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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Gotta hand it to Reebok...... From the Argo blue color to the bird dropping detailing, the tiny unreadable side numbers, the complete lack of Gold, and the pseudo medical support stockings......they managed to,,,, screw up just about every possible aspect of that uniform. Couldn't of insulted long term fans...any better, than if they had actually tried..... Watching the pre game warmups...wasn't sure to laugh about it.....or cry.
  2. The playcalls again were pretty vanilla - especially in the red zone. Receivers had a tough time getting open. Run game stank for 50 minutes. Considering we had 10 bloody days to prepare for this one....3 first downs in 3 quarters? Awful. D and special teams won the game
  3. Defense....good. Offense...putrid - playing scared, bad execution, turnovers...
  4. Just watching a couple of teams warming up. Still waiting for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers to come out... Thanks Rebok
  5. Have flashed Bomber gear at work....pushing the envelope, though...
  6. Really hope he becomes the Esks starter..... Subtraction....by addition.
  7. Time for Cotton to pick or cut bait......
  8. Need a backer to actually standup or knock down a running back.....watching Dunn and Wild doing their superball impression, last week was embarrassing,,,,,
  9. Beat them first..... ....and yes the Higg, is the patsy (eventually) in this year's goofy Montreal setup. And he knows it.
  10. My top is well secured..... Just not impressed with that look, even on a limited basis.....for the club I've supported for 47 years (ISO's comment above) Not even against "change", in the general concept....if it is done with some style and class. and yes, if people like this, and are willing to pay the freight.....more power to them.
  11. How hard is it to design a classy, classic and attractive, look? Obviously pretty hard.
  12. Bold, exciting, fun, and creative. Right. Gawd awful look. Cross between special forces and zombies.
  13. Sold on Edmonton's D....but their offense is pretty average...
  14. Can rag on Henry, but his receivers are bush league....
  15. If he is a notch above a fence post......he is in like Flynn...
  16. We're still looking for actual sportswriters.....
  17. There are other ways to show your displeasure. You don't think Romby knew he was upset when he wouldn't even look at him yesterday? I bet he looked at him....in the dressing room....
  18. Put it where it belongs....refs did a poor job of blocking and tackling....
  19. Having players rally to the ball is fine.....but when you have 3 guys there, and nobody makes the tackle.......
  20. Kyle Walters can speak: Kyle Walters has things to do.......
  21. We are angry, because we actually care about this particular version of the Blue Bombers....
  22. We brought Romby in to provide some vet stability....instead 5 catches in 4 games, blown patterns, fumble...and holy hanna...them penalties. Him and Howard need to be removed now.....
  23. Don't care if it is Grisgby, Cotton or the Trivago Guy.....somebody is got to get this running game moving.
  24. Perhaps concussion syndrome....from running into them piles....
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