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Everything posted by Booch

  1. riddle me this....what makes you think he wont.....basing off his development from last year start to finish....and his play in pre-season before he got hurt....you saying he platued last yr?...and that his more extensive game experience as a starter wouldn't have had him ahead in any manner before he got hurt? He has looser hips and transitions more efficiently and smoothly, and yeah Osh likes Holms feet...well feet follow hips in a DB ....and yes...he is a way better form tackler...10 pounds heavier and doesn't get washed out in the wash as easily....same measurables basically as well.... Now waiting for your analysis to the contrary....tag You realize that means jack eh?...And is basically exact same stature as TJ. Lee...Deatrich Nichols....and sure others currently...they must suck too I guess....Even going back....Harold Nash...Jovon Johnson.....Jonathon Hefney...off top my head...all similar to Parker...all sucked like your 14 yr old kid would I guess if they were playing....get a grip man....obviously you have zero clue in what makes a good football player
  2. I'd get in **** for showing it in form that it is produced....so u will just have to believe me and my dissemination of it, which you dont and to be truth full i couldnt give a fack...same with viewing 24 man film....not allowed to let public see it...well teams won't readily hand it over either...some you all crack me up tho with the fandom and just going with the tripe media will toss at you....to each their own...I'll abstain from posting and giving any....well whatever it is u consider it...some is insight...some is opinions of mine (and some others who don't post here) ...some is what I get from people within organizations/teams.... yeah...racing across the field to make a solo tackle cleaning upn some else's miss...thats what you were implying....and the uneccessary roughness call you cited...A call which I as well disagreed with...that was his man
  3. And on that play ..the corner took odums dukes who was his responsibility...that guy was the HB responsibility on that play actually...if u familiar with the coverage they ran...safety generally is over top help but BA wax playing up a bit and bit on the flat...actually Biggie was back there if I remember correct and may have been late doing his drop off deep ..like we have him do ..or just pooched it ....dunno as u can't tell without all 24 look
  4. One example doesnt make it so.....and fact of matter...Guys are doing that in everygame as well....there are 3 plays that game where I recall he was beat as well...it happens to all players....with all that said we have better more rounded options....and he's in there because that option got hurt in TC and the way Osh coaches at times shows too much loyalty in some situations where it's not warranted, nor does it make team better...which should be the end goal...Nit picking can go on back and forth forever, and is pointless....our less than the best roster is gonna be an issue all yr until it really bites us in the ass, or next yr when some those guys who were slighted for no reason other than a coaches personal like/love of something makes them walk and look elsewhere for playing time.......I get it...U love Holm and he excites you.....he doesnt for me....average and adequate don't do it for me
  5. unless they will wait till next week to announce....My guess tho is some returnee's....
  6. well we been barely winning some lately...and won some we prob didnt deserve to as well....so there is that.....u never stand pat, regardless of record or talent well 6 of our 10 are somewhat meh too....hahaha...
  7. why we even have Jake outside off the edge is baffling...Utter useless out there...I'm sure teams will start exploiting the crap out of that when they see that formation, and have plays called just for that occasion
  8. hmmm...does this mean some roster moves are immanent?...creating space for some 6 gamers being back?...or we bringing in some bodies...ones that are useful
  9. and I believe e were one of the first teams to employ that 8 man rotation, and other teams followed suit.....what happened since...is beyond me
  10. pretty certain this Elk's gig will be the last we see of Jones once they are able to get rid of him....unless he does a major turn around...fixes everything and gets them back to what they were....which seems like a stretch tome
  11. If you had Fox dressed...would make a ton of a difference as he would be taking reps away from Bennet/Thomas....Plus would be a nice combo with Walker when no injuries happen....we are the only team that dresses fewer than 8 true dlineman... may as well add extra Import oline guy...I heard a couple been here a while now and try real hard in practice, and the players like seeing that remember...Osh said they all First teamers....no back-ups here
  12. exactly same feeling....if you have a DA you want them to be impactful, and yes usefull....the role he is in is a total waste....If he took even 5-8 impactful reps on the dline, and not in garbage time then it would make sense, but as it is now...with 6 dlineman...2 of which when out there are basically just spot fillers....its just stupidity....god forbid WJ or Jeffcoat or Walker go down in a game....heaven forbid if 2 of them do, as we would be right screwed What would a game look like with one of the Jeff's...and Thomas..Lawson and Bennet playing the whole game???....it would be embarrassing
  13. and a back up full back who has 4 yrs of football experience....none at fullback...and none in the Canadian game....there are a number of players that are National that we could use in that spot...even a global...It's not like Jackson is making highlight reel plays and blocks that have people noticing and going wow...what a fullback yup....nobody expected anything ....even just a Parker for Mcrae swap would do wonders for returns...kick coverage, and defensive rotation...especially when we have an extra Canadian on defence whom we could swap out anytime we want with an import....Be curious other than the returns Mcrae does, how many offensive snaps he takes, and if his play on offence is key to the win...Interestingly enough we took the ball on the 40 everytime we could have opted to receive a kick...that tells you right there we have no faith in his returning...so why roster that???? thats why I tagged him....and I agree....everyone other than thi site has nose up his hiney...and figure cause he has won that he does no wrong and has no deficiencies....I have said before in a lot of instances we have won despite his odd moves and decisions....Luck eventually runs out...and have seen it a bit this yr....media needs to grow some onions
  14. Hard to say....not sure what the not practicing is about....be nice for a team to be less vague...especially in a league where sports betting is now taking place None the less if he is out it's a good bet we will likely roster a complete useless dud of a replacement that will have no bearing whatsoever We already have 2 wasted DA spots where the players make minimal impact...next to no influence on the game, and could easily have their role taken over by someone who could...so why not add a 3rd??.....and again....total disregard in using the Nationlized American hey @DTonOB maybe you can ask Osh why he refuses to use this?....would it not make sense to just list one in the case we have an in game injury??
  15. looks like Gauthier is only change to lineup...In for Burtenshaw....BA playing.....still lean on dline....just dont get it....and Mcrae gets another game to basically suck....dont get that either
  16. Grant was getting it done despite poor blocking as well...so with him out, and reluctance to make some roster moves to try and help....that and missing guys like Gauthier...Miller...Hansen, well we have seen the results
  17. Well he better when miller is back...totally no need then If Hallet starts Thursday...and we continue to start Kramdi...why don't we start Fox and Walker at DT then...and rotate Lawson in...and minimal Thomas....makes sense no?
  18. yup..thats it...bingo....sure I cant think of that...I have seen...and thats not accurate
  19. yup....certainly we will put out a lineup thats not our best...just because thats Osh way. Darby was all-star caliber safety in T.O...so would be the logical choice....and Parker in for BA....another logical choice, so you have backfield coverage in case of injury. Like others said...Cole would be a great guy back there...but we wont see it....We will prob start 9 Canadians now...and still not roster an extra dlineman to rotate in....or take reg reps as pulling Thomas off the field wont affect the ratio....but we wont.....and I'm sure again..Jackson will eat up a DA spot for 5 to 6 reps a game, and Mcrae will continue to lose the field position battle, and possibly this game cough one up....cause thats the Osh way He yammered on about Hallet practicing hard...guys like seeing him out there...yadda yadda yadda...well I sure they feel same way about all their other teammates too....I thought this week may be a depth chart to look forward to, but am sure tomorrow will be another bummer
  20. pretty much eh?....They should have beat Sask both games as it is...so likely have at least 3 wins this yr so far
  21. yeah he wiling to listen....but if not the right situ...he aint jumping
  22. Looking around right now, don't really see who would be in need of a DC in the west currently, tho things could change, but I doubt next year. Out east I think T.O...MTL...HAM...And Ottawa are all safe too...Miles is doing good job in Ott and is an up and comer...so change there ...again would be pointless....Washington is good in Ham, and also has a Asst HC title to his name and if Orlando gets the can, or steps aside after another failure I sure that job is Milanovich's anyway and not Washington's and I sure T.O isn't caning Mace for unproven Younger....so my best guess he is ours until we don't want him, or slide him into Hall's role, or add a title to his current position Only guy I can see possibly getting poached next yr is Goevia, but he also has to want to leave, and I think unless it's just the ultimate perfect situation presented, he won't as he quite happy here....and truthfully I would wager a guess all the top dogs here are gonna want to see this thru to the 2025 Grey Cup season You have to factor in as well...If some teams happen to can guys not under contract...well then there is also peanuts to offer in terms of salary...so we good for 2 yrs minimum in my opinion
  23. well....thankfully over past 3 yrs...including playoffs u have only had to deal with 9 of them...hahaha
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