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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. agree, he has looked a bit like a kamikaze when he runs the ball . Here's hoping he will slide instead of getting hit, and be able to know where the D guys are when he's carrying the ball. He and we do not need an injury. seems Paul LaPolice was the "scout" that found him. Actually all three of their quarterbacks have looked really athletic.
  2. taking a break from that site as of now.
  3. NYT spoof of that movie trailer is good https://www.nytimes.com/video/opinion/100000005950705/trump-made-kim-a-movie-trailer-we-made-it-better.html Wikipedia has a complete history of the history of attempts to reach an agreement with N Korea. It seems quite unbiased.
  4. That be it. Trump never fails to take it to the next (lower) level.
  5. Won't be a year suspended either. This right here is too good to not post Wall street journal: LOL!
  6. Trump wouldn't want anyone smarter than him, around him. We know what that means. Michael better stay out of the rain, and avoid people with furled umbrellas. and.... out of courtesy, and just to save people the trouble: Trump didn't know he had sex with Stormy Daniels! anyway..... Obama _________________________________, and ____________________, and ________________________________!!! and...... Marxist- Leftwinger,! If you want a real laugh, go have a look at the movie trailer the Whitehouse released, promoting mother loving Kim Jun Un. It is quite comical. In Trump world, all North Koreans love Kim. Bizzarro world.
  7. doing the same thing they did last year, have the two allstars together on one side, and the two not so good guys together on the other side. Did not work at all last year. I realize, there's more to it than that. I guess We'll find out pretty quickly with Reilly and friends if this will work.
  8. no consultation with military needed . World's most powerful military, top level people who have trained for their entire careers to operate it. Trump, who ducked military draft, doesn't need any of them. USA being run by an impulsive person who makes decisions entirely on spur of the moment feelings, and thoughts about what will benefit him. This guy isn't going to jail, he's going for mandatory six months rest and recuperation at "Pink Mountain".
  9. I would like to see these guys do a lot to help the team. downfield blocking by receivers, something which I think has been missing for a long time. don't know why. is it they dont know how to do block, or are a-scared, or if they think it's beneath them. pretty sure Andrew Harris, Flanders, and Johnny A. would appreciate it. We already know Peterman is willing and able to block. Probably Wolitarski too.. Hoping for a good game from peterman that guy was very impressive. to sum up. I'm hopeful. Very hopepful. As I used to yell in the days of Lancaster "get reilly! "
  10. Did Trump actually talk about doing his own real estate transaction in N Korea? Talk about your transparent, in your face corruption. Robert Mugabe was less brazen. Trump thinks that the President owns everything in the USA, that it's all supposed to benefit him directly. Anyway, I will take Trump stupidly thinking he's buddies with the vile North Korean dictator, to Trump thinking about dropping a nuclear bomb on them. and..... good posts @do or die, thanks.
  11. This is interesting, I didn't know any of this stuff. last year they started more than the minimum amount of Canadians and some people were grumbling. but there is obviously an upside to doing this. thanks.
  12. Leggett hasn't practiced very much at all. I don't think he will be playing.
  13. LoL I wish I owned fendrihan. You people are weird sometimes. seriously.
  14. A reasonable number of new threads don't bother me at all. Not sure what harm can be caused by posting a thread. one person posting five new threads a day, for instance, would be silly, and unhelpful, but I haven't seen anything like that. Just don't bother responding if the subject matter, or the name of the person posting it, bothers you. Some of the people that complain about too many threads, rarely start a thread themselves for some reason. two threads on one subject are already moderated/merged. So that's not a problem. I like the idea of a regular game week thread, and a game day thread as well.
  15. Got a safety razor, from Fendrihan Canada. (really quick service) razor, ( German .... Merkur ) blades, brush, and soap tried it out....... very happy with it. It's very easy to use . (My skin cuts easily). very smooth, one little cut, no pulling, extremely close shave. blades are very cheap. Pretty glad I went ahead and got that thing. goodbye overpriced cartridge razors. I won't miss you at all.
  16. I'd be happy to take that result. Trump sure likes him some Putin.
  17. an hour or so from home has to count for quite a bit.
  18. I (and everyone else I'm sure) really appreciate having your participation here Booch. Thanks.
  19. Yeah, but good for them. I am happy to see that. Doug Ford as well. Smart politically too. I think Bannatyne is right. Trump is doing what he's always done. also amazingly, when the whole story comes out, it's going to be worse than what we already know. doesn't seem possible.
  20. Can't believe that sask cut Bond. Unreal. He must regret leaving here. Sask probably is the last choice for players at this point. The way they demeaned Dressler. Kicking Bagg under the bus. At least give him an offer to coach. Player's will probably play for less money just to avoid that team.
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