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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. And I find their tough guy posturing is just that, posturing. Most are really are just frail little children with no sense of the world around them throwing temper tantrums when they don't get what they want. That's no exaggeration.
  2. 'If you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes Republican policy'. Gold.
  3. From the Washington Examiner, Florida's Democratic nominee that's running against wingnut incumbent: "Those who support the governor should stay with him and vote for him. I don't want your vote. If you have that hate in your heart — keep it. I want the vote of the people of Florida who care about our state. Good Democrats, good independents, good Republicans — unify with this ticket," he declared during a press gaggle Wednesday". I don't know who this Charlie Crist is and if he's just as crazy as RD, but well said, bravo.
  4. The Legal System has allowed Fox to spew things like this on a regular basis because it's entertainment and not to be believed. What a joke. I know I must be tiring some with my disdain for the Legal system but it's so infuriating to me because the Justice System has been set-up to ultimately keep us in tact, hold us accountable for our behaviours and words and it's failing us horribly everywhere. They just seem to keep getting a free pass on what needs to change.
  5. Hang in there my friend. Health, family #1. All is good.
  6. Based on the history of Trump since he took office, all of these reports of Trump being bad is all white noise at this stage. I'm not even sure he'd go down if was caught in the act by video with independent witnesses to corroborate. The Justice System is not a System, it's just a bunch of moving parts often going in different directions. ,
  7. These low level arrests and subsequent minor sentencing imposed after trying to undo an election is a major joke. The whole Justice System and some of it’s players that implement it aren’t as important, independent, smart, upstanding, moral, ethical, legal, follow the rule of the law and genuine as they have convinced themselves that they are. And no one is there to hold them accountable. No one. It’s a farce and Trump has pulled the curtain wide open on it.
  8. Think globally, act locally yea?
  9. Banned from Twitter? Ouch, that’s going to hurt said no one ever. Why aren’t these people being led out of their homes in shackles? I know the answer but I pretend now and then that sanity will eventually prevail and we will all go back to outright discounting absurdity/insanity regardless of where a person finds themselves on a sane political spectrum.
  10. The new NHL. You pay me 7-8 years for 2-3 years of quality service.
  11. No matter who you are, what your affiliations are and how good you are in presenting your mis-informed opinions as fact, there is no way around this statement.
  12. I agree especially with being morally corrupt in how much money, power and influence they are making off this fool. Most of them aren’t afraid of him, they adore him, he’s their money ticket.
  13. According to Eric Trump, the brains of the outfit, it’s just newspaper clippings of important events he kept.
  14. Yea very hard to cheer against a guy like Harris. So instrumental in our back to back championships. Hope he’s okay. When it happens be nice if he retired a Bomber.
  15. Nutbar Senator Jordan saying 14 FBI whistleblowers have contacted him. Here’s an idea, no matter who you are every sitting Senator’s statements are under Oath and if found to be a lie immediate punishment will be dealt. Planting seeds of doubts with outright lies works nicely when you know you won’t be held accountable and social media will work its magic for you.
  16. Apparently to some, this is a political platform. How is this to be respected? There has to be a line. Once it's crossed it's in nutbar land that is to be treated as such.
  17. I know. This will tell us if there is any hope or not.
  18. Until Trump and his circle are actually indicted held without bail as flight risks I have absolutely no confidence anything of significance will come of this. With the insane lying outlandish lies to seed doubt strategy predictably in play as we speak why is this any different than his previous avoiding any sort of significant accountability? Maybe the best we see is behind the scenes the DOJ is negotiating with Trump that if he agrees not to run for office again go quietly into the night focus his nutbars on something else of less national security risk most of this goes away or is watered down.
  19. Ahhh that Mr. Socialist Commie to you dear sir.
  20. I agree with Robert Reich. I never want to hear Republicans talk about Law and Order again.
  21. HOAX!!!!!!! WITCH HUNT!!!!! DEEP STATE!!!!!!! donate here please
  22. The bolded part of your post sums all this nightmare up we call Trump.
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