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Everything posted by Doublezero

  1. Bombers were outplayed today. OShea and Collaros offered zero explanation. Not a good sign.
  2. 10-4 These losses to so-called lesser teams are piling up. The only constant is inconsistency. Unfortunately this is a sure signal that a team is on the downswing.
  3. OK we've got them exactly where we want them ...
  4. Bombers just getting outplayed in every phase
  5. Lets hope the D can flush out germs mucus allergens and Powell 2nd half
  6. Wonder if that nasal irrigation thing would work for our D?
  7. we will win that challenge but shouldn't have to
  8. we will win that challenge but shouldn't have to
  9. Blue not playing with any intensity. No bully ball to seen today.
  10. If Bombers play anything like last week, it should not even be close. But if the score is close near the end of the game today I'll be watching for Liegghio to have missed a couple - and that'll be the difference.
  11. Maas prob thought he could make Faj better somehow. You can bet Als will be in the mix for dru Brown next season.
  12. Elks screwed again. That was a safety.
  13. Pete Robertson down. couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Tre Ford looks really good. But he's going to have to learn to protect himself.
  14. Ford to Lewis - nice scramble and toss. That kid looks pretty good.
  15. That was a fumble. Elks got screwed there.
  16. Expecting nothing less than a good and thorough thrashing of those Riders today, thank-you.
  17. And Dickenshead? For saying it looked fine? Any consequences for that?
  18. At least Parker made the tackle - eventually - because he was far downfield. But that was a monster gain for Sask. Jones up the sideline in open space forever.
  19. There were several weird turning points in that game yesterday. The 64 yard pass and run to Tevin Jones (on a 2nd-and-14 from Sask's 4) was big. Folks have said it was a mis-play by Demerio Houston, and that is probably true. But that play came immediately after Jamal Parker came in for an injured Deatrick Nichols. I could be wrong but I think that was Parker’s first shift on D all season. Had he played the zone more shallow and not double-covered deep that gain might have been limited to 15-20 yards at most. So it’s not all on one player (Houston) and really, it never is.
  20. Just a hunch: The Saskatchewan Roughriders are going to get absolutely f*cking destroyed by the Bombers at IG Field next weekend.
  21. That disgusting BS by Robertson says all you need to know about the culture and character of that football club over there in Sask, IMHO. But that is not why Bombers lost the game. You have to admit Sask played as well as they could - and Bombers made them look even better than they really are. How on earth would you ever surrender a single point in a tight game? I've seen enough football to to see that this Bomber team is showing it's age and starting on the downswing with some of our key leaders/personnel. Head coach also needs to shoulder some responsibility for roster composition and in-game decisions - although that doesn't seem to be happening.
  22. Pete Robertson has to be fined and suspended for head-butting Collaros and then giving him a knee to the head while the QB - who has a history of concussions - is still on the ground. I thought Robertson should have been ejected on the spot for intent to injure. And if it was up to me, I'd ban him from the league. The problem is that none of the on-field officials saw what happened and the infraction had to be identified by CFL central.
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