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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. While you're watching, take a look at that POS Gainey going nuts on Bouka after the amazing Darvin catch. Public embarrassment from a team mate is the Rider way.
  2. I forced myself to listen to the tail end of the Rider postgame show (620?) with Wes Cates, some irritant named "the professor" and "Ballsy" their bigmouthed nudnik host. Totally high school radio. Anyway, the one thing that they agreed upon is that BB fans have overtaken (disputable) the Riders in terms of fan experience and fan reaction. I couldn't believe my ears, but they all agreed it was so and wondered how they could get that mojo back. On a related note, Wpg. call-in folks are absolute MENSA members compared to the Sasky bunch.
  3. I’m guessing it all worked out for you healthwise. Glad to hear.
  4. Brooch. Have you ever seen anything like this…a player under contract (f.a. next year), openly cheering for and wearing another team’s merch? I have to wonder if backroom talks have already started?
  5. HH - Lucky Whitehead working the crowd while decked out in BB gear. Looks to be jockeying for a 2022 contract.
  6. It should feel vintage, Armitage has the head of a Bison.
  7. If desperate, I might dangle a gm/coach combo at Jones but no chance I include an out clause in the contract. If he balks at that- In the words of the great George Bell: “He can kiss my purple ass.”
  8. Rev. Bruce Miles. First Presbyterian Church on Picardy. He was everything a Christian should be (and I'm no Christian).
  9. That’s where we got ours. I’ve peeled more paint off the railing by my seat by banging that thing than I care to mention.
  10. I’m watching how well AC Leonard does in Rider balloting.
  11. I’ll be watching Kongbo. This game will go a long way toward what his future might look like. Dwindling NFL interest? Potential Canadian f.a. starter?
  12. You're clearly a fraud. Any self-respecting mother of a basement dweller would never expect her adult son to work.
  13. You'll hear him on OB at least once more when he hosts the grey cup love-fest at the Forks after the parade.
  14. If named, at least he won't suffer the same fate as Milt. A street lost in an industrial area where the stadium used to be.
  15. Yeah, I got rid of that big ugly cow for this handful of crazy beans.
  16. Two that can be scratched off the list before they even apply are Derek Taylor and Greg Mackling.
  17. Who will be the poor bastard that tries to fill those shoes?
  18. It’s the day many were hoping would never arrive. Bob Irving’s final broadcast is Dec 5.
  19. ….and so freaking needy! If you think you're being treated poorly, tell it to your wife, not the media.
  20. He was public enemy no. 1 in BC for so many years. I had an ancient uncle from Vancouver who hated Mosca more than Hitler due to the Willie Fleming hit.
  21. Suitor is calling for a patent on the Menno-Cam. I don’t need to see Neuf blocking anymore.
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