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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Only works in the Republic of Jones, I assume....
  2. Offered the bus driver $1.50, this morning, as fare.........and explained that it was merely an "market adjustment" He could not grasp that simple concept.....
  3. Didn't hurt Allan Pitts's career any.......
  4. Thought things might get somewhat more sane, around RF......after they got rid of Lyle E. Style..... and his illegitimate offspring Area 51. No such luck....
  5. Been reading this Jill St. John thread..... Spinning meat shields vs evil agendas...... This whole notion of the Riders somehow protecting the sanctity of the league, by defending some sort of an appropriate market level, during these negotiations....is literally jumping the shark backwards. Entertaining stuff.....
  6. I remember the good ole days....when we scored a lot of touchdowns....and the fans provided more than enough..... for TD celebrations... But now everyone needs it spoon fed to them......
  7. Still remember a road game in TO, with Lapo....when we kicked 2 field goals....from inside the 5 yd line.
  8. Yup, that would be too much like Bomber teams of past years......
  9. Well, there is always a Gotha G. V. bomber......but would have to be somewhat larger....
  10. Way, way past time, that we recruited some real stud import OL types.... while pursuing the long term plan (enough quality Canucks on line) Hopefully, this year is the charm....
  11. Let me take over from Captain Blue.....and I will gun that plane, up and down the field.........
  12. That guy? He is simply the gin bearer...... He came aboard, when Wade left for bigger and better things....
  13. http://s33.postimg.org/j77vui30f/20150710_173132.jpg Women need to be around him...... Stay hydrated my friends.
  14. If it ain't broke....don't re-brand it. It has never ceased to amaze me, how bloody long it took to: a. Identify the error b. Correct said error
  15. Depth and potential starters, down the road, on both sides of the ball. Pretty good draft.
  16. If things go south again this year....may hire DC to do the Odds and Sods.....
  17. As far as this camp.....anything that helps this team hit the ground running, will meet with my approval. Seems to be some emphasis on creating multiple options, and making adjustments on the fly, at a high tempo - all items that were completely lacking, last season. I expect to see some variant of the West Coast O.....given the Bombers intent to load up on smaller speedy YAC type guys and as a byproduct - have our OL hold blocks for a shorter period of time. Something like the New England setup, with bunch formations and triangle patterns - forcing the D to account for sideline to sideline....and using the pass to set up the run. Willy throws a very accurate short ball, and Harris's ability in the draw/screen game, is also a good fit as a RB in this kind of system. Should be interesting.....
  18. Hard to have a guy, just to return kicks.....unless he is real productive - real consistently. Stods was up and down on KR's... and not showing much as a back up receiver - with a big ticket to boot.
  19. Yup I bash the guy, but at least when it come to economics, Trump has it covered. According the the Donald, he will: "Get Wall Street pros to run the economy" Cut current tax base from 40% to 15% , expand the military budget, impose massive tariffs on the rest of the world ....and simultaneously eliminate the deficit in 8 years. Of course when he is not busy with some other vanity projects, like building a wall across the Rio Grande and having Mexico pay for it! That is some economic platform..... Color me impressed........
  20. I want a better OL and an offensive system that can actually scheme and adapt to both personnel and situations. Both are possible.
  21. If we play better, we could have a better record.
  22. Keys are the young starters and the 20yr ole closer. This team will score runs.
  23. Props to you guys.....has to be the best stuff I've never seen.....
  24. My favorite superhero? Frank Underwood.
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