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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. Rider fans crying about Zach not having nice words about their organization. Do they really think there's a nation wide/league wide conspiracy against them? They're a total clown show of a team, organization, and fan base. They got a taste of success in the 2000's and went from lovable losers to insufferable winners. It became a fad to go and powerdrink at the games and be total assholes to visitors (source: me and people I know). They let what precious little success they had get to their heads and decided to act like entitled hillbillies who struck oil. They became the football beverly hillbillies but instead of being lovable Podunk idiots, they were like a truck full of dumb asses from Alabama who drove in from the mountains and are rude to the locals. There's a reason Zach has great things to say about Hamilton and not Saskatchewan. I hope for 2 things. I hope we win on Sunday, and, I hope we as a fan base stay the hell away from where the Rider fan base went. I hope we stay humble and the best fans in the country. F*** Saskatchewan and their pig fans. Zach is right, you and your club can pound sand.
  2. I get enough vaccination arguments in my family and friend group. Hard pass here.
  3. Thanks Yah I'm fine. I would have been fine to go to the game but at that point I was awake for two days straight and had fasted for so long I had a terrible headache
  4. I've never flown home so disappointed. Especially after such a great sports Sunday. That said I'd trade it for nothing, important thing is we will have a chance to defend the cup next week. And we beat the miserable riders!
  5. Hopefully that knocks all the rust off and we can play closer to what our potential is next week
  6. Lock it down D Wish I was there cheering face off.
  7. I don't want to sound too pathetic, but I could really use a W here guys. This could really turn around this weekend
  8. If anyone's near the airport and has muscle relaxant and would be willing to drop it off to my hotel I'd really appreciate it. Not joking. Go Blue.
  9. This doesn't seem to be going as planned. Matching my trip home lol.
  10. Blood is normal. EKG normal. Just did an x ray to rule out anything structural. Doctor said I had heart palpitations and gave me that feeling of my heart racing. And to stop using cannabis. Good advice.
  11. I'm never touching edibles again. I honestly feel like that embarrassing YouTube video of the cop and his wife getting so high they called 911. The only difference is I took a cab. I need to stop over sharing.
  12. I don't know how else I can say if I'm feeling unwell I won't be going. Last place I want to be is at an exciting sporting event if my chest is hurting.
  13. Chest pains from an accelerated heart rate. Not difficulty breathing. Can you please stop trying to be my 2nd doctor this evening?
  14. Waiting on doctor to go over the blood test. But the triage nurse has all but said everything is fine.
  15. Yes I viewed their website. I don't have any covid symptoms. I do not intend to go to game if unwell. It is too cold for that.
  16. Oh **** off man I've had a rough enough evening without you giving me competing medical advice against an actual Doctor
  17. I won't if I am. Hopefully I'll be out soon to get a nap in. Haven't slept all night.
  18. Isolate? Bro I can't stay in Winnipeg because I got so high my heart beat out of my chest. If need be ill take a rapid test here.
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