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Everything posted by BaconNBigBlue

  1. that glorious pile of hair.. come on.. you know he uses horse mane and tail shampoo.. coupled with a whalebone brush. (bonus points for getting reference ) Shania Twain
  2. Luckily I only have to watch the first 5 minutes and not spend 3 hours on this!
  3. Tackling was brutal by the Bombers. Looked like they didn't want to touch the guy with the ball. Just pathetic. I was predicting this would be our only win in our remaining games and we couldn't even do that.
  4. Yeah I'm not sure where Suiter got his hate for the Bombers from, but it was nauseating listening to him go on about the Als this the Als that. Lucky for the win, but I'll take it.
  5. I just love the fact that I can watch a game now with great optimism. Knowing on any given day the boys in blue and gold can win. The last few years it hasn't always been that way. I watched games hoping the blue and gold didn't get blown out too badly. If the lunch bucket players are making this so, then I have no problems with it.
  6. I'm hoping for more improvement from the Bombers all round. As long as I see improvement I'll be happy. BB 28 Mtl 10
  7. Sometimes typos and/or autocorrect is a beautiful thing. Oi' Ve' Coach! Coach you stupid iPhone!
  8. And O'Shea is young, so could be our couch for a long long time.
  9. Guess I'll be picking Ottawa in the pool this week.
  10. And how many know what a toilet is? how many can afford a two-holer? They do. It's a 2 story shithouse!
  11. My Co-Workers new background. Gets to keep this up until at least Saturday.
  12. Sweet. couldn't watch the game as I was driving out to Creston, but thankfully I don't have to worry about an Argo logo stuck all over my phone and PC for the time being.
  13. If the Bombers win, he has to put the Bombers logo on his PC and Phone background and leave it there until the Argo win their next game and, god forbid, the Bombers lose, I have the Argo filth to put on my PC and phone until the Bombers win. Needlesstosay, Go Bombers.
  14. Ah finally something worth watching on TV.
  15. Had some meat too it for sure. A hand full of them and you'd get your daily exercise just lifting beers.
  16. Thank you. That toolbar doesn't show up on my iPad.
  17. http://i1169.photobucket.com/albums/r519/BBQBacon/Misc/imagejpg1_zps60ade96e.jpg Ring is damn heavy. http://i1169.photobucket.com/albums/r519/BBQBacon/Misc/imagejpg2_zps7e99edf7.jpg Don't know how to put in the pics.
  18. Was at our leadership meeting as a motivational speaker. Great great speaker. I thanked him for crushing the Bombers again and again and he got a good laugh. I'll post a pic of him beside our president when I get to a real computer.
  19. Thanks to all those that reported yesterday and I look forward to more reports today! I have an Argo fan in the cubicle beside me who routinely leaves his laptop unlocked when he leaves. So I put a Bombers background on it for him.
  20. Yeah yeah I thought of them. But this is rookie camp and not a game practice.
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