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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. That's fine -- if you want to talk about the record under him and say he's not a good enough coach, that's fine. But I take issue with people harping on his quotes. It's ridiculous...
  2. All I'm hearing in this thread, is a whole lotta "We're 1-3 right now..." .......easy to point fingers at something so ridiculous as "what Burke says in the media". If we weren't 1-3 to start, nobody would care a lick about what he says or how he says it. Christ, it's not that far removed from the stuff Kelly was saying in the media. I'll take Burke's "sometimes-too-blunt" honesty over Kelly being a *****, any day...
  3. for the billionth time, Coehoorn and Ianuzzi are nearly 10 years older than Etienne, with far more college refinement. You can't compare 'em....
  4. What's funny is, that's exactly what DID happen. The best Bryant Turner jokes are the ones that are real.
  5. btw -- Burke says the Bombers aren't interested in him...
  6. Nobody wanna question why Toronto would cut their Defensive Captain.......?
  7. ...and, fwiw, Madani speculating that Frito is going to be out awhile, too. They're not going to 9-game him, but could be down awhile...
  8. Collar and lettering are not good based on this pic. Mike is right...would be better to see an actual one. Still...nice to see that it's similar to the 70s Royal Blue's.
  9. Much better than the hideous turds we currently are forced to adorn....
  10. Jade made a lotta good plays tonight. No clue what happened on the play where his waggle interrupted the snap...
  11. This was a painful one to see live. Need to watch the tape to tell exactly what went wrong, but Jovon really looked outta place out there. Can't tell if Goltz actually looked okay, or was just garbage time.
  12. Least this time we'll be with Bomber fans and not have to witness it among Stamps fans. Ugh. It'll be fun tonight, no matter what happens.
  13. Ha ha -- yeah, I'm not expecting much tonight! Just happy to be at the barn. The girlfriend's first Bomber home game (we go to the Bomber games in AB) so she's stoked. And really, if you sat through the Bomber game at McMahon last summer, you can sit through anything right??
  14. Well, my yearly trek home sees the Bombers at home this time, so I'm finally able to get to IGF. Can't wait to see the new barn, but dreading what the injuries will do to this team's performance. If we're in this game late in the 4th, I'll be more than happy...
  15. Its a good thing i got in some flag football reps with 17to85s team recently 'cause i think I might get called on...
  16. My one game in Wpg per year, when I'm home on holidays, and this is what I get to see. I remember watching a game vs Flutie's Argos when I was a kid, where we lost something like 56-15. I'm sensing some deja vu........
  17. Eeeeeesh......if its not one thing, its another. Never a dull moment in the CFL. Poblah still a ways off, so here's hoping Kohlert and Jay Detain are the dynamic duo....
  18. I picked Watson....just a hunch. But if Watson is our leading receiver, we're not going to have a very good offense, I don't think.
  19. Just transferring Edwards' comments from the SP blog
  20. Sounds like Walker back in for them. They say he's a more explosive runner, but isn't a very good pass blocker (which is why he's been sitting...)
  21. ha ha -- I'll take it. Words can't describe my level of disgust for both of those organizations fans (Never anything against the players themselves...just the fans)
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