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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. It's mostly the ratio keeping Fox off the field, if they had the ability to play 2 import DT's instead of 2 Natl. DT's, he'd see a lot more reps. They need to find that Natl. DE that can make an impact this year to open up more flexibility on the D-line.
  2. The last 15 minutes of Fargo's final episode was hilarious, I had a sense of what was coming but the way they executed it was priceless.
  3. In reality we have little idea of what Fox can contribute as he was given so few opportunities to perform last season. If they decide to roll with Walker and Fox this season, I'm not going lose sleep worrying the coaching staff doesn't have a clue what they're doing.
  4. Need to change his nick-name to "Broken Stove"
  5. It's critical they retain Ricky Walker, mainly because they haven't developed the next DT that could step up and replace him.
  6. Hard enough for Walters to re-sign his own FA's, never mind having money left over to shop for outside talent.
  7. Ottawa already has Justin Hardy, who cracked 1,000 yds. last season and plays a gritty style similar to Bailey.
  8. Blah, he was slow in Mtl., slow and confused in Sask.
  9. I think Ottawa jumped at the early chance to grab Rhymes at a negotiated price so they wouldn't have to take the chance of getting outbid on Schoen, I think they're done. Rhymes, Acklin, Behar, Shaq Evans, and Justin Hardy offers Brown decent targets.
  10. Sask. disqualified themselves when they failed miserably to low-ball Harris. Hufnagel keeps SMS money locked up in a dusty old purse, doling out dimes like a senile grandmother on Christmas day. Dickie whines for more, but Huff just shakes his finger at him and tells him to behave.
  11. Certainly at the going rate for top end receivers, but Lawler and Lewis salaries are anomalies that a lot of GM's are not going to accept willingly.
  12. I think Arbuckle was the only QB that couldn't reach a deal with the club he was traded to, but then he had to negotiate with Marcel Desjardins. Turns out Marcel was right.
  13. The Als also pay Natl. receiver Kaion Julien-Grant around $170k, so they might not be interested in pursuing Schoen.
  14. Brady won't be getting anywhere near $250k, $200k tops including incentives. For Walters sake hopefully Schoen is looking at the BC receiver contracts and not up at Lawler or Lewis, and pray they don't share the same agent.
  15. Ottawa only sorted out Masoli's contract last week, before doing that they wouldn't have money for Brown.
  16. Your math is wonky, you cut maybe $320k in assets and you want to add at least $500-$600k in assets, considering they'd have to bring in another player to replace Brady.
  17. Can't have everything. Strev. isn't just a backup in waiting, he adds a dynamic package to the offence that is almost unstoppable.
  18. I wouldn't be all that upset if Walters gave up on Schoen and diverted his money to Strev., need to pay him at least double what Brown was earning.
  19. No, Acklin was their top guy last season and he came in at $140k, Nate Behar was slightly behind him at $137k.
  20. They already have Cottoy and McInnis, if he's looking for a starting opportunity BC wouldn't be the place to seek it.
  21. Totally disagree, the top 2 receivers on either team could be interchangeable, and overall top to bottom the Lions have the league's most dangerous receiving corps IMO. Looking over their roster at this time of the year they have 7 receivers 6'-3" or taller, including a 6'-8" 225 lb. monster. The Bombers have 2, Alston and BOLO, whos' probably headed out the door.
  22. The Lions have done a great job re-signing their top end receivers for just over $200k, the Bombers are disadvantaged by the prospect of paying their 2 top end guys at least $50k more each.
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