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Everything posted by Booch

  1. we so up in Faj's head he will be his classic spinning around aimlessly running into pressure and throwing up chuck and duck lame passes self.....
  2. The Faj taking first team reps....That's great news!!
  3. yup....thats what the main goal was from beginning...took 2.5 yrs to get it headed in right direction, and there were some sketchy times, but now that it's established, keeping it intact with tweaks here and there is the goal to maintain it...I see no reasons why we won't as key pieces are in place, and if any piece needs to be replaced for whatever reason...we don't have bozo's running things anymore like before and just grasping and flailing away at stuff hoping something stuck.....thank god
  4. Pretty sure will look basically the same.....other than a new core of players...maybe a few diff positional coaches but the Management and HC aspect will be intact,
  5. for whats its worth...Expect to hear come Dec, or shortly after Grey Cup Walters is extended through 2025
  6. PFF is bunk lol...but I guess when all there is basically what ya gonna do eh? Our defense is shaping up nicely....can be even better tho....we have tons of depth and options...these are the games we should be trying to find the best opti9ons/combos and not standing pat...waiting for injury or a major screw up isn't the way to go about it in my opinion
  7. here are tackles per game avg Nichols - 2.5 Rose - 2.6 Houston - 3.1 Holm -4.1 Swarmay - 4.6 Lawrence - 2.0 How is that number best on team?...... BC also had to deal with Rose/Nichols combo...which basically shut down a lot of their passing options...Wilson as well.....other factors you didn't factor in. Provide these completion percentage numbers you are claiming as well...I have access to something but cant share here, and it doesn't correlate to what you claim
  8. then lots musta changed the last 2 games as he was the most targeted by a long margin
  9. I would say Parker or Swarmay....Holm sure...has been decent....but has been targeted a ****-ton.....as evidenced by his targets and tackle....and his completion percentage against is prob one worst on team...sure he has some knockdowns, but u will get more than others when u are targeted 3x more than other db's He's not a good tackler one on one...gets washed out and lost in traffic as he is built like a 13 yr old kid,...and for all the targets he has faced, obviously not a ball hawk as he just got a pick in game 8....Tackles are nice and all...but as a DB if you have a pile of them...that mans your receiver for ost part you are facing is making the catch....People make it seem like he is all over the field cleaning up everyone else's issues, and misses and tackling their guy...that is not the case....and could care about his fancy lil feet....I want to see loose hips and fluid transitions...I see more of that in others at practices I have attended.... a few comments were made in TC after a few of the projected starters went down with injury and everyone just glomming onto it now....why I dunno...Prob cause he a white db from a smaller program...who knows, and as far as speed there are others on the team with just as much speed as him, but are more physical and way better tacklers I also work with athletes in and coming out o the Mountain West Conference for draft day prep, as well as some recruiting and coaching so have a fairly good handle on what I see and how I determine things.....which is why I have the opinion on our roster use quite often and that some players get the benefit of the doubt due to being a longer tenured guy here...even tho they are not the best player in the line-up, and or coach Osh's hardcore love of some guys for his own reasons...some not sure why, and those players see the fieldthat is a fact and many here can argue or disagree with it...but it is what it is....There should be no reason Kramdi is starting before a few others...especially when his nationality isn't required in the ratio....same with Thomas....He really should have been sent packing after last yr, or cut/PR'd this yr...but that goes back to our lousy recruitment of Dlineman and having nobody to play the spot...There are a few other guys ..mainly tamers who have no real purpose being still here, s they serve no use other than this yr poor special teams play, but coach loves them...so they are here....Rant over...lol....all I have to say on that, as I know jackshit is gonna change save for some influx of injuries, or we really pooch a few games due to it, and the HC finally pulls his head out of his arse this is what any player should be focused on.....so again...media making mountain out of nothing makes me laugh And who here loses their mind on a bad call...nobody, as thats the culture here....so I guess kudos to him for seeing the culture and the FIFO thing...but it's nothing to be applauded for
  10. yup....all their injuries...apparently they only team hit with them...thats why they suck....no.... it's no depth....thats why u suck.....and lousy coaches
  11. hahahahah.......sadly thats not me.....tho I am there somewhere...he's decent....but not best option...oh well...our roster is littered with the "not best option"
  12. Morrow gets stuffed for no gain...or losses of 2 to 5 yards way too often to be a legit back...that and he has suspect hands to be an extended run play with a screen or a dump off...averages 4 yards a carry and has had 3 games with more than 80 yards....Yeah their oline sucks balls....but still.....gotta be better, and with a crappy line like that....u need a bull like BO or Standback....who can power thru tackles
  13. Right from get go aid that was a pointless switch and does nothing...and the fact we dont take advantage of the extra Canadian starter and utilize an import more often in rotation on the dline, and sit Thomas more is also baffling....and if anything he seems to be seeing more reps...and just doesn't have it any more...and I cringe everytime they put him off the edge, as he basically has no contain ability or athleticism to kick outside and force a play out wide for a loss....just crippling ourselves...like what thought process has gone into doing that, other than it's because we only have 6 lineman, so we have to....crazy stupid
  14. some play maker has to come out when u use a fullback who is one of your DA's....so makes t even more stupid that we choose to do this
  15. great team guy...awesome story....but at this juncture if he can't take solid reps on defence....he is a waste...Plus when we bring him in on offence it means one of Schoen or Lawler has to leave field...again....such a dumb way to cripple the offence from a playmaker when you don't have to thats what u get for going to tittty bars where seedy patrons accumulate
  16. and that in itself would be a dumb move, as Cole takes quality reps on defense...is killer on teams....and backs up linebacker spots....the smart and obvious move is Jackson or MCrae...but we all know how this will likely pan out
  17. prob not....just keep getting away with escaping with victories where if we just shored up a position here or there, we likely wouldn't have to....I am almost betting that when Miller is back....our actual fullback Osh will pull a diff canadian off to get Miller on, and keep Jackson on as well for no apparent or intelligent reason whatsoever, and guys like Parker...Fox...Haba...just waste away....and likely walk away from here next yr Same with Mcrae...we been losing the filed position game badly....he is making some gaffs...which have yet to cost us...but will, sooner than later so we can use him 4 or 5 times on offence....and really.....with no major impact on outcome of the game...we have more than enough change of pace running between BO...Sheed and Demski....Mcrae is a waste when we need help elsewhere on the roster...Same can almost be said with Dobson and Eli...sure they are a awesome luxury to have, and do their role well....but how often are they used at same time?..carry 7 is a luxury, one most teams dont use or bother with...not a dire need...they use that extra body to shore up a lean area
  18. field position...or lack there of it on the swings on change of possessions, and craptacular punting has been killing us now for 4,...5 games....and needs to be addressed.....Obviously some the guys on teams aren't getting it done, so why are they continually trotted out there?...And obviously Jackson isn't making a difference on them, as I don't think he has registered a tackle....maybe 1....
  19. Adding Gauthier and hopefully soon Miler to the ST's will be huge, not to mention we can then use a useful guy as a DA in place of Jackson.....so maybe Haba is ready then, or if not we try Garbutt to see what he brings, or give Fox start number 2...if none of those options is used on Jackson then Osh seriously needs a slap upside his head when Miller....who was our fullback and knows the offence better than Jackson is back on roster. I sure Gauthier would replace Burtenshaw....Slide Parker in for Mcrae.....hopefully Hansen soon for I would guess Mauro as thats the only option, and we be cooking with fire.....Clements will also be in mix soon to, so not sure what we do there with him as well
  20. assumed as much....that lil extra rest now, will pay off down stretch so nothing is lingering Now lets hear about some possible other minor adjustments....Hello Parker....Hi there Mr Fox....
  21. Peter's as well on the other Emilus catch too, not sure what he was doing and pooched it too, trying to swat at it....think was more surprised how it hung there than anything...next time out those will be picks, or knockdowns
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