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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. And read his spin move, make him pay physically if he chooses his feet instead of his arm.
  2. I would also think ZC continues to be pretty pumped playing his former team i.e sticking it to them real good.
  3. Yea mlb players. I’m always ‘amused’ when I see a baseball player and his agent turn down a 12 year 256 million dollar contract with a straight face. Really this is it? Come back to us when you’re ready to be serious.
  4. I’m looking forward to seeing CF’s palms out body motion to his receivers this weekend. That will tell me all is good.
  5. The scary, frustrating, maddening thing about this is I bet all this does is strengthen his followers resolve. This is because we live in a world where a minority of people live in an alternate reality driven by extreme dumbness, stupidity and in lot of cases severe mental health issues. The ironic part is these same people will use these exact words to describe the majority of us who live in the real world who, as Adam Grant would say, we regularly recognize our biases and give serious consideration to proven facts even though they sometimes contradict our hopes and beliefs. We weigh the strongest evidence more heavily is how we define a balanced argument.
  6. Yup. My client took a gun to school for protection, felt threatened so defended himself.
  7. The classic ‘we gotta beat the rush let’s go’ no matter the score and/or significance. Lol. Making it back down in heels with beers after consuming many of them in you is way more impressive than going up imo.
  8. Nice, what a great way to spruce up your basement. Hey want to come downstairs and see some Bomber memorabilia?
  9. Knowing human beings as I do, this was soooo predictable.
  10. I assume that trough is in a museum somewhere or on display in some public health institution explaining how diseases were transmitted in Winnipeg in the olden days.
  11. Hey any 'It's my choice, my individual right, my individual freedom not to take the vaccination, I feel discriminated against' people on this board, help us understand how the above is different? Because you don't inject coats into your body? Okay, from here on in just to be consistent with your train of thought and rationalizations make sure you and people you care for never ever take anymore over the counter or prescribed medications (or any food for that matter) in your life in you aren't fully knowledgeable of all the substances in it. Don't be a sheep.
  12. He’s taking that tired old ‘us against the world’ approach to rally his troops. He’s got that Mike Kelly feel to him. Riders suck.
  13. Regardless of salary it’s an incredible risk taking him on with the pattern of behaviour he has demonstrated. Who knows maybe a NHL team will roll the dice and hope for the best. What will the message be to the other players he will be joining? Don’t worry we don’t believe in accountability and responsibility. If you have great hockey skill we tend to look the other way. Welcome!
  14. Losers aligning with Losers? Okay have at er.
  15. Yup not a good feeling when a part of your body is not in sync with what another part of your body wants you to do.
  16. Confused by his arm? Yikes. It’s usually a receiver.
  17. Maybe, oh and Shaq Evans and a lot of other things other than CF himself caused four CF int’s.
  18. Evander Kane is a perfect example of you need a lot more knowledge and wisdom in life than having exceptional hockey talent.
  19. Riders suck. Stumps suck. Thanks for taking in my Ted Talk.
  20. Strange call that a penalty doesn’t do anything negative against sask.
  21. Someone might want to put CF in concussion protocol after the game. Serious.
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