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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. I actually agree with his point. Davis did more to antagonize fans than williams did. And Davis essentially forced fans to get physical with him. It has potential to go badly at the very least....I may also really enjoy seeing an opposing player (especially one of Davis' calibre...you know the 3rd string career backup who gets cocky cause he qb snuck a ball 2 yards) getting fined for mocking the bombers.
  2. Yeah the shoppers near my place were out.
  3. I keep seeing "he's a complete moron" when people discuss this rat. And he's not. He knows exactly what he's doing and why. He knows how the game works (been apart of it long enough) and he knows what his voting base wants to hear and is feeding it to them.
  4. Anyone know where I can get testing kits? My son tested positive on Tuesday and we are down to our last 2 tests now.
  5. No one can answer your question because it doesn't make sense.
  6. the answer is, this is not an apples to apples comparison.
  7. That's my line of thought as well. Maybe Campbell is better...but the coaching staff obviously doesn't think so. I can't imagine they thought Campbell was better all along and just wanted Rodgers to start....just because...
  8. I see the L'ks have released Nelson. I'm honestly blown away it took this long. He didn't do anything here outside of one solid return against TO and then did absolutely nothing there.
  9. I like the uniform. Not a huge fan of the jersey, but with the pants and helmet I like it. It's one example of a CFL team copying the NFL (the jersey has a very real colour rush feel to it) that I actually approve of.
  10. We played the only teams that were above .500 outside of ssk. We've played and beaten every team outside of ssk. The only difference with the 2nd half of the schedule is they won't have to do it for 10 straight weeks without a week off....like everyone else they played.
  11. Not bringemout....it was #LetThemKnow or something that is currently the slogan for the Cleveland Cavaliers....not only is it their slogan, but they've paid twitter to put their logo on any hashtag with that saying. I think that's the point...in terms of everyone knowing...They're trying to rub the Bombers L in their face because they got the W. It's an ok idea, just poorly executed...kinda like their Offense.
  12. apparently these are available at the airport...? Anyone else seen them around town somewhere? https://twitter.com/BomberHistory/status/1559197057289621504?s=20&t=WJbtlxiYzcUqWJyE7oWxDw
  13. Also why did Edm go away from Litre? He looked damn near unstoppable I the 1st q.....and they just stopped giving him the ball. Irons wasn't doing anything really.
  14. An incomplete pass stops the clock and likely gives the Als the ball back (kickoff). End of game with the opportunity to kill the clock with the ball in your possession is 100% the correct call.
  15. Bo Levi will be playing for TO within 2 years.
  16. I think he was tell his defense to hold the running back up to waste the clock.
  17. What a great game! Never bad when you get to see Bo and Dickenson lose!!
  18. Why do the Argos use Banks as a returner? He sucks at it now. No burst but he still tries to play like he has one.
  19. Blame tsn all you want. They lost cause you didn't bring enough positive energy.
  20. Oline was lacking for sure...but they also got pressure by blitzing one or two guys every time. Oline needs some help with play calling and player recognition.
  21. and field goals. He's near the top of the league and is 19 of 23.
  22. 100% this. You can really tell this is a Buck Offense. Heavy on the pass even when the run game is working. Collaros needs to take what the Defense is giving them at times too.
  23. You guys can cry about legs all you want. He ain't going anywhere. So put your pants back on and continue on with your time.
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