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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. the neg list things is a big thing
  2. Haha Rider fans more upset that they caught than the fine. Want practices closed so they can continue to break the rules lol.
  3. You hit them on the field not in the pocket book.
  4. They are laughing right 60k to an extra month and half to evaluate players is money well spent.
  5. Riders fans are in denial that the are going to come out looking real bad on this.
  6. I equate to a cop will not pull you over if you are doing 105 in a hundred but if you are doing 150 you are getting the book thrown at you
  7. He was tweeting out last night how the Riders are the kings of the CFL
  8. Could also reduce off season roster by a few players to
  9. Draft picks taken away. I would then not let them have the year increased practice roster period for several years.
  10. Mulumba would be a DE and Bilukidi would play inside.
  11. Especially if they are getting them other jobs around town.
  12. This is all the more funny considering how Riders fans were saying that it would be no problem to find talent with their 20 scouts and when Jones claimed they worked out 2000 players this offseason.
  13. it sounds like most teams do this but the Riders have gone over the line here. I would imagin every team would have 4-5 guys around like that but to have as many as the Riders have that will be a issue. Jones got greedy and will now ruin it for the rest of the teams.
  14. Make sense since Chris Jones made fans and media swear an oath to not report what happens at practice or who is there.
  15. The way this team is playing I don't think they care who they play.
  16. Ti Cats better hope there line plays better or else it might be a short lived come back.
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