Walters goes after either of these guys he's already dealing in the land of desperation. I'm quite certain nowhere in his strategic game plan will you find a note that say "acquire 5'6" 165 lb receiver".
  8. I'd honestly prefer a bigger receiver but given the choice I'd take Smith over Dressler for his upside.
  9. If the Bombers let Moore walk and waffle on Dressler, than it's a given that Walters has been having clandestine meetings with Ryan Smith in a corn field outside of Emerson.
  10. One thing that I thought would benefit the Bombers having Wylie on staff is that with all of his experience and US football connections he would be a reliable conduit for bringing in Import O-linemen when needed. No evidence that ever happened. I know the O-line performed poorly, just not sure who deserves most of the blame for that.
  11. As far as I know Dressler is still moping about being cut.
  12. I am surprised actually, the games he played he was the Bombers most effective receiver. I think he will catch on with another club as a #2 receiver.
  13. No doubt poor management and lots of gaffs but in both of those years Durant keeps them ahead of the Bombers and BC and gives them a reasonable chance of success in the playoffs. Suddenly I'm feeling queassyyy.
  14. Consider the circumstances at the time, Taman was under enormous pressure to resign Dressler upon his return from the NFL. The entire province was in a frenzy during those negotiations and Taman was already in cap hell from retaining other veterans. Enter Ottawa, with no cap issues and a demented GM they made Dressler a salary offer that Taman could not possibly match. Taman made a deal with Dressler to sign for less in 2014 but with payments and bonuses deferred to the following years that worked in both of their interests and got Dressler to sign on the dotted line. Sask. rejoiced, merchandise sales spiked and accolades poured out from stubbled fields upon the lovable Brendan, If not for Durant's injuries in 2014 and 2015 which wiped out both seasons, there is a good chance both Taman and Dressler are still employed by the Riders today.
  15. Tickles my heart-bone that the Riders are purging and BC just hired Marcel.
  16. The CFL is going to have a hard time making the coming season as entertaining as this off-season has become.
  17. Fact or fantasy? If so, how did they sign him before FA opens?
  18. Dressler better be happy with $200,000, he has neither age or size on his side.
  19. Dressler is still quick but not necessarily fast, good for short to medium routes and would be a good pick up if he is accompanied with outside speed.
  20. Jones is smart, probably keeps Ryan Smith in lieu of Dressler.
  21. I don't expect much will be left in the cookie jar once Free Agency opens, just the broken bits and a bunch of crumbs.
  22. Kind of surprised that Jacques Chapdelaine is being left out in this year's version of musical chairs as I thought he did a decent job in Sask. last year considering what he had to work with. Wpg. and Ottawa were probably his best hopes for an OC position but in Wpg. at least he wasn't let go until after LaPo was already hired. Does he end up being the default replacement on Coach's Playbook or has Tom Higgins already wrapped up the gig? Higgins=charisma.
  23. Looks like the marketing team is back from Christmas break and revving up the machine for the coming season. I for one am anxious to see how Addison Richards will be wearing his hair in 2016.
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