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Posts posted by holoman


    Joey Elliott had two offensive POTW's in 2012. How quickly we forget...

    And I'm sure Buck had a 300+ yard game for us at some point...

     yeah, what's wrong with the bombers anyway (I read that on my bomber app obviously they forgot too



    Buck had 366 in his second game with us in 2010.


    Was that his only one? I can't recall any he had - good one Rebus


    He had a  300+ yard game Against the Argos in 2011.  That was the game where Kuale nailed him


    hearing a lot of excuses from the self proclaimed best fans in the league...


    I've heard some Bomber fans say the same things as the Rider fans (check above posts on page 9).


    The same situation would have happened everywhere else including Winnipeg. If highways are closed, you can't get to the game. If water is too deep, it's to dangerous to go to the game. Simple as that.


    On another note, Toronto would have had like 5 000 people at a game if this happened :D.


    In Toronto, they're called Staff, not fans





    I'm okay with this signing, he's pretty busted up but still late 20s.  This is similar to the Parenteau signing - could work or he could be done.


    You are just okay with this signing but Romby Bryant come on down?



    Bryant has accomplished far more in his CFL career than Hinse likely ever will



    So has Jackie Parker but he's dead.


    OK but I don't see us starting a dead guy anytime soon.


    A team has drafted a dead guy before.....Starting one wouldn't be a shocker

  4. I remember Bryant was one of those guys who will get into a scuffle in defense of a teammate especially for his QB (Glenn at that time).

    I don't think he quit on his teammates... but he surely quit on his coach... and he's not alone, Simpson, Armstrong... to name a few.


    Yeah, his teammates was a collateral damage on his decision but can you fault a guy (or those guys) who can't stand his arrogant coach?

    When there are more and better ways to go about it...Yes I can.

  5. Hey, just want to say that my comments about Jackson were wrong. I had time to consider the arguments here & what was said & you guys convinced me my position was wrong. So, I don't know if I need to apologize or not but I don't admit I'm wrong very often. Like never. Anyway, for the record, I was wrong. 

    meh.  An opinion is an opinion.


    No worries. No need to apologize for having an opinion. 



    I'm not against hiring more coaches but I wanted a more experienced OVERALL coaching staff. This has turned into a tirade on junior football & that's my fault as it shouldn't have been. I will admit I did paint all junior coaches with one single brush & that was wrong. There are some very good junior coaches out there that have bright futures but the majority of those guys are high school level guys & will never progress any higher. Some were promoted to coordinator positions on teams throughout the PJFC & the results were disastrous. I believe that the Bombers need more experience at the assistant coaching level to be successful. Even at quality control. I guess as the season rolls along we'll see how this coaching staff evolves as a unit.

    The problem with this Iso, is that our coaches are experienced, wether it is NFL, CIS, CFL, NCAA, the experience is there.


    Our QB coach is the only one that I read that has zero Canadian football experience, but has had experience with our coordinator. 

    Our RB coach is new to coaching but years of experience in the CFL.





    I'm not against hiring more coaches but I wanted a more experienced OVERALL coaching staff. This has turned into a tirade on junior football & that's my fault as it shouldn't have been. I will admit I did paint all junior coaches with one single brush & that was wrong. There are some very good junior coaches out there that have bright futures but the majority of those guys are high school level guys & will never progress any higher. Some were promoted to coordinator positions on teams throughout the PJFC & the results were disastrous. I believe that the Bombers need more experience at the assistant coaching level to be successful. Even at quality control. I guess as the season rolls along we'll see how this coaching staff evolves as a unit.

    The problem with this Iso, is that our coaches are experienced, wether it is NFL, CIS, CFL, NCAA, the experience is there.


    Our QB coach is the only one that I read that has zero Canadian football experience, but has had experience with our coordinator. 

    Our RB coach is new to coaching but years of experience in the CFL.


    More NCAA & pro level experience. There are a lot of coaches out there looking for work who would be great additions at the CFL level. I'm not saying I'm against more Canadians coaching in the CFL but like Canadian qbs in the CIS with "supposedly" less playing experience & never get drafted, Canadian coaches haven't had the same experience coaching in high pressure bowl games or at the NCAA D1 FCS or FBS level. Or coached NFL or for other CFL teams. You can't compare the Rose Bowl or Fiesta Bowl to the Vanier Cup. Are Canadian coaches from the junior & CIS level ready to step in & be difference makers for a team like the Bombers who are desperate to win? That's the question that will be answered as the season progresses.

    BTW, I don't put O'Shea in that category as he has been part of the CFL for 20 years as a player & coach & has won 2 Grey Cups. He knows what it takes to win. But my concern is, do some of his assistants?


    There is pro experience.  You can argue if they've been successful, but there is pro experience.


    There are 3 assistants that do not have pro coaching experience.  Pierce, Tracy, and Charboneau, but Charboneau does have credit of being a guest coach in 2 organizations

  7. I'm not against hiring more coaches but I wanted a more experienced OVERALL coaching staff. This has turned into a tirade on junior football & that's my fault as it shouldn't have been. I will admit I did paint all junior coaches with one single brush & that was wrong. There are some very good junior coaches out there that have bright futures but the majority of those guys are high school level guys & will never progress any higher. Some were promoted to coordinator positions on teams throughout the PJFC & the results were disastrous. I believe that the Bombers need more experience at the assistant coaching level to be successful. Even at quality control. I guess as the season rolls along we'll see how this coaching staff evolves as a unit.

    The problem with this Iso, is that our coaches are experienced, wether it is NFL, CIS, CFL, NCAA, the experience is there.


    Our QB coach is the only one that I read that has zero Canadian football experience, but has had experience with our coordinator. 

    Our RB coach is new to coaching but years of experience in the CFL.




    Great, now we have a junior football coach coaching professional football players. Who's next, they hire the head coach of Churchill High School? I envisioned a staff when Walters hired O'Shea that would encompass a lot more experience than this. And if I get slammed for having this opinion, so be it. I'm tired of all the losing. Hiring someone like Dave Jackson doesn't inspire a lot of confidence that this is the right staff to get things back on the winning track. At least we know some Bomber traditions are alive & well. He probably came cheap.

    Sorry iso, I have to call you on this one.

    1) First, quality control coach is about one step above water boy in the grand scheme of things. Its just another set of eyes on the game film, and some of their job is to collect and sort it (from what I've heard, maybe this won't hold true for the Bombers).

    2) You would like the staff to "encompass a lot more experience" but both our coordinators have been in the CFL for over a decade (with brief stints out).

    3) This hire isn't meant to 'inspire a lot of confidence.' Its a quality control coach.

    4) Re: cheap. The Bombers now have added a ton more coaches than last year (hell, almost double) which would indicate that they are spending quite a bit more in the coaching department in previous seasons. But yes, I am assuming a quality control coach came cheap, because its a low, entry-level coaching position...

    Great post, not sure why hiring another coach in any form should be considered a bad thing.. Especially one with experience with canadians and the cfl...

    I really start to see grampa simpson yelling at clouds whenever i see some of iso's posts..


    And all I see is a koolaid drinker when I read your posts so we're even.





    Great, now we have a junior football coach coaching professional football players. Who's next, they hire the head coach of Churchill High School? I envisioned a staff when Walters hired O'Shea that would encompass a lot more experience than this. And if I get slammed for having this opinion, so be it. I'm tired of all the losing. Hiring someone like Dave Jackson doesn't inspire a lot of confidence that this is the right staff to get things back on the winning track. At least we know some Bomber traditions are alive & well. He probably came cheap.

    Sorry iso, I have to call you on this one.

    1) First, quality control coach is about one step above water boy in the grand scheme of things. Its just another set of eyes on the game film, and some of their job is to collect and sort it (from what I've heard, maybe this won't hold true for the Bombers).

    2) You would like the staff to "encompass a lot more experience" but both our coordinators have been in the CFL for over a decade (with brief stints out).

    3) This hire isn't meant to 'inspire a lot of confidence.' Its a quality control coach.

    4) Re: cheap. The Bombers now have added a ton more coaches than last year (hell, almost double) which would indicate that they are spending quite a bit more in the coaching department in previous seasons. But yes, I am assuming a quality control coach came cheap, because its a low, entry-level coaching position...

    Great post, not sure why hiring another coach in any form should be considered a bad thing.. Especially one with experience with canadians and the cfl...

    I really start to see grampa simpson yelling at clouds whenever i see some of iso's posts..





    @K_Browning15: Headed out to the airport. Y'all will hear from me when I land in Winnipeg!

    Kid hasn't even arrived here and already he has a Boulevard named after him in Westwood. Took Milt Stegall and Ken Ploen a lot longer to have that happen. Note there is no Hall Street, Brohm Blvd or Willy Way. 


    True, but there are a lot of Willys in Winnipeg

  11. Just finished reading the article on the Free Press site, decided to come here and see if there was any discussion on it yet. I thought it was well balanced (not negative) but nothing that hasn't already been discussed here. It is reassuring to hear such high praise for guys like Peach and Thomas, Monday had me a little worried about the D-line but I am a little less concerned now. Well, concerned less about the people, the scheme still has me nervous.

    I agree.

    I generally don't mind negativity, as long as there is some substance behind it.

  12. its certainly within the realm of believability that when Miller became President he would make or receive calls/emails/texts from people he knew.  When i changed departments in my company I had friends I worked with in other departments informally ask me if there were any positions available.  Im sure its not uncommon for casual conversations.


    Plus, perspective factors in.  Worman could have called Miller to congrats him and say "hey, you know I'd love to come in if you have something."  Miller responds "I appreciate that.  Ill keep it in mind.  There will be openings for sure."  In Miller's mind he brushed Worman off.  In Worman's mind, he is being considered for a position.


    I dont know either way.  I dont actually care either.  But its more believable that Miller had conversations with people he knew than he didnt have conversations at all.

    Essentially this.

    In any business, you keep any contact you have for like...EVER.

    I believe there were conversations, and maybe to the extent of "Hey Kyle, and Mike, Rick Worman has said that he's willing to work here if you're interested."

  13. Id be somewhat surprised if he was fired for having one beer one time.  Has to be more than that.  But lets be honest - some places dont mind a couple of drinks at lunch but most do.  I used to work for a place where it was okay to get a hummer in the bathroom.  Doesnt meant thats the norm.

    Bill Clinton?  Is that you?



    Kirk Penton @PentonKirk


    Ryan Lucas is done for the year with a torn ACL. Mike O'Shea started tearing up when talking about it. #Bombers


    I love O'Shea. His players are going to go to absolute war for him.


    My educated guess in observing O'Shea's approach with his players is he'll find it extremely difficullt to cut/demote a loyal, hard working, high effort player who just isn't performing to the level needed. I've always said this was one of Jeff Reinbolds biggest achilles heals that did him in as a Head Coach. 


    I found his biggest achiles heal  was being a head coach.


    Apparently, Friesen did the "FULL FRIESEN" on Mike O. and it resulted in a typical bomber reaction. A veritable lockdown.


    How did that work out for Maggot Kelly?


    No problem with Wpg Media. Jimbozo Bell has already told O'Shea that Bob Irving is his official media caddy and all info goes thru CJOB BOB.....

    Most of the other radio outlets just wanna have fun and send reps to the game (a la Ace Burpee, Philly, Bunkhouse Buk (Wheeler), etc.

    The FP is the official newspaper of the Bombers and have money invested in the team . . . they don't wanna rock the boat too much so guys like Tait, Campbell, etc. serve the purpose of unofficial house organs (as opposed to the official one, Bob Irving)

    Lawless is the wild card at WFP as he's got the columnist license and also has the 2 hour daily radio gig at TSN. He can get a ton of digs in at the Bombers, and if they flail like last year I'm sure he'll GO NEGATIVE!

    TV stations in town all have significant investment/interest in bomber games. CTV is part of Bell/TSN so they simply do smile 'n giggle reports. CBC hardly does sports, but Mitch Peacock goes to all press conferences and usually gets as many questions in as Lawless or Sara O.

    CKND has Shoeless Joe - they don't do much other than hi-lites and a bit of grief.

    The Wpg boards are usually more favourable to the bombers than unfavourable, especially their own JeffBannon.com site. 

    So in essence Friesen is the only one with Billy the Kid status, Lawless lurking about for interesting angles (so far his top one is Jeff Rabb being rebuffed by the Bomber board)

    CJOB - the bomber radio rights-holder is usually 90% favourable to the team (understood) and the only time Irving gets mean or nasty is during play by play when things go to heck in a hand-basket. After the losses he's usually found trying to talk people down off the ledge.

    What was the controversy last season involving Bob Irving?  I cant remember...but I recall being amused.  Wasn't it that Lawless broke a story and Irving went on a rant or something?  I remember someone calling into H&L to ask Gary what he thought of Irving's whining and Gary was very gracious.


    Totally taken out of context


    Gary broke the story that Garth Butchko recommended that Joe Mack be fired.

    Irving ranted on twitter that he thought it was unprofessional that the leak came from the board.

    Listener thinks Irving was upset he didn't break the story first.

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