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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Rod Black is calling the game????? Say it isn't so.
  2. Verrrry interrestink. (retreats into bushes with cigarette)
  3. Rolf Harris also tried hid best to "love" children until he was arrested for it. Paedophile. Burn your records- Harris has a record all by himself.
  4. He was taught how to do that by Nichols.
  5. Just a somewhat premature Happy Thanksgiving greeting to our American adherents:
  6. On the surface, it seems to be such a natural fit for the struggling Argos, that I am wondering if they could get some sort of papal dispensation from the CFL head office.
  7. Why not put Bomber regalia onto the Golden Boy for a few days?
  8. "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper its printed on."
  9. Apparently a 90 year old lady named June has been sent to Calgary and the game by her family for her birthday. She has been a Bomber fan from the days when they were playing at the Osborne stadium and will be an honoured guest at the pre-game festivities. Good on her!
  10. No tears for Babcock. He was at odds with his GM from Day One, his team was sinking and he has a contract until 2004 at 6.5 million per.
  11. Disagree. No city is perfect, but I have lived in Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan and this is an imperfect but great city.
  12. I would think tht he would be less qualified to be a GM than a head coach.
  13. If the Bombers have to lose the Grey Cup game, I cannot think of a team more deserving than Hamilton.
  14. This sure feels like pure speculation. How has Penton's predictive track record been in the past? Walters has done a very good job and would be a real loss but may have had issues with O'Shea's personnel management (ie: Drew Willy) and O'Shea's stubbornness. Can't help thinking that O'Shea would be a real fan draw in the Big Smoke. And who says Goveia has the credentials to become a head coach.?
  15. Consider IPTV- no PVR functions but the right provider makes it work well for about $8.00 per month including HBO, lotsa movie channels and all the sports networks.
  16. You gotta be careful about what you say to your wife. I once told my wife that I wanted to be cremated and she made an appointment for me the following Tuesday.
  17. You have been fortunate. Some guys, after bringing something like that up, wouldn't have any balls left to be in their court.
  18. To win the Cup, the Bombers will have to play the best game of the year, and a flawless one at that. The Bombers are underdogs for good reason but that is no to say that they cannot win. The defence will have to be better and not give up those 10-15 passes and the offence will have to show up for the whole game.
  19. It would have been "nicer" if Jeffcoat checked on Fajardo after laying him out in the backfield in a clean, devastating hit.
  20. How could this be as they both played defence and would not have been on the field at the same time.
  21. Are you a vegan? If so, does that mean you can't have a beef with anyone? Do you drool at the smell of freshly-mowed lawns?
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