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Piggy 1

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Everything posted by Piggy 1

  1. 1 D Line. Particularly the Jeffs. 2. Brady O. 3. McRae. that was a heck of a run back. Too bad he couldn't finish it. HH. Cole .A monster on teams.
  2. I'd like to see Eli at center. Kola keeps getting bulldozed.
  3. Both Kola and Grey struggling in pass pro. I cant understand why were not going max pro.
  4. Last 3 games we played these guys came down to the wire. Lets Go Big Blue!!!!
  5. Why the !@#$%$^ is he even still coaching? I'm flabbergasted.
  6. You know Booch, i love Jake. After today's game , i have to agree with ya. But ,on one player i won't is 31. Just wish that kid was a few pounds heavier. He's a baller. We gave up 3 points..........
  7. 1. O line, redeemed themselves ,in shitty conditions yet. 2. Willy ..what can you say . Entire D line showed up. 3. Buck,and and the entire coaching staff ,for bouncing back. HH. Secondary,gave up the odd torch play, but held in there.
  8. Happy with our D ,over all. Some missed tackles . Offense needs to finish drives. Willy and the D line are rolling.......Lets Go!!
  9. Can anyone tell me why hes taking up space there?
  10. Need A pissed of O line and Brady running down Maas throat. I cant wait till he attacks a water cooler ........
  11. SOB. I go have a cookout in the bush with some peeps ,and this is what transpires?? We got clobbered...
  12. 1. ZC ,hes just magic. 2. That O line. There's none better. 3. Grant, wow ,what a return that was . And to think they was gonna take it from us. HH. Willie and Haba had decent games. Haba will be a force.
  13. Pissed off that Piggy didnt get a shot at the 1.
  14. Harris sure doesn't look hurt ,making plays. Our secondary needs to be more aggressive IMO. Haba reminds me of ,dare I say it...........Philip Hunt. .
  15. Thats one nightmare I'd rather not rehash.
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