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Posts posted by blitzmore

  1. anderson dropped a few passes tonight. I thought Edwards was OK except for a few where he did his giving up to try and draw the PI thing. Denmark didn't stand out much but I think a lot of that was the success of Kohlert and Etienne and to an extent Edwards. Just not enough passes thrown to get every receiver big numbers. 

    to be fair...Anderson also got two where he got rocked, and held on...both good catches...drops though were not good

  2. We are going to be the only team in the CFL that doesn't have to worry about protecting a QB when the RedBlack get to pick a QB. How sad is that? There is no point whatsoever in playing Buck anymore...he has no upside potential, unlike Goltz and perhaps Hall.


    Pretty pathetic that Burke says he doesn't remember the play where Bombers went on 3rd and 2 and messed it up totally. No blocking and no one for Goltz to throw to if he needed an outlet. Burke says it is a war on the sidelines, not like being in the press box...what a pathetic statement from a head coach.


    The play calling by Calgary, made the play calling by Bombers look like an amateur team. Dickinson put Mitchell in a position to succeed, Crowton did not put Goltz in the same position most of the time. What do you expect from an American College Coach with no CFL experience who after last year and so far this year still doesn't get the CFL. He had all winter to figure it out and didn't!


    The defence can certainly play better, but if they don't blitz more their deficiencies on defence will be exposed every game. One deficiency? Jovon Johnson. Another? Suber has not been playing well and I was a big fan. Cauchy is also not playing that well, but only at certain times. All these guys are not going to look good unless they get more pressure, and that is not working with a constant 4 man rush and too much zone coverage.


    To Me..won't happen for awhile, but Mack and Burke have to go. We need a guy like Dickinson in the worst way as head coach, or someone who has learned from him, as offensive coordinator.


    The team overall is not that bad, we just don't have a QB and the coaching staff is not good enough!

  3. In an interview in yesterday's freep, Burke told the team that they were immature. He was referring to the teams inability to overcome adversity and used the Stamps comeback over the Als as an example of a team that can.

    So does Burke want a more veteran team?

    He got called on that by Bob Irving on the coach's show...he had to backtrack on that as he has quite a few veterans, two or three years anyway, on the team. He really doesn't have a clue!

  4. that, imo is a huge indictment of how this team has been built by Mack:


    to win, the offence and ST has to score a few touchdowns while having almost zero room for making mistakes and meanwhile the defence has to play at a very high level and limit opponent scoring while forcing them to turn the ball over.


    if those conditions aren't met, the Bombers have no plan B.

    and what options did TO have before Ricky Ray?

  5. Personally I'm sick and tired of Burke being stubborn and ignoring the fact that Buck is through. Right now he is at best a third string quarterback. Have no faith in Crowton at all, he is not consistent as a play caller either. He seems to be unable to make adjustments at half time. Burke thinks Crowton is brilliant and deserves to be a head coach, that's what he said last year. If that is what Burke thinks it just shows how stupid he really is about offensive matters.


    I'm saying it now...we have to find a way to get Dave Dickinson out of Calgary for next year as Head Coach...right now he doesn't want to, but we have to find some way to convince him. I'm willing to suffer through this year with Burke if we could accomplish that. I'm pretty sure Dickinson wouldn't be starting Buck. But who in their right mind wants to come here, when we have Buck starting and very little chance for the backups to show what they have.


    Keeping Buck this year, and playing him still is a bad joke!

  6. I thought Goltz didn't look too bad, but due to his inexperience he didn't let plays develop enough....mind you TO started blitzing him as soon as he got in. There were a lot of 7 and 8 yard throws which constantly left us short, and meant 2 and out.


    But...keep him playing and see if he has the moxy to improve each game...despite the fact that Crowton is the coordinator.

  7. Why pick on Jovon?  Suber was torched all game and then took a cheap shot at Kackert...  Everybody looked lost out there.

    Cheap shot? You have got to be kidding! Suber is one of the best tacklers on the team and always tackles low. He didn't know if Kackert caught the ball or not, there was no way for him to hold up! He got beat badly once in the game.


    And why are people picking on Jovon? Because he has lost a step and is now pathetic at kick returns. Running back into the end zone was a really good idea. He is taking a lot of knees now, because he himself knows he is unlikely to get a good return.


    We are supposed to have the best special teams coach...why can't he see that putting Jovon back there is not helping us winning football games.?

  8. And like I said before, watching the game from the sidelines could help buck see things from a new perspective which would help him going forward.


    It didn't help Buck sitting in the press box beside Crowton for most of last year...that was supposed to help him...failed experiment!






  9. Jade Etienne is quite possibly our best receiver playing this week. Who in the blue hell would of predicted this would ever occur in the off season? Matthews and Watson are big losses, Watson is playing lights out and Matthews still commands respect despite his struggles(as does Edwards). 


    And yes we can all agree that Dan West does most deservingly deserve to lose his job due to what he did to Watson.

    Uh...nope we can't all agree

  10. Not only does Burke fail to recognize he should pull Buck when he is performing badly, he has no problem running down every other player who he thinks performed badly, and publicly threatening to dump them completely or bench them. I'm tired of Burke running down lots of players in public except for Buck! If you want to be honest be honest, otherwise keep your mouth shut!

  11. Well I'm pretty sure Tim Burke knows just a tiny bit more about football than you do, and has more access to game tape than you do,so if he says there are more issues than just the quarterback, forgive me for taking his word over yours.

    Burke said when he was named head coach that he knows nothing about offence. I found that kind of strange seeing as he was a defensive coordinator who has to design defences to stop offences. Now he has proved what he said. He has no idea. Said he would have to ask Crowton why we didn't run more in the second half. Also said he had no idea how many running plays we actually had. You see many of the best coaches taking notes on the sideline...not Burke..he just stands there looking sad. I would be too watching this offence.


    Is it all Buck's fault? probably not but to a great percentage it is. He has not been a success no matter which coordinator, that has got to tell something. The defence has held this team for the entire time he has been here, even last year when they were not the best.

  12. I don't know if I know much more or less than any of you guys but I'm not the one making a bunch of emotional knee jerk reactions and spouting off a bunch of exaggerations. Frankly I think most of you would do well to take a Midol. 

    Now you're really showing how little you know...Midol is for relief of menstrual symtoms...or is that what you take? 

  13.  Frankly I think you guys are exaggerating a great deal.


    I'm not saying that we don't need better from the QB position. I'm not saying there weren't some pretty piss poor overthrows. What I'm saying is that comments about how any other QB in the league backup or otherwise would be doing so much better, or that receivers are wide open all the time and just being ignored is getting silly. There were more than a few contested catches not made by our recievers that we've seen recievers make on other teams. We don't know who is responsible when the ball gets thrown to no one, receivers run the wrong route sometimes.



    Between your hate on for Kevin Glenn and now defending a less than average quarterback...you're showing how little you really know

  14. I was at practice yesterday...Pierce even practices holding onto the ball too long. Even without pressure in the practice scrimmages, he looks like all the concussions(some unreported I would think) do not aid him in making quick decisions. He also doesn't seem to have much touch on his throws, He threw one to Etienne about 5 yards from line of scrimmage and rifled it in there so hard and high, with no defender close, that it caused Etienne to deflect it into the hand of a defender who got a pick 6.


    In my opinion, the best complement I can give him is that he is serviceable when healthy.


    As an aside, the new kick returner/receiver, Aaron Woods has HANDS and MOVES. He is shorter than the water boy but very well built. He is so anxious and focused that even when he is not on the field to receive punts or kickoffs, he stands about two yards in from the sidelines and mimics catching the ball and starting to move. He does this constantly while the other players are on the sidelines. He looks good running routes with the 2nd team offence, and looks like he is picking up the playbook pretty well.


    He is not playing this weekend but I am looking forward to seeing what he can do in a game.

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