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Posts posted by blitzmore

  1. You should know that people can't reveal their sources, either believe it or don't.

    He is not a member of the press who if he reveals his sources, he won't get info anymore. This whole idea of people acting like they know inside information for a fact, without saying how they know it for a fact, happens far too often with certain posters.



    If you read my original post you would see my reasons....  mainly the lack of arm strength and his slow feet.  Unless for some reason he was holding back I doubt that he's going to throw missiles in his next start.

    and if you don't throw missiles you can't win? Give us a break...Jyles for one! and many others



    Hey if we had the kind of stats that Jyles had with us we would be sitting at 500 minimum....   19 tds to 7 ints is pretty damn good!   


    But he's not with us and for very good reason...he is a loser...he's also not with any other team

  3. He is under contract until Jan. 31st. So he can't bad mouth anybody. And if you still think LaPo brought him in ....good for you. If you ask nicely I 'll tell u who LaPo wanted and maybe you will start to understand.

    why  would anyone want to ask you nicely? What makes you think you know more than anyone else?...state your source

  4. If you read my original post you would see my reasons....  mainly the lack of arm strength and his slow feet.  Unless for some reason he was holding back I doubt that he's going to throw missiles in his next start.

    and if you don't throw missiles you can't win? Give us a break...Jyles for one! and many others

  5. What I don't get is those two guys make it seem like Goltz is missing guys by a mile.... maybe I have selective memory but most of Goltz incompletions that I remember were from drops and/or throwing the ball away instead of giving up the sack and losing yards.    

    Yup..;.you're right Goltz was perfect...didn't make any mistakes, The only thing I will say is that he did in fact not give up turnovers, but with his lack of accuracy we will not be moving the team up and down the field on a regular basis...too bad.

  6. Burke is a great Head Coach...NOT! His responsibility is to get his team ready to play...he has proved many times already he has failed to do that. One of the reasons Lapo got fired is because his team was taking too many penalties. In one of the biggest games of the season, at home, in a brand new great stadium, did Burke get his team ready to play...not by a long shot. Penalties...lack of discipline...having the defence ready to play with his buddy Creehan...nope.


    Burke looked totally and utterly confused on the sideline. Pretty bad when he has to go to Creehan and tell him he needs to have the defence be more agressive...this has happened more than once. And it's not coaching? Com'n Iso give it up...of course any team can always use a few better players...but if we had an established QB and better coaching...we would not be 1-5.

  7. Nope, should have been 3-4 picks last night.  Even the pass to Edwards near the end was a Lucky Duck that could have easily been picked if Hammy was not already in party mode.  The pass to Poblah took forever to arrive.  Need to zip that pass in.


    Goltz can run and has arm strength, let him play and get his timing down.    


    They are going to expose Hall now knowing he can't escape the pocket and has a noodle arm.

    Nope...Goltz takes too long getting the ball out and is inaccurate when he does. This goes back awhile.


    Noodle arm is a ridiculous comment.

  8. Hall is not the answer imo.  His arm is weak, his accuracy is poor. 


    Should have stuck with Goltz, like Timbo said they were going to.  All they did was piss people off and set back another Q.B's development.


    I really feel sorry for some of these players, they deserve better.

    You must be kidding...Hall's accuracy is way better than Goltz...Goltz has never been accurate even in practice!

  9. Goltz is done, they have no faith in his ability for quick reads, and to get rid of the ball quickly, never mind not being accurate. I don't think he will be able to improve enough this season if they give another chance, to change their minds.


    Hall could definitely have a hard time... with the offensive coaching staff in a total mess. We can only hope though.


    No doubt we're probably going to see Buck back in some game this year, I hate the thought of it, but he better not be back next year.


    This is a suffering year, and boy are we suffering.

  10. another great decision by the bumblers...



    A fourth-year Bomber, Palardy hit a nifty 86.7 percent of his field goals last season, and he’d be 10-for-12 this year if it weren’t for a bad snap.

    DeAngelis has a career field goal rate of 82.1 percent.

    As for that kickoff average, chew on these numbers: over their last two seasons, Palardy has bettered DeAngelis’s kickoff distance, including a 57.3-yard average last season to DeAngelis’s 56.5 yards with the Riders.

  11. I'm not much of a fan of the DeAngelis signing per se, but considering our field position stats - Bombers average start on their own 35, and the opponents start on their 43 yard line (worst in the league), then I feel, as we all knew, kicking has to be better.


    Apparently all of DeAngelis' stats are worse than Palardy's. If all they wanted was longer kickoffs they should have kept the Non Import Aussie Kicker.





    *Thanks to Stats Junkie for digging up this info.

  12. so did he crap on the coaches or the players?  If the players were clearly communicated with as Tim Burke stated they were, and still went and whined to the media about lack of communication, then I hope Walters tore both Buck and Goltz a new one this morning.

    Totally agree...If Burke told them in a way they knew exactly where the bear sh** in th Buckwheat, then they should of got a strip torn off them this morning, If they were told by a head coach earlier who hasn't got a clue what he is saying until it leaves his mouth...well then...

  13. So many people are forgetting that Tim Burke was pretty much unanimously seen as the next great CFL head coach. There was all sorts of buzz that if we didn't find a way to hang on to him, he was going to be hired by whichever team had an opening next. Remember how freaked out we were when he nearly got the Hamilton gig? Only reason he didn't was because they got their "big fish" in Cortez. 


    I know a lot of people are down on him now, but you gotta remember it wasn't that long ago when virtually everyone thought he was the next Cal Murphy...

    What I remember is that no other team wanted to hire him but us for HC

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