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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. I'd take Ford but agree with @JuranBoldenRules that Edmonton likely doesn't move him.
  2. I wonder how long Brady spends trying to get an NFL look. I wonder if the club has presented Schoen with a new deal and he's mulling it over or is Roadhouse going to wait to see what free agency offers?
  3. Cornelius in the Prukopp role might be ok but not really a fan at all. BLM will be great in the booth when he retires.
  4. Any speculation where Cornelius ends up? DT on OB speculated Winnipeg on twitter.
  5. Flutie won 3 Grey Cups in 8 seasons and 6 MOPs. Moon won 5 Grey Cups albeit only the last three as a starter in 6 seasons with 1 MOP. I'd personally put those 2 as the best QBs in CFL history and I think many would as well. Both are easily ahead of Damon Allen.
  6. Dunbar is a decent receiver, bet somebody picks him up. I bet the Elks keep Ole Yukon even though they should not.
  7. Cole for Wilson was more an older vet who has had some injury issues and a young player who seems to have earned more time. I'd prefer Jeffcoat too, just want a quality backup to rotate with he and Jefferson.
  8. I'd argue that Lawson has moved ahead of Thomas, Eli has moved ahead of Kolo and Cole deserves a shot ahead of Wilson but that MOS would likely stick with the vet in each case. We need to get younger since we;ve had the same core since 2019.
  9. Hopefully Walters is a little ruthless this off season in terms of who is brought back.
  10. I think out of the guys mentioned by Hamilton, Kolo+Thomas need to be moved on from.
  11. If you're Brown, why sign a one year deal with another club? That's a lack of commitment by a new team
  12. He's the grandson of the greatest Rider QB. I expect they feel he will channel old Ronnies brillance.
  13. Demario Houston apparently has a workout scheduled with the LA Chargers.
  14. 4 cups in 110 years but Mace is going to win 5? This is the result of a whole province not being taught to count?
  15. I like the Lawson signing. I think he's ascending. Hopefully we say goodbye to Jake.
  16. Wait, so Ryan is saying Corey Mace is going to coach the Riders for 100 years?
  17. I think my worry and that of many here about losing Dru Brown is that we're losing a guy who will go on to play at a high level for the next 10-12 years much like Danny Mac did after he left in 1993.
  18. The Renegades just haven't been the same since 2005. No life at all.
  19. Great pass for a TD to Lawler in the 2019 WF, TD Pass to Darvin in OT in 21 and yep........
  20. Right now I am dreaming the impossible dream that Dru Brown comes back and if Zach is having struggles, MOS switches to Dru. That or Zach just has a great year and a great Grey Cup.
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