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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. I usually don't either but unless he's 100% lying in this case, then a high-profile cabinet minister made public statements against the PST hike to a member of the media a long time ago.   That being said, it's not like she held a press conference (like they have been doing lately) so in once sense I'm not suprised it wasn't mentioned before now but I'm still curious as to why Sinclair would have sat on that for so long.  God knows he's not above stirring the pot.


    Selinger holding a presser at 4 today.  He has been taking a lot of heat since Judy got crushed... many in the NDP are scared that people hate Selinger and want him to step down.  Could be interesting.


    But probably won't be.

    Many people would be correct.


    Such richness coming from these clowns.  They trip over each other to distance themselves from the PST hike now but where were they a year ago?  More to the point why did they continue to support these NDP budgets that put the province in the position of "needing" a tax hike.  And why didnt they come out sooner and accuse Selinger of lying?  And he absolutely lied.  He campaigned on no tax increase.  He deserves what he gets.  These things can go either way.  A party in peril changes leaders and just keeps going under.  One can hope.



    Here's an article from Gordon Sinclair about how there was internal NDP dissent & anger over the PST 16 months ago.  I'm curious as to why he hadn't mentioned anything about this prior to now.






    Shake n Bake 2.0

    De ferk? Literally no clue what your going for here..



    Maybe something to do with Robert Baker not coming to Winnipeg from Toronto years ago? I dunno, just a guess.



    Yup, Shake Severs was his rap name, he never showed up.



    Fixed your post

  4. People might be associating the two of them for the simple fact that Katz had no political experience and he was backed by the business community & Bowman has no political experience and is being backed by the business community.  It has nothing to do with with the fact they both had a career.  All of the candidates except maybe Judy, have had a career but they don't have the business connections that Bowman does so they don't get the comparison with Katz.


    Katz was more well known at the time he 1st ran for mayor and he still got elected...Bowman is much more of an unknown so while I don't necessarily agree with the comparison, I don't blame people for being leery of potentially going down the same path we just went down. 

  5. Suber was referring to Girgs pesonal siutation and not the team. Know for a fact suber loves the city and this team still, he holds no hard feeligs towards anyone


    He might still love the city but Suber had previously tweeted something that implied he is not a fan of Etch.   Someone had tweeted something about the Bomber D being to small to stop the run & he replied that it was the system not the personnel (or something to that effect).

  6. Its very difficult to defeat an experienced candidate when they have the provincial government and big unions working the campaign.


    To be honest, every candidate has some ideas I like and some I dont.  I just dont trust Steeves as far as I could throw him.  He comes across sleazy to me.  He was a do-nothing counsellor in Sammy's back pocket until popular opinion turned on Sammy and then suddenly Steeves was anti-Kats.  yeah right.  His platforms seems designed to be as opposite to Judy and Bowman as possible.  So sure, maybe thats what he really believes.  I tend to think he gambled on being the "alternative" and has lost the bet.


    Today, his placard at his presser listed Bowman's platform as increased property taxes and a 4% sales tax.  That is absurdly untrue.  It's BS like that that ruin politics and shouldnt be allowed.  You should not be able to lie or mislead like that.


    I met Gord many years ago when he was a young lawyer and he seemed useless as **** on a truck.  A friend of mine was good friends with him later on so I tried to keep an open mind.  Can't do it.


    I saw someone on twitter make an interesting comment about Bowman, that he causes consternation amongst his opponents because he's hard to fit into a specific political spectrum.  Steeves calls him left of Judy.  Oh come on.  Again, nonsense political posturing.  Even if I was considering Steeves, his lies and BS would have chased me away.


    If Steeves really cared about Winnipeg.  And if he really wanted to prevent Judy and the NDP getting a hold of City Hall, he would have dropped out and endorsed Bowman.  He's getting such bad advice.  Barring a miracle or some major dirty trick, Steeves will be looked at as the veteran who got whooped by a newcomer and ran a terrible campign.  If he steps down gracefully, he lives to fight another day.  Now?  Im not so sure.


    This.  I have concerns about every candidate running so I'm still very much undecided. 


    I want to like Bowman but some of the things he's said don't make me all that confident in him.  His plan to finish all the legs of BRT is so unrealistic it's not even funny.  His ideas to help revitalize downtown are mostly already underway or have been considered by city hall.    


    TUP pretty well nailed Steeves so I don't have to comment on him.


    Judy has run the smartest campaign by mainly not saying anything which is also a draw back IMO.  She's letting Bowman & Steeves drag themselves down but hasn't really given people a good reason to vote for her.


    I've been intrigued by some of the ideas from guys like Falcon-Ouellette & Sanders, but I just don't think they are high profile enough to take on the big 3.

  7. Makes me glad to see all the Civ love in this thread. I have Civ 4 (all expansions) and Civ 5... Civ 4 is the best, or at least most in-depth incarnation if you ask me. Civ 5 is pretty much click continue til you win, not really all that much fun. If I could add up all the hours I spent playing Civ 1 when I was a kid... it would be embarrassing. On the plus side, I was the only grade 4 student who knew who Hammurabi was. That made me super cool and the envy of my peers


    Agreed, 4 is the best version. I was seriously dissappointed by 5, I've got it tied with Revolution for PS3 as my least favorite version. 





    I played Civilization 1 quite a bit around 20 years ago.


    I sometimes play Civ 4. I was a beta tester for the game and still have a soft spot for it.


    Civ 4 was the first civilization game I played since the first one and it was a lot of fun. 



    I played a Civ for PC a while ago. Not sure how late it was but I think it was around 4 or 5. Pretty fun. If they had a CIV for android phones I'd probably get nothing done.







    My wife would kill me if she knew how much time I spent (and still do!) playing CIv.  I'd probably be unemployed and divorced if they had Civ for Android.


    There's resentment like that everywhere. In Alberta, with nearly 4.5 million people, we have 3.5 million living in cities like Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Ft McMurray & Grande Prairie. Rural folk hate the city folk.


    And some of it is legitimate.  For example, the big cities carry most of the political clout.  There are 'paved' roads in rural MB. that wash out right down to the gravel, and don't get fixed for half a year.  Rural people 'put up and shut up' more than many realize.



    I can show you city streets where this happens... it is not strictly a rural problem.





    The fine on Woldu is an embarrassment. The ref blocked him on the Willy touchdown run and he barely touched him. Hardly his fault that the official was standing there.

    Glen Johnson's reign of error continues.

    Woldu deserved the fine. The official was positioned correctly and Woldu could have avoided him.


    Please.  That is the very definition of a stretch.  It wasn't like he steam-rolled the ref.  He basically brushed into him.




    Haha actually maybe you should watch the replay again... I don't think he deserved a fine, but he absolutely steam-rolled the ref...


    I was ok with Morley getting ejected in that game... I don't actually know what happened but he's not the kind of guy to just lose it for no reason... I assume he was sticking up for a teammate, which I'm ok with... the o-linemen gotta be the enforcers...


    Who came in at center once he left?  I was too drunk to tell at that point. 




  11. Hate to bump a thread I posted in last but I just read something ludicrous on CNN.


    The lawyer for Michael Brown's buddy (he who was in the store when Brown assaulted the woman and robbed the store and also seems to be the only witness to the 'Brown was surrending' story, claiming he was shot in the back which was proved to be a lie) was quoted in a CNN story as saying his client told police about Michael ("Big Mike") and the store but "this wasn't theft.  It was shoplifting". 


    The narrative of this story by most of the mainstream media is baffling.  This cop, with zero evidence that he is either a racist or acted inappropriately, is automatically, without facts or investigation, a black-hating executioner.  But the "victim" who is caught on video assaulting a woman and robbing a store is just a misunderstood kid.  Is it bleeding heart liberalism?  Or is big media afraid of being portrayed as "racists"?


    If the cop was wrong, throw the book at him.  But the one-sided, over-the-top hyperbole in this case serves no one, especially justice.


    CNN is reporting that there are other witnesses and they have cell phone video of their reactions immediately after Brown was shot.



  12. Does anyone know the exact draft picks we have in the 2015 draft?  I know we traded a 4th rounder for Brohm, a conditional pick for Portis and we got I believe a 4th rounder back in the Hall/Neufeld trade.  So we should have a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th rounder (gave one up, but got one back).  Portis compensation pick is the unsure one I think. 






    The Brohm and Portis deals are both conditional picks.


    Brohm will be a 4th rounder based on where we are in the season (was a 2-4 round pick based on games started).  And yes I stated Portis was a conditional pick. 



    I'm aware. I was clarifying for everyone else. Don't worry, we all know you said it first.



    Thanks for clarifying my message that was already clear. 



    Not to interupt your pissing match or anything, but your original post was not clear that they were both conditional picks.  You said we traded a 4th round pick, not a conditional pick which will turn out to be a 4th rounder.





    Darrin Bauming @DarrinBauming

    Rough news for the #Bombers. DE Willie Moseley appears to have injured his left knee in practice. He left the field under trainer's care.



    Ouch... with Thaddeus Gibson still not in town, it looks like it might be Booker in there for Vega.



    Kuale at DE ?






    Okay, I'll say it.  I don't hate the idea.  He might be better suited there.  Or at least open up a spot in the middle for someone who is better suited.  And it's not like we've gotten any pressure from the outside line lately, so even if he does nothing, it's not a downgrade.


    I'll go hide under my desk now.



    If it lead to him getting more dumb penalties (roughing the passer comes to mind), then it would be a downgrade.



    Darrin Bauming @DarrinBauming

    Rough news for the #Bombers. DE Willie Moseley appears to have injured his left knee in practice. He left the field under trainer's care.



    I like bauming but... that seems to be the key words there



    Ed Tait @WFPEdTait

    #Bombers new DE Willie Mosleley just went down in a heap. Walking off now; looked like knee #bn



    Paul Friesen @friesensunmedia

    #Bombers DL Willie Moseley down with what looks like a knee injury.




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