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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Moral victory.....but two missed points, in yet another winnable game against these guys btw.....on one play, Messam runs for 7 yards....Kuale gets up and starts beating his chest. Get rid of this clown
  2. Only thing making MOS "look bad" was our D, folding like a cheap suit..all the way down the field, in crunchtime....
  3. it wasn't knee jerk when suitor called him out on tv, and it wasn't knee jerk when i said in chat it was a brutal call. we were jsut fine getting 3rd and 1 before in the game, and in the cfl they have to line up a yard away from you. qb sneak, get the 1st, run clock, maybe get 6. even if u dont get 6 you run clock and force durant to make throws. was our d brutal? yep im pretty sure i nominated them as a place to blame. but in the end oshea made a cowardly call. O'Shea is the best thing to happen to the Bombers in years. Excellent young coach. This is known as the big picture....
  4. Some of the missed offsides/holding were pretty epic.....
  5. Riders are on a win streak, Durant is 5-0 against Blue in LDC's, just signed Dressler, and Rider nation, is primed for yet another LD blowout...... Beat these guys today....and put the corkscrews on their team (to say nothing of the fans)...going into next week....
  6. O-line.... block Defense.... tackle Beat them on special teams Avoid turnovers... ps...Get out of the gate faster...
  7. If the Riders sign Dressler for say even 200K.....it would create a nasty ripple effect, with the guys they need to re-up, next year......
  8. Strategically, Gallipoli actually had some merit....it was the execution of it, that was wretched......Not having a joint naval/army effort right upfront...was major fail from the get-go. The myopic and feeble leadership from the front commanders, helped seal the deal.
  9. Or lock Dressler in a room with O'Shea....and let Mike exercise the ole mind control.....
  10. On RF, many folks have predicated Dressler's return on the greatness of Regina, Rider fans, and the premise that their boy would not simply chase after the higher dollar.....If he goes elsewhere....fun reading, ahead...
  11. To insinuate that actual designers worked on the Bombers jersey....is giving somebody way too much credit....
  12. Yup....get rid of the loud mouths, hot doggers, and the other dis tractors.....and turn around and sign Dwight Anderson. makes 0 sense...
  13. Should The Bombers Wear The Tie Dye Unis Again For The Banjo Bowl? Should I jam my thumbs into my eyes, again?
  14. Certain amount of inner envy....
  15. When Hank starts getting that "not my fault" look.....the slides are greased...
  16. Disagree.... If you listen to some of the denizens, on RF.....their current winning streak (including the one against us)....is one for the ages...
  17. When the team runs through the tunnel in royal blues.....they will look like a real football team.......this week.
  18. Lets get real.....4.3 in this league....is not very good, and not good enough, going forward.....
  19. First half was real good....Kromah was able to piano up and down the LOS....and put the ball carrier down
  20. Gotta congratulate you on a very uniform post iso. Didn't have to dress that one up, either...
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