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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. Wieners? LUXURY! When I was a lad we yearned for a meal of casings and boiled shoelaces.
  2. Keep your fancy ass fantasies to yourself. I'm trying to figure out how to enjoy wiener water for a third day in a row.
  3. Why is anybody upset at Levels or Washington? They may be delusional but at least they have stones. That's more than I can say about cowards and quitters like the Derel Walkers and James Wilders of the CFL.
  4. I hope whoever Winston Rose replaces doesn’t feel "disrespected" enough to look elsewhere next season. On a related note, Mike Jones is a stud who we need to hang on to, especially if Rose and/or Alford goes south.
  5. I've never had more faith in a BB leadership team than I do now. I'm onboard with whatever happens regarding signings.
  6. Any combination of initiatives that engage the younger fan has to be explored. In a perfect world it would be ideal to have a student section for high school kids that allocated a set number of seats for specific high schools that rotate on an annual basis. It would be up to each school to dole out the 25 seats per game. If I was in that age group, I would definitely want to go with my buddies. If not for the game, then to see the girls from the other schools.
  7. One aspect of parenthood I can still be proud of, was turning my kids on to MM.
  8. "He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions." - The Sphinx
  9. He’s also 2 extra platefuls away from being barred from Uncle Willies. He Thick!
  10. Ha. There’s a nudnik on RF who is convinced that Proulx intentionally throws Rider games. Says he has documentation etc. Even the other Gomers over there shake their heads.
  11. Joe Kapp handing the "flower of placation" to Big Angie, followed by Mosca nailing Kapp with his cane.
  12. Two games today. Nobody won their last game. Nobody above .500. Might as well give the dog a bath.
  13. Assuming many players are under one year contracts, I wonder if Bombers don't try and re-aquire Lucky from the Lions. Guy looked like he was close to tears during Sarah's interview. Just because Lapo had no use for him doesn't mean long-ballers like Buck and ZC wouldn't salivate over the the prospect of using him the right way.
  14. Take it up with Mike's mom. It was her quote.
  15. A timely note from 3DN - Mike O’Shea is a generational coaching talent. He knows how to lead men and people respect him. That’s what matters in a football coach. He’ll be remembered as one of the best all-time one day.
  16. Lol at the righteous indignation when there is nothing else to get worked up about.
  17. Gary Crowton - The greatest coach that never was. (Tons of accolades as an OC but knew **** about the Canadian game)
  18. I would rather watch it 3 more times in succession than have to read anything else about Paul ******* Police.
  19. Doesn’t matter what Osh does. Play them, sit them, whatever. If we win the cup, he will have made the right decision.
  20. Didn’t Goveia decline the Als GM position last season? Tough to imagine someone turning down Montreal only to take on the mess in Ottawa. I suspect he may be in the running for the far more desirable Lk’s position after Sunderland gets heaved. He will also get to pick his own HC because Elizondo ain’t gonna last either.
  21. Lanky was really good in the booth. Kind of like a sober Dunigan.
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