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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. Impressed with Loffler but are they using him the same way they use Macho? If you watch Macho half the time he is playing up close to the line helping out wherever, it seems Loffler is more suited to traditional pass defence from the Safety spot.
  2. I don't recall this guy, was he injured right through TC?
  3. 3 rookie mistakes by Jennings and Wally mismanaged by throwing away his timeouts on ridiculous challenges. Good to see the Cgy. fans loud and getting into the game.
  4. Wow, what a performance by Jennings, mobility and accuracy combined. Lulay isn't getting his job back.
  5. Coaches have to learn to use these challenges strategically and at least wait for big plays like RTP or long PI calls that move the ball half way to the goal-line. Wasting them on plays that gain 5-10 yards is pretty stupid, especially when the challenge fails.
  6. BC continues to impress, I thought for sure Cgy. would be putting them in their place and chase Jennings from the game but BC looks to be a real contender.
  7. Question is, how much better or worse was that Als team compared to the one that beat the Bombers in game #1?
  8. Popp should be giving his backup QB reps. they're never going to get a better chance than this.
  9. Rod is going for a new record with this Cahoon interview, ignore the game for an entire Q.
  10. Nothing wrong with Gale as a third stringer, the mistake is expecting him to play now.
  11. Surprised with all the hoopla over Jones D, Sask. has virtually no rush.
  12. Other than Adams and Dressler it was hard to pick up on just who the other receivers were as they hardly got any balls thrown their way. As far as I can tell with the 3 injuries they were down to 4 receivers covering 5 positions by the end of the game. Of those Kohlert caught 4, Davis, 2, JFG 1 and Sheppard 0.
  13. i agree but, the money has to be split more or less equally between the two or it wouldn't really work. IMO Kevin Glenn's incentive based contract is the best way to go, the more a QB plays, the more he earns.
  14. I think it is going to be quite some time until O'Shea fully trusts Willy with his coaching life again. Willy had two plus years of exclusivity to prove ownership of this O and he failed to capitalize on it. Compare that to what Reilly accomplished within a similar time frame and opportunity. Hopefully O'Shea has finally moved on from blind commitment and now sees the benefit of recognizing the hot-hand of the moment.
  15. Your solution hurts my brain and it's too early to try to figure out what you mean.
  16. I think he fits into the role of traditional Safety better than Macho but not sure he will be as good at the hybrid stuff that is required in Hall's D, playing up and blitzing. I wouldn't be surprised if they played in rotation for the rest of the year.
  17. The performance of the rookies in the secondary last night will create a conundrum when the vets. start returning from the I.R. Right now it would appear that they have 3 if not 4 high quality corners, in Randle, Adams, Frederick and Roberts. A couple of solid HB's in Johnson, Fogg and Posey and a gift to the ratio with Loffler at S. They can't keep everyone but the likelihood of the full secondary being healthy at one time will keep the roster fluid. I see them keeping Fogg at HB and Loffler sharing duties with Macho for the rest of the year, Frederick should be able to fill in on the corner until both Adams and Randle return and then they will have to come up with a solution unless Leggett is injured in the meantime. I realize it was only one game but Frederick looks to be a diamond in the rough so it will take some time to figure out all the options open to him, He may have the potential to play S. and SAM, in addition to corner. Posey and Roberts are probably bound for the PR or Sask. via the scrap heap and unfortunately the likes of Jones and Morgan are doomed to another year backing and playing ST.
  18. Jace Davis and Sheppard were invisible tonight, I thought they would make more of a contribution especially once Dressler was knocked out. .
  19. Big time shake up in the Secondary, some of these new guys could displace some of the incumbents. Shocked with what they achieved, absolutely shocked. Fogg, Frederick and Loffler have all earned starting positions.
  20. I'd second this, his timely interception virtually saved the win. In truth the entire secondary deserves a standing ovation,
  21. Not only that but if Nichols would have been put in the first Edm. game they probably would have won that one as well.
  22. Perhaps, but we don't know if Bond was injured or not. Hopefully when Neufeld comes back he is relegated to backup and they stick with 3 Imports.
  23. They could have if some one on the coaching staff would have looked at the roster realistically and predicted the inevitable failure of the Natl. depth on the O-line.
  24. His demeanor always reminded me of a mopey teenager. Poor guy has to answer some questions as part of his unearned $400,000 contract, woe is Willy.
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