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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. Jets had good luck prior series, now having bad luck. posts, bad bounces, bad luck. Wheeler's shot that missed by an inch. puck bouncing over Buff's stick. Jets will win the next game at least. Not going out this easily.
  2. quite a few American media people think that if he does well in the CFL for a couple of years, he'll be back in the NFL. Think I heard Rodney Harrison said that.
  3. I think it deserves a thread.... it's quite significant media wise for the team and the league, locally, across Canada, and in the US.
  4. Masoli is really good, Montreal would take him in a flash. Masolli holds the league record for consecutive completions. Manziel.... from what I've read, has never shown that he can master a playbook.
  5. Ends sensible discusussion? According to who? Do you have to start off with an insult to make a point? Bernie Sanders voted against it. Even Hillary herself later said it was wrong to vote for the invasion. The invasion itself was illegal. five hundred thousand to one million dead people in Iraq say Bush is a mass murderer. People far more qualified than you or I say the war was illegal, and Bush is a war crminal.
  6. The yah but Clinton, yah but Obama, yah but is easily overcome. you have no chance of being President of the USA, no matter what party you belong to, unless you are a liar, fully beholden to a certain group of the World's wealthiest, who do not give two hoots about most people. In our time, nobody decent, or honest, can become President. Or hold any other high office. Harry Truman, after he left office, drove home to Missouri in his own car. This latter bunch are all multi multi millionaires or billionaire, Obama lied, did little of what he said he would do, Hillary Clinton was a proven liar. She voted FOR invasion of Iraq. George Bush was a mass murderer. The main thing Obama was better at than Trump, was presenting himself as a kind, caring individual. His Tuesday afternoon double tap drone target selection meetings, proved that to be fake. But when you're only argument supporting Trump is to bring up Hillary you've admitted he's indefensible.
  7. where does my post say we've finally found our qb of the future? And nothing is more predictable, than the post you made.
  8. giveaways.... haven't played like this all season.
  9. downside of Streveler and Ross working out/being good.....we will no longer be able to discuss the Bombers failure to find and or develop quarterbacks. This would deal a serious blow to the forum!
  10. what's gonna blow first the volcano in Hawaii, or Trump? Can you bet on that somewhere? Hillary who? Who is the Hillary person?
  11. alternate celebrity quote probably the funniest tv series I've ever seen.
  12. Ii wonder if there's an opening here for Assange to save himself. Tin foil hat..... Might be why Ecuador is thinking of booting him out. Raise the pressure on him to reveal his source(s) etc. Make a deal to avoid going to the USA under extradition. Saw Trump just now, since Kim threw the wrench in the works... Trump gave the appearance of melting down in public now. Could blow any day.
  13. Rice: American Secretary of State under G W. Bush. A few years later Kadhafi was overthrown, and killed, by USA, France, Britain. Kim is evil, but not stupid.
  14. Lets assume you're right about medicaid. (And there is still no control over what people not on medicaid pay. as far as I know. ) You say "lots of misinformation" What other misinformation is there?
  15. Globe and Mail A Canadian-Palestinian doctor was shot in the legs by an Israeli sniper and one of his paramedics was killed on the Gaza border Monday as clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli Defence Forces left dozens dead and more than 1,000 wounded. Dr. Tarek Loubani, an emergency physician from London, Ont., who is also an associate professor at the University of Western Ontario’s medical school, joined medical teams on the Gaza border Monday to care for Palestinians who might be injured in demonstrations against the inauguration of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. Dr. Loubani, who has served as an emergency field doctor in Tanzania and conflict zones such as Iraq and southern Lebanon, said he was wearing a green surgeon’s outfit and standing with several orange-vested paramedics about 25 metres from the protests at the border when he was hit.
  16. This is completely predictable. And the Americans have been running around pronouncing what N Korea had to do. The new USA: Uninformed, inexperienced, rash, and ill prepared.
  17. Trump wants us to get rid of our Drug prices control system, which every western country except the United States has. Americans pay among the highest prices in the world for drugs. He want us to join the USA. Telegraph: Our prices are set by AGREEMENT with the pharmaceutical companies. We have a board, the patent medicines prices review board that acts together with the drug companies to set prices. Every western world country has one,except the USA. The American government won't even allow their own government, the largest drug buyer by far, to negotiate volume discounts. talk about corruption. Imagine telling Walmart, sorry, no volume discounts. "The PMPRB protects and informs Canadians by ensuring that the prices of patented medicines sold in Canada are not excessive and by reporting on pharmaceutical trends." Remember, it's in the US, that we get the stories of prices being increased by thousands of percent, cause they can. Check out the price increase on the epi pen. Still like Trump?
  18. "....... John Hagee, one of America’s most prominent end-times preachers, once said that Hitler was sent by Godto drive the Jews to their ancestral homeland. ( At the opening of the embassy) He gave the closing benediction. He argued in a late 1990s sermon that the Nazis had operated on God's behalf to chase the Jews from Europe and shepherd them to Palestine. According to the Reverend, Adolph Hitler was a "hunter," sent by God, who was tasked with expediting God's will of having the Jews re-establish a state of Israel. Zionist evangelicals believe that the return of Jews to Israel will usher in the apocalypse and the return of Christ, after which Jews who don’t convert will burn forever." That's partly what this is about, who Trump did this for. Them, and for the Israeli's who want to annex territory siezed in the 67 war. And the Saudis are ok with this too. It's another consequence of Trump, his ignorance, personal troubles, and delusions, as is everything he does. This is another marker on the road away from the US. The Israelis should be investigated for murder. This is going to leave a feeling of revulsion world wide.
  19. yes, too bad. She had a tough life.
  20. I figured there must be other Alex Rosses in Manitoba history... with all of the scots that came over with the HBC for the fur trade. Must be a distant relative. (kidding) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Ross_(fur_trader)
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