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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. Moore has the same number of TD with the Lions after 4 games as he did with the Bombers in 2 years.
  2. Disagree, somebody with football knowledge has to force O'Shea to make changes if he won't make them himself. Not good to have upper management forcing these kinds of decisions but I don't think Wade expected that O'Shea would handle the QB situation as badly as he has. Wade feels the pressure to sell seats and the losing record the last couple of years has probably cost the Bombers millions in lost revenue.
  3. @cfl_news: Pres. Wade Miller involved in personnel w/ #Bombers? We all know how that tends to turn out.... #CFL. Miller, who appears 2 B involved in personnel matters, & Walters will celebrate 3rd anniversary w/ #Bombers in few weeks. - @PentonKirk #CFL This is in reference to a comment made by Paul Wiecek on TSN1290 who spoke to someone within the Bomber organization who said that if Willy ddidn't get off to a good start next week vs Calgary he will be pulled and Matt Nichols will enter the game.
  4. I was thinking off-season before Harris's second year pay kicks in.
  5. Agree, T.O. would sure be a good fit for him.
  6. I think those cards were just for the offence.
  7. The only way I can see Burris being happy with that situation is if he's had enough and plans to retire anyways.
  8. Desjardins should be happy to dump Hank's huge contract, especially If he turns into a club-house *****. He may play hardball initially and try and steal Natls. but that contract is just too much of a burden to carry forth especially when he has to retain Harris and his receiving core. Depending on the quality of the other backups, if Desjardins can't move Burris this season he may just cut him before next.
  9. Well yes, but at least you can drown knowing that you will do much better the next time you give it a try.
  10. Without a dark or bright element to those uniforms they blend in with the field, it was like watching a team of ghosts.
  11. Attention! The most boring game in CFL history is currently being played in Montreal between the Als and Ti-Cats. Don't miss it!
  12. Strange thing is O'Shea had all off-season to sit and think about this and learn from his mistakes. Yet he comes back to work in the spring tied to the same erroneous convictions that are likely to cost him the biggest job of his life. He preaches coaching and learning from mistakes every week but doesn't seem to follow that mantra himself.
  13. Silent Joe precedes Icy Joe and eventually you get this guy.
  14. No can do unless Willy accepts a $250,000 chop, and what's the point of keeping him around anyway? His future is NOW.
  15. Well in hind-sight the results were no surprise but the details are painful. They did compete with one of the top teams so that is a positive.
  16. Another option might be Durant, won't happen until the off-season but he is heading towards F.A..
  17. O'Shea won't even acknowledge that possibility, it's a non-starter with him.
  18. Burris is about to re-live the "Kevin Glenn" experience and you can't blame Desjardins for making either of those choices, the proof is in the puddin.
  19. Fact is Willy's skill-set is not a good match for the CFL game, he's the least mobile QB in the CFL.
  20. Question is why doesn't Willy trust his blocking? He's taking no more hits this year than any of the other QB's in the league. The O-line isn't great but they seem to now be about the league average in protection. No reason for Willy to be shell-shocked this early in the season and in reality Reilly absorbed the more brutal hits last night of the two.
  21. That was Watkins, probably the tallest DB in the league, covering one of the shortest receivers in the league. Great matchup!
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