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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. For sure. Comparing Godber, who is barely CFL starter capable and Grandpa Blake to Picard and Labatte is an absolutely insane reach. Godber and Blake are barely an improvement over Clark/(any of the 45 OTs that Riders used last year). Godber got dumped the second Couture became available....and Couture was kind of off his game the last year and a half. That ought to tell the gappers something. Blake, if he was going in at OG, would be a minor improvement but Dickie says he is going to OT where he had one of the worst records among OTs in the CFL last year. Same pylons....different names on the back of their jerseys. Harris is gonna be flatter than a big mac patty by the end of the first third of the season. I am not wishing an injury on him.....but logic is telling me he will not get past game 4-5.
  2. It's a darn good think that DT and Aumell are probably looking at last year's stats to justify their positions on this, and an over reliance on stats is a fool's game. Heart, work ethic, scheme, and health are all big factors that don't show up in the stats. That's always been my one knock on DT is that he relies on stats to formulate his opinion on stuff, and that is only one part of the equation.
  3. I agree. Our DT recruitment has been pretty darn good. Our last 2 NTs are now among the highest paid in the league on other teams. I am not sure why everyone has such a hate on for Casey Sayles? He's not Stove I guess? However, Hamilton made him a 200k guy in FA, so I think we may have seriously undervalued his contribution....or at least Hamilton's GM thought we did.
  4. Vanstone, and all other Rider media, is given their talking points and the overall gist of their article and then just use their words to convey the message. It is why the fan base is so delusional. They have a never ending diet of media pablum served directly from the team. Vanstone was given a job with the Riders so that they could muzzle the one reporter who actually dared to ask some tough questions. Simple as that.
  5. It would be different if just an hour before we hadn't seen a FG made from roughly the same distance out start out well left and get blown dead centre by Bede, and then a missed attempt just before the half that started dead centre and ended up well wide to the right. If Legghio starts this kick dead centre he misses it. PERIOD. Undeniable fact based on all the other FGs we witnessed that day.
  6. It is extremely common for kickers to start a kick wide of the mark. Happens all the time in a cross wind. That being said it's quite possible he didn't hit it well. We have no way of knowing though.
  7. If Evans is taking a Dom Davis based salary, I am honestly shocked that the Riders didn't go after him as well to 1b Harris. Seems like a whiffed opportunity by them yet again. Toronto was NEVER getting Evans for less than a 1st round pick imo. They dealt him West for peanuts, but there is no chance in the world that they were giving Toronto an experienced starter without extracting their pound of flesh. This has to be seen as an absolutely worst case scenario by them. No QBs left to dance with, and a virtually rookie QB as a starter that has a pretty poor reputation as a leader and team player.
  8. Low numbers on ESPN but also 0 dollars in production costs for them. You are overstating how good your team is. Toronto with MBT would have been very slight favorites to win the East. There is one Ferrari in this league right now and it ain't Toronto, everyone else is 2nd tier in comparison. On any given Sunday these teams can win, but let's be perfectly clear if the CFL playoffs were a best out of 5 they might as well hand the cup to the Bombers right now.
  9. There you go. That was an abomination. Talk about that and you will have made a point. I'm certainly not going to defend Leggs. After a terrific first half of the season he really started to get shaky. However, I think we would be stupid to not bring him back and let him compete for both jobs.
  10. I honestly think that MBT was very upset that Kelly got all the post game accolades in the Grey Cup. MBT is sulking by taking his ball and going home.
  11. Number of viewers wise sure, but not even remotely similar in market saturation numbers and those are what matters. Advertisers don't pay unless a certain % of the watching market is hit because it doesn't translate into sales increases worth their advertising dollar. ESPN won't carry them if aren't hitting a million views average. CFL hits around a million per game views in Canada a population about a tenth the size of the USA. That should tell you what their TV market is....abysmal. No advertiser is paying ESPN advertising rates for 900k views. If no one is buying time, networks tend to end TV deals very abruptly the first chance they get. Without a TV network, and with Argonaut level attendance league wide....DOOMED.
  12. This is stupid. The ball was in the air for a total of 6 feet. Not a single person, not even Legghio himself, could tell you what the result of that kick would have been. Anyone saying otherwise is 100% biased. Seriously....it was left it was low...you got that from the 3 yards it travelled, no angle for context whatsoever, and no idea what the wind was doing? It may have missed....it may have gone in....but to say that Liegghio was to blame for us not getting 3 points is irrational. The ball was knocked down behind the LOS. If you are going to make an argument against Legs as our K then at least use a play where his kick wasn't blocked as your proof of concept.
  13. On the open market, and knowing that Montreal could not give Fajardo any up front money, I would not discount the very real possibility that Montreal might make a move on Evans if he hit the open market and just send CoFaj packing. They have zero dollars tied up in him right now, and won't until he plays for them. For that reason, I think that Evans's rights are far more valuable than a 4th rounder. Hammy isn't giving Toronto a QB for less than a 1st rounder imo.
  14. Who says they will give him a playbook? However, if he reports to camp he is due a bonus so they can release him on the eve of TC if TO is unwilling to pay the king's ransom Hammy will be asking.
  15. Or maybe Evans renegotiates his contract in Hamilton to stick around.
  16. Very slight favorites even with MBT. Now you are fighting for your playoff lives without him. I'm sure that the Argos first round pick this year will have him driving up the QEW sooner than TC. However, Evans is still a big downgrade. Hamilton has to be considered the heavy favorite in the East now.
  17. I'm not denying that he sucked in the Grey Cup. His punting was an abomination. I just think it is unfair and unrealistic to blame a kicker because his kick was blocked. He did not lose us that game....at least not by himself that's for sure.
  18. Bane is 5'9 - 180. Fast for sure, but the knock on him is he is easily taken off his route if a DB plays him physical at the line. Maybe he gets better at it, but they had the same guy in Moore really, only Moore was a more polished receiver. Bane needs to be seriously coached up, and it's why he played his way OUT of Calgary's lineup. My take on the RIders is that they still only possess 2 OL that are starting calibre players, and both of those are well below league average. They have no OTs to speak of, and Ferland is not starting calibre in this league. Their receiving corps is the worst in the league by A LOT, and their QB is a guy who has demonstrated he is not very capable when teams pressure him. On defence, they have lost one half of a good LBer duo, and their DL and secondary look average at best. This is a last place recipe. Based on how many guys the Riders put offers on and were rejected by, the people who want to go to the Gap this year are a very small minority. JOD swung and missed a crap load in FA this year. A lot of players reportedly took less money to go elsewhere. Imagine how much better the RIders look if they get Couture, Desjarlais, and Figueroa for instance and that is just 3 of many that took less money elsewhere.
  19. Judging by earlier kicks starting left was what he needed to do in that wind. The attempt did look low, but that is not uncommon for kickers to do on windy days either. We have zero idea whether his kick was good or not because an opposing player was able to get through the line almost unblocked and knock that kick down. Putting that on the kicker is wholly unfair. You could gauge that from the 6 feet of distance that kick travelled and from a TV angle that wasn't straight away. Wow...you should be working for NASA. Bad memory or memory bias? Food for thought.
  20. Dan Clark is a piece of duct tape away from his knees falling off. Couldn't run it back with him, he is toast. Everyone else worth a snot said hell no. On Blake, it's not so much the fact that they signed his ancient ass, it's where it looks like they are playing him...OT. Last year he ranked last in the league, behind Sasks OTs even, in pressures allowed per game. He is a pylon at OT. He was serviceable at OG but doesn't represent much of an upgrade at this point of his career over Johnson.
  21. I guess 30% of the cardboard cutouts of fans were misplaced? Yes that's true on a normal team, but on a team that chooses to play without an OL a mobile QB can at least extend a few plays. Harris will be ground into dog meat by game 3.
  22. Here is the thing, Harris is 37 years old. At this stage of his career he has to get a healthy portion of his money up front because he fully realizes that he is likely to start missing significant time with miscellaneous injuries he could have played through when younger. When you are an ancient QB, you want a good % of your cash up front. Montreal could not offer any player up front cash. Therefore, Harris had one option...that's it....and he still managed to milk JOD out of 500k. Too funny.
  23. More than likely....and if he wouldn't have said it they would have ordered the Regina media to overdub it in.
  24. Just an awful offseason that fixed nothing for them. They are even worse at receiver, the OL is stlll hot garbage as adding Blake at OT is an awful move and Godber is a below average C, lost Sankey, got Harris an immobile QB that panics and throw interceptions under pressure....I'm just not seeing the improvement at all. Nor should they have. Yea....what a load of BS. Harris went to the highest bidder, as is his right. Not sure why he is trying this dream franchise bit now. Paycheque might bounce....team might fold...CoFaj is my QB....but hey...at least it's not the RIders.
  25. Not me. I will probably get raked over the coals for this but I think Jeffcoat is a guy we should have moved on from. He just is in the tub way too much. I would hope it is more than that because last year Jeffcoat was 180k, and he most certainly should not have gotten a raise.
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