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Mr Dee

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Posts posted by Mr Dee

  1. Had hopes Denmark could become something but he seemed to stagnate, Matthews is have a really inconsistent year so far. Simpson can't do it all on his own when the passing game is such a let down. 


    I really don't like how these guys are being used (they've become non-factors) We flat out don't attack teams with speed and size...we approach at ten yards and let them make plays.

    Crowton has really got to get it......quickly....Use all your weapons!!

  2. Every game they play we should expect a win. Otherwise why play?


    I asked you a direct question and you answer with a stock answer.

    I pretty well hoped we would do what we did; 


    Play a better defensive game and force them to play well. We accomplished this and JJ and Wild, specifically played feel.


    ST teams had to step up. Pretty well a saw off here, save for a coffin corner kick (later bungled) We punted well.


    Our offence was again non-imaginative (for Goltz to manage) but they really shold have trusted him more and spread that defence more. Goltz gained experience and looked more than alright, save for a few misses.

    Do I have to mention the drops?

    Too bland an offence for my liking, but....right up to the end, we had a chance to win.

    Soon, we're gonna turn that corner.




    Honestly though (and this is me looking for a silver lining more than anything else), Matthews makes a couple of plays .. squeezes the ball .. the outcome of that game could be much different.  A catch inside the redzone to move the chains .. a catch coming out of the shadow of our own endzone helps us manage field position ..


    Spot on...these are my choices for non-catches at the very wrong time.


    People have to realize, BC made their catches when they had to...we didn't.


    I'm sure no one wants to hear it but if Buck Pierce played last night... we probably win.


    Not with version of Buck...remember he's the guy who couldn't hook up with C Matthews for crying out loud!




    We forced a turnover (Lulay fumble) and had one given to us (Dropped Punt) and turned both into points or else this one wouldn't have even been close.



    Each team got ten points off turnovers....still a 7 point game.

  3. 1-5? Bitching? Nah, not us. Whatever gave you that idea? ;)


    This is the 1st game in 3 weeks where we were in the game against a top 4 team.

    I know everybody wants wins every game, but you can't tell me there wasn't vast improvement in this week's play.

    Buck? No thanks. No upside.

    Goltz? Don't know yet. But  at least I didn't feel there was no chance. And upside.

  4. I really don't know which game you guys were watching but I saw a game where either team could win pretty much the whole way through.

    In the end the better team won, but it was a football game right from the start.


    And horrible int? You mean the one that was tipped? Not a great throw, but far from a horrible throw.


    And i don't see them 'throwing out' Goltz any time soon. His second real start and they gave him a game to manage and that is what he did. 


    I think some of you are just bitching for the sake of bitching.

  5. That's the problem with a 6 page thread, you miss things. My apologies. I THOUGHT you were serious. Glad you weren't.


    No apologies necessary....just send money...or anything that you're not using at this time...say, from the 80's...that I can wear...that might have a name on it.

    Can you think of anything like that?

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