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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. I have a suggestion for a new stat Yards after contract.
  2. Darvin Adams played very well last game. He made tough catches, fought for the ball, made moves around defenders and powered through tackles. I don't know why he doesn't (as far as I can tell) play like that every game, but if he keeps it up, Bombers O will be good. Nichols was clearly concentrating on throwing the sideline passes low and to a spot where only his receiver could catch it. tough catch, but not interceptable. and they were catching those passes. If they continue playing like that, the O will do well.
  3. Its well known that tax cuts don't stimulate a country's economy. It's sold to the voters that way. Also, known as "trickle down" which was also shown repeatedly to not help the economy. Trump tax cuts have mostly gone to sharebuybacks. Not investment and wage growth. financial wise, might want to throw in cost of wars, Bush war in Iraq now in the several trillions. One thing which is absolutely proven to destroy economies is tariff wars. And that too, is well known.
  4. They used to have a guy like Cross, Chris Normand. He showed he could catch the ball when he was given a chance.
  5. give mcleod the hook please 2 picks to a d lineman.
  6. bc must be the dirtiest friking team in the league. I just hate them throw the guy out right now. ruins the game
  7. can see why they like jennings, he can throw it a mile with just a little flick. accuracy... maybe not so good
  8. 😂 Probably why manafort plead guilty in the end. scared of Putin. daily beast
  9. Wikipedia has a great article about this. Trump fits every defintiion. scapegoating, fearmongering, lying, accusing opponents of weakness, promise the impossible, violence and physical intimidation, personal insults and ridicule, vulgarity, attacking the media.
  10. Think you are right. Its not that long since blacks were lynched.
  11. To me it now looks like his followers would arrest other people right in their own homes. they don't give a damn about who he really is and what he's like. They are revelling in hate, and primed for action. latest Trump rally Forty million cult followers ready to do whatever they're told. Did anyone ever think America would sink so low? I didn't.
  12. Yah think so. He's now a senator 😂
  13. Republicans don't care about bar fights. Probably like it. They elected a guy in Montana, after he assaulted a reporter right in front of people, all recorded. He was convicted. "The Gallatin County Sheriff's Office announced it was charging Gianforte with misdemeanor assault after "multiple interviews and an investigation." The candidate was given a citation, the office said, and would appear in county court sometime before June 7. "At that point, Gianforte grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him into the ground behind him. Faith, Keith and I watched in disbelief as Gianforte then began punching the man, as he moved on top the reporter and began yelling something to the effect of 'I'm sick and tired of this!' The chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee called the incident "out of character" for Gianforte. Steve Stivers' statement added, "We all make mistakes" and the election is "bigger than any one person." 😂 They are nutso.
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