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IC Khari

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Everything posted by IC Khari

  1. Depends on how the other teams have actually evaluated the players. Who's to say someone other than the Bombers doesn't want Goosen either?
  2. I'm OK with targeting a center (we really need one) with number two overall. I'm also OK if it turns out to be Goosen, even though he's down to number 9 on the draft ratings because he's played the position. Picking the best available player may be the way to go most years but we need a guy to groom at that position who's played it before. Taking guards who are almost finished on our line and putting them at center is not a pattern for success IMO. The last center we plugged in from the draft that actually WAS a center Dominic Picard, turned out to be a pretty good player at that position (too bad we hadn't of been able to keep him).
  3. It's a looooooooong off season brother ...
  4. Thinking this choice is actually much more important for the long term health of the franchise than we all can even imagine. I would think the time for talking about getting/developing a franchise QB is long overdue and getting one is past critical stage, let's hope the Bombers make the right choice ...
  5. The more this Kevin Glenn thing goes on the more I'm wondering if getting him would be necessary for the Bombers. I think it's time to develop a QB and stick with him under a good system.
  6. I think we're all reading this wrong, Steven Jyles doesn't need any mini camp work. Besides, Steven Jyles doesn't wear a watch, he decides what time it is (with apologies to Chuck Norris)
  7. I'm torn now ... I'd love to see BC have to give up some draft choices to get Glenn but I also want to see Desjardins get screwed over and have to release Kevin and get nothing for him either
  8. At least their Grey Cup victories are getting less tainted as they go along ... last time in 2007 they were over by about. $63,000. ...
  9. Quite frankly, as much as you'll see movement that mirrors the thoughts of executives, trying to make pinpoint rankings off this list is pointless. The list is full of smoke and mirrors. Probably but what about all the complaining in the past few years about our supposed off the board picks then? The draft ratings don't count that much in your opinion?
  10. Yes but if we take someone like a #9 Goosen at 2nd overall is that not any different than our off the board pick of Pencer or even Etienne when there were several higher rated players available?
  11. Does this change in anyway our draft process? Do we go best player available rather than position of need ie. center if Ottawa takes Pierre Lavertu at #1 over David Foucault who is now rated higher for instance? It seems now that if we go by these ratings, someone like #9 Matthias Goosen may be more of a stretch now drafted number 2 even though he could meet a need for this team.
  12. Can you say C-R-O-S-S-O-V-E-R? Not convinced the Als will be that good and the rEdBlAcKs will not beat our record. So you're saying there's a chance?
  13. That is a Terrelle pun ... just the way I like them
  14. We are a league noted for second and third chances . . . Ya, in the early 80's we gave Vince Ferragamo another chance to show what a crappy QB he was
  15. All I know is at number 2 we should get a good player, whether he meets one of current positions of need remains to be seen.
  16. Our past few guys were offensive yes, but guru no ...
  17. Best part about Marve is he only has one ACL to wreck so our chances are good he'll stay upright
  18. Exciting to officially be holding one of these things and getting in step with what most of the other teams have been doing for a change. Good job Bombers ...
  19. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000340934/article/alex-hall-excfl-standout-signs-deal-with-panthers Love the fact it doesn't even mention his Rider stay
  20. No rush on this for anyone other than the rEdBlAcKs (this is how I will type this from here on), so as far as I'm concerned they can wait it out until he's released, which ultimately would have to happen given the two QB salaries. Too bad for Glenn as he should have earned some respect for the past number of seasons play, unfortunately I don't think respect is in Desjardin's vocabulary ...
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