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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Uniforms look nice. But Rod Black's head inside a buzz saw? That's logo's too real life for me.... That's hoiw I feel when he calls a game.
  2. Can you guys add a delete button?
  3. I think it's time that airline pilots smoked weed before their flights to make the skies safer for us passengers.
  4. Fans in Ottawa not happy. Hunt keeps saying that the name will grow on people. He really means, "We screwed up but it's too late now. We'll rebrand in 3 seasons.|"
  5. At a game years ago. Boomer accidentally hit Buzz with the golf cart. Good thing Buzz has lots of padding as he absolutely nailed him. Unscriprd acrobatics.
  6. So, Access_Blue was banned over at OB.
  7. Apparently (don't not know if this is true) but what I read on another CFL website... is that TSN will replay the game on their website a couple of hours after the game is over...
  8. What a joke.... If it wasn't so sad. it'd be hillarious.
  9. Yeah, I thought about changing the wording but decided to keep it as is when I posted it.
  10. Holy crap dude, No, I don't have a problem. There won't be any demonstrators pouring gasoline over themselves & setting themselves on fire because of this.There won't be any placard carrying sit ins by enraged fans. The sun will still rise in the East & set in the West. The Ottawa RedBlacks won't suddenly change their name.... In other words, while people disagree over who may have been selected, it's not that big a deal. Not everyone could have been selected. The choices are fine.
  11. Burke is obviously disappointed that Hefney didn't show any veteran leadership by owning up & telling him. Instead they had to hear about it second hand.
  12. Here's the summation of the name as I see it: http://funnyfailpictures.com/2009/10/funny-cat-in-bird-cage-fail.html
  13. I don't think that alternative was ever considered. Honouring individual players was the correct thing to do.
  14. Well, that is their actual original name the Red Stockings. That's where Reds came from. So, the team named them for red stockings which is an actual thing. Jeff Hunt named his team for colours & the fact he thinks the name would be cool in French.
  15. From another time... as I said earlier, this brings back memories of Mack Herron & even Bernie Ruoff. Earl Lunsford was a no nonsense GM at the time & he made sure both were cut before their possession cases went to trial. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with both of them.
  16. That's the thing. He morphed quickly from some fan who seemed to know what he was talking about to what he is a now... just a joke.
  17. GMs usually let their coaches pick their assistants because they have to work with them. It also explains why former fired head coaches end up as assistants coaching teams that fired them before.
  18. Cincinatti Red STOCKINGS formed in 1881 & were charter members of the American Association. So, the Reds name isn't about just the colour red, it's a shortened version of the original name.
  19. Well, drinking liquor isn't illegal. Getting drunk is. Smoking weed is an offense. Being caught with weed is an offense. It'll all depend on the conviction & how it affects his reentry.
  20. You don't know that. Basically up to each officer at the border. We all know there are nice ones & ones that ate a bowl full of nails for breakfast.
  21. He may have issues getting back into Canada... if convicted.
  22. You just know Suter is going to bring that up every single time he & Black call a game for Ottawa. It will be an internet angst thing in 2014.
  23. Wow, tough crowd. Forgot the 1939 championship... Yes, 10.
  24. You're still being selective. So, what's the point of honouring a team over individuals??? It's the same thing on a different scale. What makes honouring the 1958 team different than honouring the 1959 team, for example? Or the 1961 team over 1962? How about the 1984 team over the 1990 team or vice versa? To me, it's no different. How you can say it is, well I disagree. If you honour the 1935 team for example, people will say that a team from another year would have been a better choice...The discussion would be the same. And on it goes.
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