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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. But just who's in charge?
  2. Just call it a "Police action"
  3. The CFL should have an online poll, to select the new Commissioner. This way Rider fans, can get Chris Jones in there.
  4. Spicer simply reflects the ongoing "chaos" of the Trump- Bannon- Kushner et al. administration. They probably use a etch-a-sketch, at this point.
  5. Being way too hard on Spicer. Imagine if you had to step into the glare of the WH media and cough up realms of bafflegab, while misdirecting and spinning wildly in ever increasing circles, nightly.....all without the aid of gin. Tough gig.
  6. Donald Trump in-depth policy making........ while getting out of bed in the morning: If happy: Play golf If concerned: Tweet something or other If cranky: Launch missiles at somebody, somewhere
  7. As far as Trump's absurd Presidential expenses......why would anyone be surprised? The only honest thing, the Don said during the election campaign....was that he "knows how to work the system." So, Trump has graduated from merely ripping off students and small creditors......to now milking the entire American taxpaying public. Bigly. btw...turns out that Trump's "blind trust" is not so blind after all. The White House admitted that Trump has a revocable, not blind trust - which is administrated by his eldest son, Donald JR. and the Trump Organization's Chief Financial Officer. No conflict of interest there, right? Trump said he would be the hardest working President ever. He is working it, alright.....
  8. 2013 .... Trump talking about Obama's possible strikes in Syria after Assad's initial use of chemical weapons.
  9. Trump to CNN during the election campaign: "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."
  10. Enough idiots to make Trump President.....
  11. Quality not quantity.... **shaky hand gripping a bottle**
  12. Might be too much ill will, built up between Trump administration and the US security agencies. Most of it initiated by the Donald.
  13. In the early days of this administration, I refereed to it here, as simply a crapfest. Upon reflection....I might of understated the matter.
  14. If it is not BS, some of this will revolve around the Obama Sanctions against Russians. The rest would be around Trump and company - and their financial links and relations with Putin stooges and banks that laundered money for the Russians. (one in Russia and one in Germany) You had Flynn being paid to celebrate a major Putin propaganda tool, then having conversations, where he first lied about them, and after ...couldn't quite remember if sanctions were discussed. Sessions had some friendly chats with the Russian Ambassador, about something or...... other that he lied about. Carter Page ran to Russia, in the middle of a election campaign, and had multiple conversations (according to FBI) with shady bankers and politicians Son-in law Jarred had contact with a known money laundering Russian bank. Manifort had to bail from his position - because of rumblings from the Justice Dept. about his running around with Russians Political leverage (sanctions) and the money trail. Also interesting to speculate who would "profit" from the sanctions being lifted.
  15. You ask for immunity when you can get yourself off the hook, by passing it up the line. Flynn was sitting at a table reading or listening to something that is going to deep six him. At least this time he wasn't shouting from the campaign stage about locking people up.....
  16. Yup, watched that same Homeland episode. Which got me to thinking..... For all the stuff about Trump being unpredictable or not knowing what he is doing ...... a far bigger spotlight needs to be put on the actual man with a actual plan.... Steve Bannon "Organized chaos" Major dismantling of the administrative structures within the US, discrediting the mainstream media and the judiciary, and destabilizing relations with long time allies. Jingoistic and isolationist white nationalism, that uses the themes of hatred, fear, bigotry, and the byline of Aryan supremacy to divide the country, while misleading and "re-educating" the masses. Muslims, immigrants of any sort, educational and perceived social "elites" and "Leftists" (broad brushed as Socialists, Communists, criminals and traitors). Repeating the big lie (or in this case, the multiple lies) over and over again to embed them into the daily narrative/reality. Even a cursory glance at the comments/discussion pages of sites like Brietbart, Fox, and some of the Drudge network, will tell you just how well this approach is actually working Getting big "government" out of the lives of Americans - to be replaced, of course.....with more intrusion of big business and corporate entities. As example, Americans can now kiss any vestige of their Internet privacy.... goodbye. After only 67 days of this administration.....does any of this look and sound familiar? Gives one the creeps... Trump is basically the flim flamming, carny barker, front man all of for this. The Don is simply happy enough to have the prestige, massive attention and ego stroking 24/7....and of course, to continue to further feather the nest, big time - for both himself and his family. He can pull the ripcord at anytime, have somebody write him some more books, and cook up some more "reality" TV..... Remarkable that in the myriad list of "enemies", I have traced above - the Russians in general and Putin in particular are nowhere to be seen, Or perhaps not that remarkable. ps - the surest way to get to the bottom of the "relationship" with the Russians is to simply follow the money. This applies to Trump, his family, and his advisors
  17. In 2015, the US imported 295 Billion dollars worth of products from Mexico - agricultural products, machinery, oil, etc. Who in the hell does Trump think ....will ultimately pay for a border tax? Other than American consumers - as an example, taxing Mexican crude oil, would hit US motorists squarely in the pocket.
  18. If you can stand to read this stuff through to the end....and wash hands afterwards. An inside look at Jared Kushner - official White House foreign relations advisor for Canada, Mexico, China and of course The Middle East. Also President Trump's son-in-law.... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-01-27/jared-kushner-s-felon-father-brought-two-fellow-inmates-into-company He should be formally adopted.... as being a real chip of the ole block.
  19. The next interesting episode of reality TV in the House, will occur as federal government funding expires on April 28th. In 2013 Ted Cruz and his supporters manufactured a total shutdown of all Government business. Ryan is probably aware that this cost the former Speaker, Mr.Boehner HIS job. The optics of a shutdown, despite controlling the White House and both chambers of Congress - would be a hugely, bigly, and immense political disaster, for the Republicans....that would totally dwarf the recent Healthcare defeat. Of course, the now emboldened Freedom Caucus are insisting that all Federal monies for Planned Parenthood be blocked - in exchange for their support. Obstructionist zealots, can be real hard to deal with, as Trump already knows. The House Brand Tea Baggers will demand that funding for the almighty Wall be included. However, big name Republicans from the Border States (McCain, Cornyn, Flake, Hurd et al.) are worried about both the money and private property rights, with building this Wall. Some of them will probably vote against it. The funding might come down to being dependent on some Democratic support - but in that case, the Dems could demand that a certain amount of the military spending or proposed tax breaks for the wealthy be scaled back... Getting some of this stuff by the Senate? (like eliminating PP, which would be DOA) Merely future headaches.
  20. 65 day as POTUS, 21 visits to Trump properties, 13 visits to the golf course. Guy must be exhausted.
  22. So after the bigly setback in the House....Trump went off to Aspen for some skiing......but probably not with son in law Jared Kushner. http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/24/politics/jared-kushner-aspen-ski-trip-obamacare/ Donald then got down to tucking it to Paul Ryan Trump Friday afternoon: "I like Speaker Ryan. I don't blame him, he worked very hard," Trump early Friday night: on Twitter Watch @JudgeJeanine on @FoxNews tonight at 9:00 P.M.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 25, 2017 At 9:00 P.M. on the dot......Jeanine Pirro, host of “Justice With Judge Jeanine,” then delivered a scathing commentary on Ryan’s performance in the days leading up to the decision to pull the House Republican bill to overhaul the Affordable Care Act. “It failed within the first 70 days of President Donald Trump’s administration, a president who made the replacement of Obamacare the hallmark of his campaign and then used valuable political capital to accomplish it,” said Pirro, placing the blame squarely on Ryan. White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump’s tweet was motivated only by his being a fan of Pirro’s show. After delivering her commentary, Pirro said that there had been no coordination with Trump in her messaging. Sure.....these folks are as honest as the day is long......all of this happened shortly after I saw a blue pig, fly past my window. But hey it was only business, nothing personal. Hope Ryan has a parachute handy. What Ryan needs to understand: When you lie with a skunk, after a while it starts to smell pretty bad.
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