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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. As a reminder, there used to be a sign just west of Fleming on the #1 highway- "You are now entering Saskatchewan- set your watches back 20 years".
  2. I think the game will hinge on first-down production. Whichever team is forced into second and long most often is going to be in trouble. Its probably going to come down to Collaros vs Harker and that will favour us. Would love to see Bombers run away with it from start to finish, but I suspect the Rider defence will keep it close for awhile until they realize they cannot win.
  3. A beautiful day here as well. One day closer to spring,
  4. Szarka is probably still hurting from that hit.
  5. They also think that Regina being named "the Queen's city" referred to Freddie Mercury.
  6. Because Charlie Roberts was Mack Herron with a bit more brains and integrity. And there is no rehab for stupid.
  7. Some people do not know when enough is enough. He is on the edge of needing a walker before he is 40.
  8. Well, once it was determined that the chimp was from Regina, the answer would be "yes".
  9. I assume that would not be difficult to do.
  10. Considering how much difficulty Saskatchewanites have with numbers higher than 10, they can be forgiven for overstating the heights of their buildings.
  11. De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.
  12. Rather the Ticats than the Esks. I detest Maas.
  13. All this discussion highlights the stupidity of the proposed rule change. I wouldn't be surprised to see it revoked.
  14. Riders also benefited from a lot of holding non-calls.
  15. The worst part was the club you had to belong to.
  16. Agreed. I would be happier if the weather was going to be like last Sunday, because cold makes muscles seize up more quickly, but we will have what we will have. One good full body slam (but clean) hit ought to do Frodo in. And tears of the Riders fans will flow. It would especially delicious if We Willie was the perpetrator.
  17. Was never as cool as an AMC Gremlin. Or a Pontiac Aztek.
  18. Agreed, except that if Streveler is going to run like that, you'd sure as spit better have a good backup, cause, he's is gonna get hurt again.
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