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road griller

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Everything posted by road griller

  1. For me, thinking about the Little joe era makes me want drink the day away. So I often wake up and think about it.There are three things griller's do best, party, grill and party! #livin'lagrillaloca.
  2. Hall is amazing, as long as it's not windy or cold or the D-line is not too tall or fast and they keep their hands down. Knock knock, Halls there?
  3. Add in the horrid record and the team regressing every season....
  4. Lyle and Taman in a hoodie were the Glory Years compared to kelly-joe.
  5. If they get rid of him we can then talk even more about bringing back Westwood! Sweet. I hope you're joking RG. I actually liked you until that one...We need to ship Westy to some country across the world from here and ban him from any of us ever having to hear his voice ever again. (especially if he ever talks about his useless consecutive extra point record) Then I'd be happy You can go back to liking me.
  6. More interested in his future here. Love the fire and passion, and he has the tools. Looks like a pretty hefty brace but he can still play with it, maybe his knee will hold up for a good #2 career. Hall looked lost and performed like a CIS rookie out there (minus the arm strength) compared to Marve's first ever CFL playing time. Willy, Brohm Marve would work for me.
  7. Yeah, that Goltz was brutal. Goltz is soooooooo 2013!
  8. They can keep him around, just not at Q.B., just does not seem to be his thing. Maybe he can kick 60 yarders, or play center but he is a brutal quarterback.
  9. If they get rid of him we can then talk even more about bringing back Westwood! Sweet.
  10. you can when your life is constantly on the line... Are you joking me? RCMP salary is less than this for a whole year and their lives truly are on the line. These guys play a game, for God's sake! I think he meant their professional life. Like their job, they can get cut at any time. Peace officers, military do put their lives on the line but 99.999% make it through. And as long as they do their jobs properly can retire after a long career with great benefits. I would say the average RCMP officer's salary would be darn close to the average CFL salary and you are looking at a big difference in average career length.
  11. I love EF especially when he close talks the person he is interviewing and mouths the words they are saying. It's totally tubular!
  12. No wonder you hallucinated that Justin Goltz was a great quarterback.No that's the drugs. Then it's Gondola time iso! Oh ya and bed by 11....#sleepinglikeababy!
  13. The thing I hate about Mcdonalds is...... nothing. Nothing better than boozing hard all night then getting a shitwack of Mcdonalds in the morning drinking a few cans of real coke then sleeping until dinner. #livinlovinlife!
  14. Well, I don't like to brag about myself and say how awesome I am. I usually leave that to others (thank you all by the way). But when it comes to negotiations I know a little. Yes, the stronger the strike vote the better and members are usually aware of this. I find it works better for both sides in the end and a fair deal can usually be made.
  15. A strong strike vote would not surprise me at all. I was actually thinking around the 80-85% range myself. 98 does sound real high but good for them if it is!
  16. Paul Freisen, he's got the look. And the brains to match.
  17. When Freisen asks a question give him the same answer all the time. Players coaches alike. "We are going to go out and win one for the Gippper". End of story . Even if he asks what day they plan on travelling.
  18. I never worked out growing up, that was my plan all along have very little muscle at the age of thirty so I will actually reverse that trend. I am still weak as a kitten but by 100 or so I will be a force!
  19. For me, most everything is based upon looks. I voted for the candidate who I thought won the three categories of tall, dark and handsome hands down. Judy got my vote.
  20. I hear those things are awfully loud... Just crank the tunes.
  21. Just build a freakin' monorail already. When will this city get with the times?????
  22. Johnny Safety is starting at Sears? When is his first day?
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