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Posts posted by ALuCsRED





    We have the worst fans in the league, bar none, for restlessness and complaining. No question, they've caused the club to do some really stupid things because they have zero patience for a true rebuild.

    No kidding. No other fanbase has been forced to endure the brutality we've seen over the last two+ decades. Other fanbases don't have as much to complain about as we do.


    Again, we're not hiring the right people if they let fan complaints dictate personnel moves. Get somebody with a good plan and a set of balls who can make a plan & stick to it & maybe the fans will have less to complain about.




    What stupid things have the fans caused the Bombers to do??


    1.  Getting rid of Kevin Glenn - He's been in the playoffs every year since 2006.  You can't get to the Grey Cup if you don't make the playoffs.


    2.  Going back to the west division - Through my lifetime, the rivalvies have been with the East Conference.  Why pinball back an forth?  Just like with the Jets, I'd rather get home and watch a 6 pm matchup with an east rival than a 9:00 start time against the Lions.  I also like the fact of when we got to the Grey Cup, that we were facing the Riders, Stamps and Lions...


    Moving back to the West Division isn't stupid. Sorry you're so young not to remember Western rivalries. But in the 80 plus years the team has been around, probably 60 of them have been in the West. We're 500 klms from Regina & 1200 from Calgary & Edmonton. How many GC's have we won as the East Division champions? That has nothing to do with the team making decisions on managers players & coaches which is the premise of the discussion.



    I'm tired of the flip flop.  With the league being 9 teams, I'd stay in the east.  If the league went to 10 teams, at that time I'd move back to the west.  The history of flipping conferences since I started watching CFL is nuts:


    1980's - started in the west

    1986 - to east

    1995 - to North

    1996 - to west

    1997 - to east

    2002 - to west

    2006 - to east

    2014 - to west


    Montreal and BC are both equal distances from Winnipeg as the crow flies, and Edmonton/Calgary are about 400 kms closer than Toronto, Hamilton, and Ottawa.  I'd rather watch 6 or 6:30 pm CST game times than 8, 8:30 or 9 pm CST road games.  


    Out of the east, we won the cup in '88 and '90, and lost the cup in '92, '93, 2001, 2007, 2011.  So naturally of people my age, we've had more success and more rivalries with the teams out of the east.


    PS I'm also one of those fans who enjoyed watching the Jets playing in the eastern conference.



    We have the worst fans in the league, bar none, for restlessness and complaining. No question, they've caused the club to do some really stupid things because they have zero patience for a true rebuild.

    No kidding. No other fanbase has been forced to endure the brutality we've seen over the last two+ decades. Other fanbases don't have as much to complain about as we do.


    Again, we're not hiring the right people if they let fan complaints dictate personnel moves. Get somebody with a good plan and a set of balls who can make a plan & stick to it & maybe the fans will have less to complain about.




    What stupid things have the fans caused the Bombers to do??


    1.  Getting rid of Kevin Glenn - He's been in the playoffs every year since 2006.  You can't get to the Grey Cup if you don't make the playoffs.


    2.  Going back to the west division - Through my lifetime, the rivalvies have been with the East Conference.  Why pinball back an forth?  Just like with the Jets, I'd rather get home and watch a 6 pm matchup with an east rival than a 9:00 start time against the Lions.  I also like the fact of when we got to the Grey Cup, that we were facing the Riders, Stamps and Lions...




    Or perhaps it just might have something to do with playing for a team that's ready to compete for a championship now versus one a couple of years away. Just maybe  ;)


    said it before, will say it again: "geography".


    You mean that Hamilton is closer to his hometown than Winnipeg is ?

    Most shocking thing I've ever heard.





    Winnipeg is the worst team in a tough division, having to face the Sask, Calgary and BC defences a lot


    Hamilton is the 2nd best team in a light division, where one team is an expansion team and the other lost their starting QB.






    We should be very excited we will be getting one of the best QBs in the CFL. The Bombers are now in the playoff conversation, assuming Burris signs.

    Based on what? He was at the helm of a team that won six games in 2012. Granted Hamilton's defence was terrible that year, but right now ours isn't much better.


    Compared to the Ticats D in 2012? Our D is light years ahead of that train wreck.




    Really? Whatever you're smoking I want. Our defence this past season is a group that allowed 585 points last year (Hamilton allowed 576 in 2012), had no single player with more than two interceptions last year, and had a stretch of three weeks (weeks three through five to be exact) where they allowed over 1000 passing yards, had seven touchdown passes against, 0 picks, and QB's had a completion percentage of 85.7 per cent. Lay off on the blue and gold kool-aid sport.



    The 2012 Hamilton defense was playing with the league's most explosive offence and still lost.


    The 2013 Bomber defense played with the league's worst offense (by far).  They let the other team dink and dunk down the field just to keep the clock moving.



    The only question now is what number will Kito wear with Hank taking 1.


    Kito can wear number 2 if we don't re-sign JJ.




    I'd take Burris.  At least we'd have someone that can read a blitz, throw a long ball, or escape the pocket while still looking up field.  He has years on him, but also many years not playing (NFL).  He has not had concussion issues, leaving his decision making is quick.  I'm not touting him as the next one, but at least we'd be competitive on a game-to-game basis.  


    Buck played to not lose.  Burris plays to win.  There is a difference.


    And there's a difference between playing to win and being stupid and taking unnecessary risks and forcing things that aren't there that costs you games. At 39 he still hasn't found that happy medium.



    Notice I said his decision making was quick, not that his decision making was necessarily always the best.  


    I'd rather see the QB attempt to do something rather than taking 5 seconds to watch his 1st and 2nd read, and then getting sacked.  To me it's like taking a knee in a tie game with 23 seconds on the clock when you've only won 3 games all year.


    I'd take Burris.  At least we'd have someone that can read a blitz, throw a long ball, or escape the pocket while still looking up field.  He has years on him, but also many years not playing (NFL).  He has not had concussion issues, leaving his decision making is quick.  I'm not touting him as the next one, but at least we'd be competitive on a game-to-game basis.  


    Buck played to not lose.  Burris plays to win.  There is a difference.


    Two points of clarification:


    1.  There is currently an $8 fee at Mosiac.  It will be increased to $12 to pay for the stadium.  

    2.  There will also be an 0.45% property tax increase in each of years 1 - 10 for Regina properties that will be earmarked for the stadium for the next 30 years.


    My only question is what does the $8 per seat fee currently go towards?  Why will this $8 not be needed (meaning the whole $12 goes to the City's loan from the province)


    I like this signing.  Suber tackles like a beast, has an engine that never quits, and is great on special teams.  


    As for his ability to cover, we had trouble getting pressure on the QBs consistently.  Yes we had a lot of sacks, but take away those 50 plays, how much pressure did we have the rest of the year?  Especially when both DTs were out.





    The Bombers won't be outbid. Walters has said a countless number of times that the Bombers will match any offer Henoc gets.

    I can't remember a single time Walters said that.  Can you point me to any link where Walters has said that the Bombers will match any offer Muamba gets?  Thanks.



    I remember, Walters said in one of his presser that Bombers will match any offer as long as Henoc/agent will give him the chance. Maybe learning from the Carr FA debacle.


    the Carr debacle wasn't on management that was on Carr. They had agreed to a deal, but Carr is the one that backed out and didn't give the Bombers a chance to match. 



    agree it's Carr/agent fault, they didn't give Mack & co to match the offer. that's why Walters said they will match as long as Henoc/agent will give them the chance.




    How'd that whole scenario work out for Carr?  Edmonton, Saskatchewan, Calgary... and now hanging out with all of you, me and Terrence Jeffers-Harris on the sidelines.

  9. I'm pretty sure the fans 



    Pretty sure "dealing with WPG media" is probably far down the list of worries when coaches/players consider coming here.

    Maybe. But there is a pretty wide disparity between what coaches have to deal with from the media here versus any other place in the CFL. Winnipeg is the only place where the media really "grills" the coaches and GM... in Toronto, BC, etc, nobody cares enough and in Regina the media eats right out of the Riders' hands regardless of how poor they are doing. Even in 2011 when the Riders were 5-13, it was tough to hear a negative word spoken about the Riders in that province. Nope, the amount of media bullshit that coaches have to deal with is highest in Winnipeg and its really not even close.



    Im pretty sure the fans are more sensitive to this than the coaches. 


    The only coach we've had who couldn't effectively handle the media was Mike Kelly and he would've had a hard time in any city. 


    What do you mean???  This interview with the Media was the best ever:


    From http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/blogs/bomber_insiders/The-Mike-Kelly-tirade-50896892.html

    "Media: Did you see anybody taking notes or drawing diagrams in the stands?

    Kelly: Yeah, there was a group of Kindergartners out there and they had all their Crayolas and were writing feverishly.

    Media: Did you have them escorted from the building?

    Kelly: No, I like Kindergartners.

    Media: Were you aware of the scout’s plans in Hamilton?

    Kelly: Non issue. It’s handled internally. I’ve got nothing to say.

    Media: It’s an issue. The CFL has sent a directive out, so...

    Kelly: It’s a non-issue to me... a non-issue to me.

    Media: The Tiger-Cats are accusing you of cheating. That’s not an issue, coach?

    Kelly: I don’t care what anybody has to say about it. It’s a non-issue, it’s been handled internally and I’m not talking about it.

    Media: You constantly tell us you’re the head of the football operations and responsible for everything.

    Kelly: Right. Non-issue. Handled internally. I’m not talking about it. Now, what don’t we understand about that, OK?

    Media: It seems a contradiction...

    Kelly: Non-issue, handled internally. Not talking about it. There we go, we’re done. Next question.

    Media: You mean handled internally with meetings...

    Kelly: Do you understand what ‘internally’ means? It’s been handled internally. I’m not talking about it. It’s over with. Move on. Next question.

    Media: What’s the normal procedure for pre-scouting, the relationship with your scouts, the normal operating procedure kinda thing for scouting a game?

    Kelly: Sure, you tell me what ‘normal operating procedure’ is and then we’ll go from there. Next question?

    Media: On a normal week would you have scouts at a practice...

    Kelly: Did you not listen to anything I said. I’m not talking about this. It’s a non issue. It’s over with. It’s done. Now, unless you have something else to say I’m not talking about it. So you can take that and leave the building. It’s that easy. Do we all understand each other now? Good. Next question. Got nothing to say? Enjoy your day fellas, we’ll see you at Ivor Wynne Stadium."





    Mulumba had already signed and been given a small bonus when we took him at #2...  just another Mack high-risk pick when we needed help now.


    Anyway, whatever - he's gone.


    No need to rehash the draft .. but I agree with the sentiment .. there's a time and place (in the draft) to take fliers on guys who will be in NFL training camps .. top of the first round is not one of those spots.



    Calgary drafted Doug Brown with the 5th pick overall in 1997.  Was he not worthy of a 5th pick?



    Did he ever play a down in Calgary?  Did Calgary have the same pressing needs to address as the Bombers have (had) over the last couple of seasons?  The answer is no.  Brown was drafted in 97 and spent the next 4 years down south.  He never once put on a Stampeders uniform. 


    You could also look at the depth of a particular draft when reaching to take someone but I think the underlying point remains .. when you are trying to rebuild a NI talent base, there's a time and place to take a chance on guys with NFL aspirations or guys who have *already signed an NFL contract* ..



    So, you could take a mediocre player and have him for years, or take the best player, and be able to either sign and play him, or trade him for other draft picks (3rd rounder for Brown who ended up being Mike Labinjo, 1st rounder for Philion) because you have great Non-import talent on your team already?  When you pick guys that can't break out onto your roster, they become free agents.  While the player is trying out/playing in the NFL, you retain their rights while they develop.



    Mulumba had already signed and been given a small bonus when we took him at #2...  just another Mack high-risk pick when we needed help now.


    Anyway, whatever - he's gone.


    No need to rehash the draft .. but I agree with the sentiment .. there's a time and place (in the draft) to take fliers on guys who will be in NFL training camps .. top of the first round is not one of those spots.



    Calgary drafted Doug Brown with the 5th pick overall in 1997.  Was he not worthy of a 5th pick?




    Interesting article...


    Gary Etcheverry: The 'Mad Scientist' or 'Brilliant Mind'

    Gary Etcheverry's departure was a pretty clear portrayal of his time with the team: head scratching and polarizing.

    The defensive assistant has reportedly taken a job in the energy sector that is a lot more financially lucrative than his coaching career, especially now that he was relegated to an 'effort coach' with the Saskatchewan Roughriders, as described by the new Head Coach Greg Marshall.

    Etcheverry hated that moniker! When I spoke to 'Etch' after he accepted his reduced roll within the coaching staff, he discussed that 'effort coach' moniker head on with a question, 'is that all (I'm) going to do?" He thought of himself more as a consultant within the coaching staff, someone to give a 'different' point of view and perspective on how the defence could be successful.

    And that's where you see the problem with the new set up that saw a defensive coordinator taking a reduced roll to 'effort coach' or 'consultant'. The defence of the Saskatchewan Roughriders is now Richie Hall's and Greg Marshall's, not Etcheverry's. Though Hall clearly took in some Etcheverry style schemes in 2008 when Etch helped out the coaching staff when Ron Estay left the team for health reasons, the current coaching staff's philosophies are similar to those of Hall and Marshall.

    They believe in bigger defensive front sevens, who shut down the run, and make offenses put the ball in the air. Etcheverry said run it all you want, the only way you win consistently in the CFL is throwing the football.


    You start to feel why the energy business, more money and maybe more time with family was an easy thing to jump at for Etcheverry, being somewhat of an outcast in the new regime.

    But the departure is a loss for the Saskatchewan Roughriders and some believe it was unfair that Etcheverry, who ran a pretty solid/athletic defence the last two years, received a demotion under new Head Coach Greg Marshall.

    While Etcheverry didn't want to be labeled an 'effort coach', that is the ideal roll for the veteran coach. 'Effort is our Edge' was the motto for the Riders defence under Etch. He was constantly barking day after day after day in practice and in game to 'get to the ball', 'be onside', take the correct angles and it showed on the field. The Roughriders defence under Gary Etcheverry may have given up some rushing yards but it did win and help put the team in two Grey Cups, where the defence gave the team the chance to win both games.

    Etcheverry's defensive philosophy put players like Tad Kornegay in position to show off their athleticism. Kornegay was a 180 lbs linebacker! He wasn't there to stop the run, but be able to track down the running back or the fifth or sixth receiver in the passing game. Kornegay was in my opinion the defensive MVP the last two seasons and the veteran appreciated the opportunity to make plays.

    Kornegay tweeted about the departure of Etcheverry by saying, "to all rider fans Coach Etch was the man who gave me the opportunity to showcase my talent to the fullest...special man that will be missed."

    Though Kornegay doesn't represent the entire defence, Etcheverry did have his detractors, but it should signal that there were fans of Coach Etcheverry in the locker room.

    Etcheverry tried different things that were met with criticism by not only his own players but with the sports media, which Etcheverry didn't ignore and wouldn't hesitate to snap back at commentators like Glen Suitor when pushed on his 'unconventional' defences.

    While many in Rider Nation will be watching Greg Marshall very closely after taking over for Ken Miller, Richie Hall should be just as much under the microscope to see if his defence is one that wins.

    Back in February Etcheverry, almost prophetically, mentioned that it will be interesting to look back after 2011 and see which teams, who hired new defensive coordinators, struggled or failed when he was on the market and his phone remained silent. And he's right, it will be interesting.

    Who wrote this drivel?



    After google-ing, it looks like Jamie Nye wrote it in a blog...  http://www.greenzonefootball.com/blog/gary-etcheverry-mad-scientist-or-brilliant-mind/7931

  13. Jones vs O'Shea is the same risk, and I'll take Khari all day because at least he has Bomber history and you know he desperately wants to be in Peg City. 


    The desperation to be in Winnipeg didn't work out all that well with Mike Kelly.  


    Khari would be excellent for the team.  My thought would be to start with him in an OC role.

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