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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. We have started an extra Canadian on D so if Dalton is back, we can keep doing what we are doing.
  2. I think we need 21 points. Not sure I see the Al's hitting that. Play D like we can, clean game on offense.
  3. In my head and when I examine the matchup on paper, I see a solid Bomber win. I am still worried though since I am a long time Bomber fan. Hoping we see Winnipeg blow Montreal out.
  4. I'm going with: CB: Randle HB: Hefney S: Alexander HB: Nichols CB: Alford Sam: Leggett
  5. JJ had some excellent years for us. The MODP is interesting because I believe he just beat out Hefney for our nomination on something like a 4-3 vote. Lobo may have gotten the nod that year if he had stayed healthy too. Not saying he didn't deserve it because he did.
  6. Heck forget the past, MOS had McCrae on the roster last week and the guy didn't play a snap and was in a parka on the sidelines. I think we all love MOS and are glad he is our coach but his roster management isn't perfect.
  7. Is this Nasty Nate versus Lyle Bauer for a new generation?
  8. I'd like to see Ambles and Fox on if Schoen and Biggie can't go. Hope neither is on the roster if they can't play. Suspect its McCrae and Rose though. Jackson on the roster is still a complete waste. As for the Als, McGloster has really struggled at RT.
  9. Until he leaves, I am holding to the theory that he's our coach in waiting.
  10. Its not even the sketchiest thing involving Toronto. Think about the Ricky Ray deal.
  11. Great point. I like his work on the broadcasts but disagree with his voting and his explanations for his choices. I also find it funny that he's a big proponent of CFL Fantasy but is not particularly good at it.
  12. Interesting tweet by DT about Rose. I'd rather see an extra DL on the roster than Rose.
  13. All power to Brady if he can get an NFL shot and if he does I like @Booch suggestion of it letting us keep our receiving group and going with a cheap import. That said, don't see it happening.
  14. Winnipeg in 2019 had the CFL's leading rusher in Andrew Harris and Nichols alone had more TD passes than Fajardo this season, despite Nichols only playing 9 games.
  15. Cody when it dawns on him that he has to play the Jeffs on Sunday.
  16. Toronto and Hamilton both had about 135-140 yards rushing on Montreal's D in their playoff games. I think Montreal's D can be ran on.
  17. Bob would never have voted for Kelly over Brady, just saying.
  18. I hope Brady and the team use it as yet more motivation.
  19. Nye picked the Als because their D is going to make more plays than ours. Good omen for us.
  20. Nichols had 18 TD passes in 2016 and 2018 and 15 in 9 games in 2019. More than Fajardo had this year. Just saying.
  21. I am a little worried that our receivers still aren't practicing.
  22. He has at least one son in high school. His son played football with the son of one of my friends.
  23. He is due. I think we see a big game from Brady and Zach with around 225 yards to 250 yards with a TD. Safe on offense, don't mess up on ST or D type of game.
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