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Everything posted by CodyT

  1. If he doesn't he shouldn't be playing on the team
  2. That's 1000% a fumble He made what would be considered a football move. Brutal.
  3. Pretty greatful that punt didn't make it to the end zone right now to give up the single..
  4. People saying games over with 10 minutes left in the forth. Hope your ankles are ok
  5. Bombers have proven in the past they know how to handle adversity. Let's be cool. Like the rest of the team
  6. I can't speak to the game in its entirety but would it be Gautier taking biggies spot? I'm not sure Gautier makes that play either
  7. Can't believe the Bombers d is making Fajardo look good. It just defies logic
  8. I'll do my best do or die ...Bombers defence.......making Fajardo look like a competent....quarterback....
  9. Collaros having himself a typical grey cup game so far
  10. Ok Fajardo made his one play of the game. I really wanted to absolutely stomp them tonight. Looks like we have a game
  11. If you guys get back in the shirt business count me in for one
  12. I wasn't aware the site had shirts.. I'd buy one just to support the community
  13. A lot of talk about how Montreal has won 7 In a row... Swept under the rug is that we have won 5 in a row and played our best football in that stretch. I like blue n gold today. See you all on the other side
  14. One of the comments reads "People in Hamilton can barely speak English" hahaha
  15. I don't remember. I retract my statement. I just remember having that "feeling" that we weren't going to get the job done. With some time to think, I think it's because we were so conditioned to losing.
  16. Ramalleh and les saj are both good but neither come close to touching the east coast style, and even some of the good joints in the west. There's a spot in edmonton near the stadium that is ******* fantastic. I'd put Brandon's shwarama queen in the running with the other winnipeg spots. Really like the sweet sauce in brandon
  17. I just always remember him being "meh" and we were happy to have him because we'd had a terrible string of qbs before him. Maybe I don't give him enough credit. But I do remember getting into playoff games and thinking, Nichols ain't gonna get the job done Glenn I liked watching play when he was on. Was a better version of Trevor Harris in his glory days imo
  18. I think Glenn could go out and win games occasionally. Nichols through and through was a game manager though.
  19. What sucks in my opinion, is they finally get a big crowd. And they look like a peewee football team. Just feeds into the Toronto narrative.. Oh well. Gonna be fun to play against Fajardo
  20. Isn't it ridiculous to think their are actual people on the internet who are certain they would roster the team better. Even after going to four grey cups in a row ... it's almost like, you know, our coaches... they know what they're doing! Comical Also, go bombers baby I was a fan before it was cool!!! I was a fan before it was cool!!;)
  21. I'm 30 and I don't know any of those people but Pete
  22. Charlie was my favourite player.. very seldomly do you see a player that can't be replicated in history. He was one of a kind
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