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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Like that Cole...yup and prob be a Mcrae and Agudosi swap....with recievers rotating around...be a very nice group....
  2. I truly don't see Osh going...why would he...he has totally moved his life here...has a good thing....no real ties to T.O really...he played there...big deal...why go from prominence and chance to be an all time legend...to obscurity, and likely failure and canned 2 yrs later...makes no sense...Plus Osh is all about loyalty....we were loyal to him when everyone and their dog wanted him gone....that will go a long way
  3. I'm thinking that Dinnwiddie may have been overated...he seems to me to be over his head...and to be frank not that smart
  4. Grant definately when ball is in his hands runs hard and aggressive....like the cut of his jib
  5. he likes to play nice with the Riderfans gang....plays in their sandbox and follows the narrative to bash Winnipeg....so he is a two faced schmuck
  6. Yeah Harrison out...Ellingson in as Mcrae can play several spots on offence...return and is on kick coverage....Grant will be primarily a returner now, tho would hope he comes in for certain packages, and gives teams the threat he will run a sweep, and also run them...will keep the defenses honest
  7. if a player is healthy...u get him back in...even with bye coming...no need for that extra rest as he getting it in the bye....same with down the stretch...resting ooddles of guys for too much time is recipe for disaster and for team to become less than sharp when it matters...u play full bore....but maybe give back-ups more reps...we have shown are back-ups are basically just in name only...record shows as much....It also leaves a player more apt to actually getting hurt when tossed back into the fray from too much "rest"....you go in guns a blazing....and when playoffs start....evaluate whos left standing and forge on
  8. actually..I kind of can...I don't think their offence is superior, personnel wise...Elks are disjointed right now and CJ has give them no consistency...The Sask has a good LB core, but other than that now....thats all they have...with injuries and suspensions their d-line is suspect, and the back end is mid to low tier...I just think Goofy Jones will outscheme them, and Mass and Dickieson are so clueless they wont have an answer... yeah...seems to have had some of the life knocked outta him...with the difference in what we were offering in salary closed by likely play-off money being shy around 40k may have been not so bad
  9. yup...when other teams catch up in games...they will have given up more
  10. Osh played mean........much like most players of that era...and if he saw a chance to take a guy out within the rules...he took it...was par for the course back then...as for taking liberties in a pile....always happened...generally always will...some of the icest guys you would ever know in the league would do it.....some of the biggest assbags never....is what it is but never was he ever out to blatantly injure a guy with disregard for the team...the play being sucessful or the health of player....thats a whole different ball of wax
  11. Yup....they will leave everything on the field Thursday knowing they get that break ..I see a blowout brewing
  12. Basically....if u dont jump us right outta the gate ...cash in on every or any error we make and get up by at least 14 by half ...I just can't see a team winning unless we really drop a deuce in 2nd half of game ..basically 2+yrs and running has shown this....like our record from end 2019 and on ..including playoffs is basically just wins...and that's pushing like what...30 games now?
  13. And against us again....and lesser extent CGY...even though afew games this yr we didn't seem dominant...a few times bordered on what could be considered lucky ..but is it just a fact that again like last yr ..we are just that much better than everyone else...based on how we took BC behind woodshed...and our overall record?
  14. I don't care what kind of yards we give up...to be honest....I care about how many points we give up...and how we seem to make the right adjustments at the half...and just squeeze life out of teams...I haven't looked...but I assume the bulk of these "yards" are compiled in quarters 1 to 2...and after that...it's minimal...as we take over games
  15. Cgy scares me more in the fact they have solid coaching...better all around talent and depth...and are relatively disciplined and a lot of the guys have been there before...BLM doesn't scare me and he won't be reason they beat us.. Riders I truly think are done..and if Elks beat em next week...they really gonna be scrambling
  16. Yeah...worthless article and view...u can have guys that have an edge sure..but not brain dead idiots who are obviously selfish... continually hurt your team...and are never gonna be an all-star...or even top tier
  17. BC is a good team...not a great team...they feast on the also rans and the idiots (Jones' plan in EDM) Rourke is got the tools ..but if a good game plan is applied to him...like we did...he's just a QB...he got some lucky big plays...but replay that again and I bet all 3 may be incomplete...they don't scare me ...CGY does.... I get all the hype...CDN QB has media all haha and horny and he has put up decent numbers but their sched and the Teams they have played has been very favourable to them...let's see what they do on the road..in bad cold weather games come Oct and nov
  18. Dane Evans does not strike me as a guy who will take you to the promised land...has some tools...but just weak upstairs
  19. Was going to mention...did anyone else notice at the 2:26 mark of second quarter we ran a play with ZC and Prukop on field at same time..faked an end around sweep with him and handed off to BO up the gut...just thought I'd mention it as the putzs on TSN were oblivious to it... something to watch for next week
  20. If Arbuckle got a legit chance to be given the QB chores...and let grow and play all the games he would develop and see field way better...poor guy been yanked around like a yoyo...can make all the throws..can use his legs...he needs reps and experience ...feel for the guy
  21. Ouch...if Lapo doesn't swap QBs next drive ..if for nothing other than to let the young guy sit and watch he should be fired post game if they lose
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